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Mysterious Death of King Tut

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1 Mysterious Death of King Tut
Name all the different people that the reading names as possible suspects in the murder of King Tut. What did the X-Ray of King Tut’s body reveal about his possible cause of death? Who did Horenhab think killed King Tut? What evidence is there that Tut died of a brain tumor? Why is Tut’s wife, Ankhespaton, a main suspect for the murder of King Tut?

Pharaoh Menes organized the united kingdom of Egypt The Sothiac calendar… Egyptian buildings were made mostly of sun-dried bricks Camels… Cotton… Silkworms…

3 2660-2180 BC “THE OLD KINGDOM” 2660-2600 BC (Third Dynasty)
1st stone pyramids were built The first tombs… BC (Fourth Dynasty) The great Sphinx and the pyramids of Giza were built High point of Egyptian statue-making Cats… Surgical…

4 B.C. (Fifth Dynasty) The pharaohs had scenes from daily life painted on walls of their tombs b.c. (Sixth Dynasty) The power of the central gov’t was getting weaker The world’s first maps…

5 B.C. (7th-11th Dynasties) The pharaoh’s government was falling apart B.C. “MIDDLE KINGDOM” The Egyptians advanced in math and wrote on papyrus BC SECOND INTERMEDIATE PERIOD

6 THE NEW KINGDOM 1550-1100 B.C. 1552-1306 BC (the 18th Dynasty)
Egypt was ruled by Queen Hatshepsut BC Egypt reached the peak of its glory and splendor

7 1347-38 BC Pharaoh Tutankhamon (King Tut) ruled Egypt
Egyptians were building water clocks and making things out of glass BC (The 19th Dynasty) BC Rames the Great ruled Egypt

8 400 BC The Persians invaded Egypt 332 BC
The Macedonian Greek, Alexander the Great, conquered Egypt, bringing Greek culture to the land. The Egyptians believed that he was a god and made him pharaoh. Alexandria, a great city of science and culture, was founded in Egypt in honor of Alexander.

9 323 BC Alexander the Great died. The Macedonian rulers called the Ptolemies began to govern Egypt 30 BC The death by suicide of Queen Cleopatra, the last Ptolemy

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