Thank you For Your Commitment to C.A.R.’s Government Affairs Team! Homeownership Matters!

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Presentation on theme: "Thank you For Your Commitment to C.A.R.’s Government Affairs Team! Homeownership Matters!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Thank you For Your Commitment to C.A.R.’s Government Affairs Team! Homeownership Matters!

2 Get Involved! Red Alert: An email that we ask members to respond to Legislative Liaison: Members who vote and respond to Red Alerts. Broker Involvement Program: A new program created to help increase our response rate for Red Alerts Legislative Day: First Wednesday in May

3 What is the REALTOR® Action Fund? The REALTOR® Action Fund (RAF) is the money raised to advance the goals of our REALTOR® political action committees (PACs) at the local, state and federal levels of government.

4 What Does the REALTOR® Action Fund Do? REALTOR® ACTION FUND Makes Sure That: “Good Laws” (What REALTORS® Wants) Get Passed! “Bad Laws” (What REALTORS® Don’t Want) Get Defeated!

5 The Good: Successes: DEFEATED: $225 Per-Transaction Recording Fee (Transfer Tax): C.A.R. stands ready to fight any future proposals! DEFEATED: 3% Independent Contractor Withholding: 4 times within the past 2 years! Politicians proposed an acceleration of income tax payment in the form of 3% withholding. DEFEATED: Point-of-Sale Bills: Multiple bills were introduced, which if passed, could have resulted in, as much as, $20,000 of costs per home to close escrow. DEFEATED: Service Tax: Sales tax on services including ALL real estate related services.

6 The Bad: Current Threats: MORTGAGE INTEREST DEDUCTION: Could be eliminated or severely reduced! GSE & MORTGAGE REFORM: This could significantly increase the down payment requirements, limit the amount of mortgage money available, and raise interest rates! INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR WITHHOLDING: This issue will be back again; INCREASED RECORDING FEES: This will return as the state struggles to find revenues. POINT -OF-SALE: Always more to come… The Ugly: How your business could look if these threats become a reality!

7 C.A.R. Voluntary RAF Levels $49Voluntary Level $148The True Cost of Doing Business: RAF Pin Invitation to Capitol Reception on Legislative Day $449California Silver Bear Silver Bear Pin and Invitation to C.A.R. Political Receptions California Gold President Circle VIPs (Lifetime contributors exceeding $10,000 ) Solid Gold RAF President Circle Pin with precious stones Personalized V.I.P Card which includes a host of benefits

8 A Very Special Thank You to ALL 2012 C.A.R. Voluntary RAF Contributors!

9 California Silver Bear $449

10 “ True Cost of Doing Business” Contributors

11 $49 RAF Voluntary Contributors

12 $49 RAF Voluntary Continued….

13 $49 RAF Voluntary Continued…








21 Thank you!

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