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What does totalitarian mean? totalitarian refers to a political system that attempts to control every aspect of the lives of those it rules.

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Presentation on theme: "What does totalitarian mean? totalitarian refers to a political system that attempts to control every aspect of the lives of those it rules."— Presentation transcript:

1 What does totalitarian mean? totalitarian refers to a political system that attempts to control every aspect of the lives of those it rules.

2 Chapter 15 Overview  In this chapter you will learn how political instability and economic problems following World War I encouraged the growth of nationalist, totalitarian dictatorships in some European countries, particularly in Germany, where Adolf Hitler's Nazi Party had gained complete control of the government by 1933.



5 Discussion  Where did dictatorial governments arise in Europe? Italy, Germany, Portugal, Spain, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary,Yugoslavia, Albania, Greece

6 Discussion  Which countries were still democracies in 1938? France, Ireland, the United Kingdom, Austria, Switzerland, Czechoslovakia, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, the Netherlands, Belgium, and Cyprus

7 Discussion  Why might Czechoslovakia and Austria have been in danger of being overrun by dictatorships? Czechoslovakia and Austria were relatively small states surrounded by dictatorships, such as Germany.

8 Answers for Step Into the Place  Hitler thought that people should serve the state, creating a uniform community.  Stalin wanted to liberate the oppressed masses.  Both leaders were successful.

9 Discussion Notes  The Treaty of Versailles was signed in 1919?  Hitler was appointed chancellor of Germany in 1933?  The Nuremberg laws went into effect in 1935?

10 Discussion  What was required of Germany in the Treaty of Versailles? Reparation payments, reduction of military forces, loss of overseas colonies, to demilitarize Rhineland

11 Discussion  What happened in Spain in 1939? The Republic was overthrown by Francisco Franco.

12 Answers for Step Into the Time  Example: 1930: Gandhi’s civil disobedience movement was the beginning of India’s fight for independence from Great Britain.  The Treaty of Versailles had made India a British mandate.

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