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Athens Democracy & City Development. Test Information A’s = 67 B’s = 179 C’s = 80 D’s = 13 E’s = 4 Average grade = 83.

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Presentation on theme: "Athens Democracy & City Development. Test Information A’s = 67 B’s = 179 C’s = 80 D’s = 13 E’s = 4 Average grade = 83."— Presentation transcript:

1 Athens Democracy & City Development

2 Test Information A’s = 67 B’s = 179 C’s = 80 D’s = 13 E’s = 4 Average grade = 83

3 What’s New In Classics 25 th Annual Greek Dance When: Friday, Oct. 1, 7:30 to Midnight Where: Gainesville Women’s Club What: Greek Food, Dancing and Music Please see me or Jon after class for more information

4 Map of Greece

5 What did the city look like? THE ACROPOLIS

6 How a hero used poetry... Polis = Athens Territory = Attica Aristocratic control Debt-slavery I understand the crisis and it fills my heart with pain to see the decline” You who have gained wealth in excess, calm your desire and temper ambition...”

7 Solon the Athenian, 6 th C BC Draco’s written code Injustice & Tyranny Noble but poor “It causes no shame that I saved my country and refused to blemish my honor by embracing tyranny and force; I am set apart from all others by this.”

8 Who was Draco? Family vs. State Fixed justice system

9 New Reforms Father of democracy? Debt slavery Hectemorage

10 Who lived in Athens? Citizens Slaves Metics Xenos

11 Education Palaistra Music Paidotribes

12 Peisistratus Solon leaves Athens Peisistratus seized control Rise of Cleisthenes

13 5 th Century BC Athens is a democracy But also an aristocracy Stable government for next two centuries

14 Who Ruled Athens? Archons Polemarch Thesmothetai Assembly

15 The Eupatrids Nobles Income-Based Non-Eupatrids “If one may criticize the people in public, they never would have seen the things I gave them, even in dreams. Men of superior status and power should praise me and call me a friend...”

16 What does it mean to be a Greek? Democracy Agriculture Ships Laws

17 Coming Next Week... How did the Greeks unite against a common enemy (Persia)? Would the ancient Athenians have elected Arnold?

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