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Coaches Compliance Rules Ed November 2009. Agenda NEW Unofficial Visit Policy Official Visit Policy Reminders Shannon’s Reminders Scouting Skill Instruction.

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Presentation on theme: "Coaches Compliance Rules Ed November 2009. Agenda NEW Unofficial Visit Policy Official Visit Policy Reminders Shannon’s Reminders Scouting Skill Instruction."— Presentation transcript:

1 Coaches Compliance Rules Ed November 2009

2 Agenda NEW Unofficial Visit Policy Official Visit Policy Reminders Shannon’s Reminders Scouting Skill Instruction Educational Column Eligibility Center Updates

3 *NEW* Unofficial Visit Policy Unofficial Overnights (No $$$$) Two days before the visit Detailed Itinerary Complimentary admission requests After the visit Student Host Form Prospect Receipt Form Unofficial Visit Record

4 Official Visit Policy Activities during Official and Unofficial Visits Coaches are responsible for arranging the educational component of the visit (e.g. meeting with academic advisors, deans, reviewing academic expectations). Coaches are responsible to select responsible hosts who will follow University and Athletics Department policies, the coaches’ instructions and avoid inappropriate behaviors. Coaches are responsible to instruct the student hosts about what types of behavior and activities are appropriate and inappropriate. While good judgment is expected of student athletes, and all possible activities cannot be listed, following are some examples of inappropriate activities as mandated per NCAA Division I Board of Directors……

5 Official Visit Policy Attendance at adult entertainment facilities Excessive meals and transportation Provision of alcohol to under-aged recruits Provision of excessive transportation, such as limousines Use of escort services, exotic dancers, or any other similar services Participation in any unethical or illegal activity, such as provision of drugs, or participation in gambling activities Activities at any location that may cause a perception of impropriety

6 Official Visit Policy Coaches are responsible to coordinate with the host what free time or social activities are planned for the recruit and provide Department policy on official visits. No curfew exists at Villanova University. Coaches are responsible to inform the host that providing alcohol to anyone under the age of 21 is prohibited by Pennsylvania state laws and will not be tolerated. Coaches are not permitted to use student groups or students other than student athletes on that particular team for planned activities with recruits without prior approval of the AD or sport administrator. In all cases, such use will not be approved unless the group or individuals report to an office outside of Athletics and perform the same duties for all prospective students. Recruits utilizing air transportation to visit campus will use coach class commercial airfare.

7 Official Visit Policy For on campus transportation, only the following vehicles will be used: any athletics department authorized vehicles (e.g. rental car, departmental golf carts) and vehicles normally used to transport prospective students during campus visits; personal vehicles of student athletes; and personal vehicles of coaches. All recruits and their parents/guardians will be housed in standard lodging available to all guests at that hotel. All meals provided to recruits and their parents/guardians will be comparable to meals provided to student athletes during the academic year. No personalized recruiting aides (such as personalized jerseys, personalized audio or video scoreboard presentations, etc) may be used. Also, no game day simulations may be implemented. Student hosts are required to read and sign a Student Host Instructions/Receipt Form prior to receiving host money. The recruit is asked to read and sign a Prospect Declaration Form at the conclusion of the visit.

8 Shannon’s Reminders Practice Logs Time (3:00 pm – 5:00 pm) Official Visit Final Visit Record Accuracy Complimentary Tickets Submit with visit paperwork Pick-up when doors open before game

9 11.6 Scouting Sports Other Than Basketball, Football, and Women’s Volleyball Cannot pay or permit payment of expenses incurred by athletics staff to scout. A coach who receives any expenses related to recruiting or team travel shall not scout an opponent in conjunction with such travel. Exception – Lacrosse 11.6.3

10 Skill-Instruction May not publicize May not conduct in view of general audience Basketball - Informal practice scrimmages must be complete privacy.

11 Skill Instruction Q & A May PSA’s view skill-related instruction while on official or unofficial visits? Yes, however the skill instruction cannot be publicized and cannot be in front of a general public audience. Same answer for coach, sibling, parent who is accompaning the PSA.

12 Skill-Instruction Q & A May an institution invite individuals (high school coaches, boosters) to watch skill-instruction? No, it would be considered publicizing the activity.

13 Skill-Instruction Q & A May a member of the general public walk into a facility and watch skill- related instruction? Yes, however you may not arrange skill-related instruction during a time when it would be conducted in view of the general public audience. Example – immediately after a football game.

14 Skill-Instruction Q & A May PSA’s in basketball view an informal practice scrimmage while on official or unofficial visits? Yes – official. No – unofficial.

15 Eligibility Center Updates Early Qualifiers – Get 6 semesters of transcripts & test scores to EC! Mid Year Enrollee’s

16 Questions?

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