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NAR, Politics and You Chris Polychron 2010 NAR Political Fundraising Liaison.

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Presentation on theme: "NAR, Politics and You Chris Polychron 2010 NAR Political Fundraising Liaison."— Presentation transcript:

1 NAR, Politics and You Chris Polychron 2010 NAR Political Fundraising Liaison

2 NAR Congressional Priorities Protecting the Mortgage Interest Deduction Make Higher Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac and FHA Loans Limits Permanent Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac Restructuring 2

3 Energy Bill NO Energy Labeling for Existing Homes House passed version of bill: –Does not create a federal energy audit requirement for real property. –Exempts existing homes and buildings from any federal guidelines for new construction energy efficiency information labels. –Prohibits the implementation of any labeling during a sales transaction. –Leaves the decision to states as to whether to require energy audits, disclosures. NAR is monitoring the Senate bill. 3

4 How do we get Congress to Listen?

5 RPAC saves you money… Banks in Real Estate: Congress passed legislation in 2009 to permanently keep banking conglomerates out of the real estate brokerage, which saves the typical REALTOR ® $5,400 annually. Conforming Mortgage Loan Limit Increase: Legislation that increased the Fannie and Freddie conforming mortgage loan limits increased the earnings of the typical REALTOR® by $6,250 last year over and above what would have been the case without the increase in the Fannie/Freddie loan limits.

6 RPAC Successes in 2009 RPAC Fair Share Receipts: $6,271,391 (113% of goal) 2.918 Total Major Donors (78% of goal) 315 President’s Circle Members (84% of goal) RPAC Participation Rate: 28%

7 Region 1 Goals - 2010 Connecticut: Fair Share Goal: $75,816 Major Donor Goal: 42 President’s Circle Goal: 4 Maine: Fair Share Goal: $19,035 Major Donor Goal: 10 President’s Circle Goal: 1

8 Region 1 Goals - 2010 Massachusetts: Fair Share Goal: $89,762 Major Donor Goal: 53 President’s Circle Goal: 5 New Hampshire: Fair Share Goal: $24,444 Major Donor Goal: 11 President’s Circle Goal: 1

9 Region 1 Goals - 2010 Rhode Island: Fair Share Goal: $18,693 Major Donor Goal: 10 President’s Circle Goal: 1 Vermont: Fair Share Goal: $8,186 Major Donor Goal: 6 President’s Circle Goal: 1

10 RPAC can help you reach these goals 1)Major Donors & President’s Circle Event-Based Fundraising & Benefits 2)Grassroots PAC Management System 3)Partnering with you Grants & Marketing Materials

11 The British are coming!

12 2,929 Brokers are activated in the Broker Involvement Program – Total # of US Active Agents = 227,050 As of 01/24/10 Broker Involvement Program

13 Thank you for your support!!!

14 RPAC Staff Contacts: Main Number: 202-383-1191 Mike Sanzi, RPAC Managing Director: Peter Kelly, RPAC Online Fundraising Director: Scott Reiter, RPAC Political Director: Brooke Roth, RPAC Fundraising Manager: Shannon Wright, RPAC Fundraising Representative: Christopher Nave, RPAC Fundraising Representative: Shannon Burke, RPAC Fundraising Coordinator: Kristen Daugherty, RPAC Fundraising Coordinator: Kirsten Ott, RPAC Fundraising Coordinator: Leah Cohen, RPAC Disbursements Coordinator:

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