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Deficiencies Starter:

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Presentation on theme: "Deficiencies Starter:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Deficiencies Starter:
LO: I can describe what effects not eating some foods has on our health Starter: Can you name 2 foods you should eat a lot of and 2 foods you should only eat a little of?

2 Why is it so important to have a balanced diet?
What is a ‘Deficiency’? Something lacking or missing What conditions do we know that result from a lack of a nutrient from our diet?

3 SCURVY Lack of Vitamin C A condition caused by lack of vitamin C.
It causes weakness, gum disease and skin haemorrhages (bleeding). Scurvy is most frequently seen in older, malnourished adults.

4 Consequences of Scurvy

5 How to prevent Scurvy

6 Lack of Calcium Rickets is a disorder involving softening and weakening of the bones (of children). It is caused by lack of Calcium in your diet.

7 X-ray of a 20 month old boy with rickets
Notice the bow shape of the legs.

8 How to prevent Rickets

9 Lack of Protein Kwashiorkor is a disease caused by a lack of protein in the diet. Children and adolescents require protein for growth and development. It occurs most commonly in areas of famine and limited food supply.

10 How to prevent Kwashiorkor

11 Lack of Iron/Anaemia Weakness and fatigue Pale skin
Shortness of breath Light-headedness or dizziness Caused by lack of red blood cells

12 How to prevent Anaemia

13 Lack of Vitamin A Number one cause of what is known as preventable blindness in children and severe visual impairment. Also increases the risk of death in infants. Causes night blindness in pregnant women

14 Preventing Blindness

15 Constipation!

16 Check your Understanding!
Can you help each patient find the correct advice from the doctor? Can you help the doctor make the correct diagnosis for each patient?

17 Too much …. SALT Salt Salt that is sprinkled of food makes a small proportion of your salt intake Salt is sometimes listed on food packets as sodium High amounts of salt are found in processed food (ready meals, biscuits, sauces etc) and fast food!!

18 Too much …. SALT Too much salt can cause high blood pressure!
High Blood pressure can cause serious health problems and lead to strokes, brain damage and kidney damage!

19 Too much …. FAT Obese people have an increased risk of arthritis, diabetes and heart disease.

20 Too much …. FAT

21 Too much …. FAT

22 Check your understanding
Copy and complete the following sentences: Food such as crisps and chips are high in _____. If you eat too much of them it can ______ your arteries which can cause a ________ attack. Foods high in _______ can lead to high ________ pressure. This can cause ___________ and lead to _________ disease.

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