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April:: Issue 1 From Basic emotional reactions to films amused happy excitedangrysadanxious Turn the nouns into adjectives When I saw...,

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2 April:: Issue 1


4 From

5 Basic emotional reactions to films amused happy excitedangrysadanxious Turn the nouns into adjectives When I saw..., I got really... Talk about how you felt watching different films

6 How often do you cry watching films? Do you ever cry in public? Have you seen any of those films? How did you like them? Which one is the saddest? Why? Do you believe sad films make people happy? Why (not)? Does your mood influence on your choice of films to see? How so?



9 making you think a lot about a subject a piece of work with creative ideas, styles and methods that are very original or modern something that is meant to be understood as a joke done or made very well having no meaning trying to appear or sound more important or clever than it is representing something else

10 For the Love of God Materials: human skull and diamonds



13 The research, carried out at Ohio State University, tried to get to the bottom of our emotional reactions to sad cinema. To do that, researchers sat down 361 university students and made them watch the 2007 movie Atonement. That flick, in case you missed it, features two separated lovers who die as war casualties. That counts as sad. Before and after the viewing, the participants were asked how happy they were with their life, and during the film they were also asked to rate their current emotional state. The result? People who experienced the greatest increase in sadness during the movie reported increased life happiness after viewing it. They also rated the film as being better. The results appear in Communication Research. Previous psychological research has linked sadness with increased thoughtfulness. What’s happening with sad movies, say the researchers, is that when they trigger a big enough emotional response, viewers begin to analyse their personal lives and appreciate them more. That makes them happier. Of course, if your personal life is in complete tatters, you might not achieve quite these results. You should probably watch The Muppets instead.

14 Tips Slide 4 - Make sure Sts talk about all the words before you show them the synonyms.

15 Credits Films: ng-sad-movies-actually-makes-you- happier Damien Hirst: Am1a7k5esE sign/2012/apr/02/damien-hirst-tate- review

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