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A N DY Status Commissioning with colliding beams (p  +p  at  s=500 GeV) L.C.Bland, for AnDY 5 April 2011 Time Meeting, BNL.

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Presentation on theme: "A N DY Status Commissioning with colliding beams (p  +p  at  s=500 GeV) L.C.Bland, for AnDY 5 April 2011 Time Meeting, BNL."— Presentation transcript:

1 A N DY Status Commissioning with colliding beams (p  +p  at  s=500 GeV) L.C.Bland, for AnDY 5 April 2011 Time Meeting, BNL

2 10/24/20152 Tuning Higher instantaneous luminosities at IP2 have been delivered in the past week. ~30% of the data volume has contributions from detectors with very small (~1-2 ADC count) energy depositions, that have little impact on evaluation of Drell Yan prospects or jet analyzing power measurement. Adjustment of pedestal suppression by use of a 3-ADC-count tare reduced the data volume by ~30% and sustained the livetime even with the increased luminosity at IP2. Distribution of number of HCal detectors (216 total) with digitized energy deposition greater than a threshold. Before After

3 10/24/20153 Higher Intensity for IP2 Collisions Start of IP2 collisions =1.25  10 11 /bunch =1.10  10 11 /bunch Highest collision rates at IP2 to date. Minimal impact on STAR,PHENIX  continue increase in threshold for IP2 collisions

4 10/24/20154 4 Integrated Luminosity Estimate to Date Presently, no accidentals correction (found to be large for ZDC). Singles rates from BBC are now scaled, following 20110302 access. Requires calibration of effective cross section for BBC via vernier scan. Jet analyzing power measurement sets goal of 10 / pb for run 11. Establishing luminosity capability in run 11 is important for Drell Yan attempt in runs 12,13 (150 / pb in each run) ~2mr crossing angle ~1.6mr crossing angle ~0mr crossing angle Many thanks to C-A for increasing the threshold for IP2 collisions systematically increased thresholds for IP2 collisions

5 10/24/20155 We are in “production” with a jet trigger >460M jet events recorded. In coming week… Further increase per bunch intensity for IP2 bump removal? Following fill=15397, threshold for IP2 collisions is 1.30  10 11 / bunch 10 hour stores? Reduce IP2  * during APEX? Demonstrate reproducibility Complete ECal gain matching Not much progress in past week. Commission ZDC trigger for local polarimetry. Scaler board and FPGA configurations ready for testing. 10/24/20155 Issues and Plans

6 10/24/20156 6 Backup

7 10/24/20157 7 Reminder of Goals Long-term and run-11 Goals of A N DY project: Establish that large-x F low-mass dileptons from the Drell-Yan process can be discriminated from background in  s=500 GeV p  +p collisions Measure the analyzing power for Drell-Yan production with sufficient statistical precision to test the theoretical prediction of a sign change for DY in relation to semi-inclusive deep inelastic scattering Establish if robust detection of Drell-Yan dileptons at large x F and low mass requires magnetic analysis  critical for future facilities at RHIC

8 10/24/20158 8 A N DY Priorities for remainder of RHIC run-11 Run-11 goals: Establish the impact of a third IR on RHIC performance for p+p collisions at  s=500 GeV - Demonstrate luminosity at IP2, as required for Drell-Yan sample in runs 12 (without magnet),13 (with magnet). Estimate that 150 / pb gives 10 4 large- rapidity di-electrons with M>4 GeV/c 2 for p+p at  s=500 GeV. Is this possible in a 10- week run? Demonstrate calibration of HCal Measure analyzing power for large x F jet production. Non-zero A N required for jets if Drell-Yan production has an analyzing power. Complete the measurement of the analyzing power for jet production. A non-zero A N for jets is a requirement for Drell- Yan to have non-zero analyzing power. Recent theoretical work establishes intrinsic interest in the jet analyzing power measurement.

9 10/24/20159 9 Run11 A N (Jet) arXiv:1011.2692v1 200GeV Non-zero jet analyzing power essentially a prerequisite before proceeding to Drell Yan arXiv:1103.1591 jet A N measurements are required to clarify signs of quark/gluon correlators related to Sivers functions. from p  +p  “old” Sivers function “new” Sivers function  s=200 GeV Siver’s effect only (no collin’s effect contribution) Need A N (Jet) measurements before DY With ~10/pb & P=50%, AnDY run11 can measure A N (Jet)

10 10/24/201510 Estimates At present threshold for IP2 collisions (average intensity < 0.90  10 11 /bunch), integrate ~200 / nb / fill 2 fills/day has been achieved Consequently, 12.5 days are required to get 5 / pb Maximum possible integrated luminosity (IP2 collisions for entire fill) would yield ~700 nb/fill  One week at 2 fills/day would provide 5 / pb  Two weeks at 2 fills/day would provide 10 / pb

11 10/24/20151110/24/201511 Schematic of detector for Run-11 Equipment in place: HCal is two existing 9x12 modules from E864 (NIM406,227) ECal are two small lead-glass modules from BigCal at JLab BBC (from PHOBOS) and ZDC Preshower is newly constructed scintillator arrays Goals: Establish impact of 3IR operation on PHENIX/STAR luminosity Calibrate HCal relative gain via cosmic-ray  absolute energy scale via ,K S … Measure hadronic backgrounds to benchmark simulations Measure jet analyzing power (L int ~10 / pb, P=50%)

12 10/24/20151210/24/201512 IP2 in January, 2011 Run-11 Staging of A N DY See for pictures of progress<date Left/right symmetric HCal Left/right symmetric ECal Left/right symmetric preshower Trigger/DAQ electronics Blue-facing BBC Beryllium vacuum pipe

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