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 Which poem did you like best by Stein or cummings? Why?  What are some things Stein’s and cummings’s poems have in common? › Write down at least one.

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Presentation on theme: " Which poem did you like best by Stein or cummings? Why?  What are some things Stein’s and cummings’s poems have in common? › Write down at least one."— Presentation transcript:

1  Which poem did you like best by Stein or cummings? Why?  What are some things Stein’s and cummings’s poems have in common? › Write down at least one similarity about the “form” of the poems › Write down one similarity about the message/theme of the poems  What qualities make these poems “Modern”?  Time: 4 minutes

2  Wallace Stevens & TS Eliot: “Conversation Galante” ONLY › Take Active Notes on ALL the poems AND the biographies… › Complete the THREE T’s for TWO (total) poems in your JOURNALS  Modernism In-Class Assessment › 12/6 (1, 2, 3, 4); 12/9 (7)  Unit N › 12/2 (1, 2); 12/3 (3, 4); 12/4 (7) › Tianna, Mikyle, Tyler, Sam, Tyesha  Coached Project › Annotated Bibliography due 11/25/13 to your liaison teacher (hard copy)  Word Bank  Tempus Trackers  Book Reviews for MP2

3  Word Bank  Trojan Women Project Rubrics…?  Snow Ball  Period 4: “Always the Mob” & “Stopping By Woods…” Post-Seminar Questions!? (50 points!)  Contest for Female Poets… check your email for deets!

4  (The) modern writer (had a) fervent* desire to break with the past, rejecting literary traditions that seemed outmoded and diction* that seemed too genteel* to suit an era of technological breakthroughs and global violence. (  The modern writer had a passionate desire to distinguish himself/herself from the past, denying or ignoring the previous ways of writing that seemed outdated and word phrasing that seemed too proper to fit in a time period of technological advances and worldwide violence.


6  Take NOTES on your packet as your classmates share!  (DUH!)

7  Choose your role: › Reader › Discussion Leader › Symbologist › Reporter  Time: 10 minutes  FYI: Stein was a feminist!  Reread OUT LOUD › “Tender Buttons [a Box] “ › “A Mounted Umbrella”  Discuss/share and take notes on the 3 T’s for these poems  Discuss what each object might symbolize  Find, copy, and CITE TWO quotes that reveal the symbolism

8  Free write about the following: › Why do Americans need to have the newest, latest product(s)?  Consider why people stand in line for hours to buy the iPhone 5s when they already have the iPhone 5.  Consider why people spend large sums of money buying things like: a pair of Uggs, Jordans, Tory Burch shoes, a North Face jacket, Coach bags  BLACK FRIDAY!?  Time: 3 minutes

9  Technology: Planned Obsolescence

10  Reread “Poem, Or Beauty Hurts Mr. Vinal” OUT LOUD  Discuss the poem’s message › Write it in your journal!

11  In your groups, re-write “Poem, Or Beauty Hurts Mr. Vinal”. › keep cummings’s original message › Update/change the language, form, and allusions  Time: 7 minutes

12  “A Frightful Release” (Stein)  “Red Faces” (Stein)  “Susie Asado” (Stein)  “i sing of Olaf glad and big” (cummings)  “the Cambridge ladies who live in furnished souls” (cummings)  “in Just-” (cummings)  “r-p-o-p-h-e-s-s-a-g-r” (cummings)  What do we NEED to know about these poems? Consider › Form › Theme (message) › Modernist tendencies › Tone/Mood

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