1 SOCIAL STUDIES UNIT 3 REVIEW GAME 2 200 300 100 200 300 100 200 300 100 200 300 100 200 300 100 Arab World Muslim Empire Ottoman Empire African Empires.

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3 2 200 300 100 200 300 100 200 300 100 200 300 100 200 300 100 Arab World Muslim Empire Ottoman Empire African Empires Great Zimbabwe

4 Arab World Q: What are areas with a dependable water source called?

5 Arab World A: oasis

6 Arab World Q: Arabia’s natural resources include about one third of the world’s _____________.

7 Arab World A: petroleum and natural gas

8 Arab World Q: The teachings of Muhammad are recorded in what book?

9 Arab World A: The Quran

10 Muslim Empire Q: Most Muslims in the world today are ____________.

11 Muslim Empire A: Sunnis

12 Muslim Empire Q: Name the group that captured Baghdad and took over the caliphate.

13 Muslim Empire A: Seljuks

14 Muslim Empire Q: Under Muslim rule, which city became Europe’s second largest city and center of trade?

15 Muslim Empire A: Cordoba

16 Ottoman Empire Q: What new weapon did the Ottomans use to capture Constantinople?

17 Ottoman Empire A: the canon

18 Ottoman Empire Q: Once a slave, Sinan became Sullyman’s official ___________.

19 Ottoman Empire A: architect

20 Ottoman Empire Q: In the Ottoman Empire, Jews and Christians paid higher __________ but were allowed to practice their religion freely.

21 Ottoman Empire A: taxes

22 African Empires Q: The natural resources of Upper Nubia included ___________.

23 African Empires A: gold

24 African Empires Q: How did Ghana’s kings control the value of gold?

25 African Empires A: They set the prices.

26 African Empires Q: Which city became an important iron-working center and capital?

27 African Empires A: Meroe

28 Great Zimbabwe Q: What were the people of Great Zimbabwe called?

29 Great Zimbabwe A: Shona

30 Great Zimbabwe Q: What does Swahili mean?

31 Great Zimbabwe A: people of the coast

32 Great Zimbabwe Q: Name the two Swahili trading cities.

33 Great Zimbabwe A: Mogadishu and Zanzibar


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