Sustainable Management Metropolia Business Ethics IP week 11 Social Context.

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1 Sustainable Management Metropolia Business Ethics IP week 11 Social Context

2 Social context n “almost everyone is capable of torture and other evil acts if placed in the wrong social context” Susan Fiske, Princeton University n Stanley Milgram experiment showed that 2/3 of participants did cross borders

3 Stanford prison experiment Situational context was created where students performed roles of guards and prisoners. Within 6 days the experiment had to stop because of excessive abuse of the prisoners. Situation: role-playing, coercive rules, power differentials, anonymity, group dynamics, and dehumanization. Participants: 24 were selected based upon mental stability. At day 5 prisoners were extremely stressed

4 Social context n Diffuse responsibility (other people involved, it comes with the job) n Dehumanizing (victims are not seen as full, or as animals) n Brotherhood mentality (group commitment) n Social cascade effect (large group of people do or think because others have done it before) n Financial markets n Protest movement n Opinion polls, voting New scientist article,”they made me do it” Bond,2007)

5 Social context n Social learning ( assuming that others know something you don’t know) and social coordination (doing it together, going up in the mass) are driving factors n Peer pressure (it is hard to go against peers) n Reinforcement (in large groups with same opinion, “see I was right”) n Polarization (we – they thinking, especially in crisis, iraq after 9/11, police and football crowd) New scientist article,”they made me do it” Bond,2007)

6 Motivation and Values n Bruntland definition of sustainable development “Meet the needs of people…without compromising the needs of future generations…” n What are the ‘needs’, or better the ‘wants’ n Values are the basis of motivation in decision making

7 Hierarchy of Needs Honour Good Name Please Group Primary needs Maslows Pyramid Western Biased Pinto’s Pyramid Eastern Biased

8 ERG Theory Alderfer Existence needs Relatedness needs Growth needs Satisfaction / Strengthening Frustration / Regression Satisfaction / Progressing

9 Motivation n Humans are motivated by 3 impulses: n Greed (we want to gain) n Fear (we don’t want to lose, loss aversion) n Morality ( do what is right, even if it means loss and harm)

10 Value of Live n How much consumption during lifetime n Avoiding death n How much income generated n Check your worth out: n

11 Value of Live n Needed in calculating life saving measures n Preventing legal actions Moral issue: n Sell kidney on Ebay n Win a kidney in a show

12 Ford Pinto Case n In production 1971-1980 n Design flaw: fuel tank was easily punctured in rear end collisions, and could set fire to the car n Doors could jam in accidents to, deathtrap

13 Ford Pinto Case n Ford knew about the design flaw, but decided after a cost-benefit analysis that it was cheaper to pay off lawsuits n A memo about this leaked n Pintos were called back in a costly operation n Pinto gained a bad reputation (only 2 mln sold out of the projected 11)

14 Ford Pinto Case n Expected Costs of producing the Pinto with fuel tank modifications: n Expected unit sales: 11 million vehicles (includes utility vehicles built on same chassis) n Modification costs per unit: $11.00 n Total Cost: $121 million [= 11,000,000 vehicles x $11.00 per unit] n n Expected Costs of producing the Pinto without fuel tank modifications: n Expected accident results (assuming 2100 accidents): 180 burn deaths 180 serious burn injuries 2100 burned out vehicles n Unit costs of accident results (assuming out of court settlements): $200,000 per burn death* $67,000 per serious injury $700 per burned out vehicle n Total Costs: $49.53 million [= (180 deaths x $200k) + (180 injuries x $67k) + (2100 vehicles x $700 per vehicle)]

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