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Introduction to Human Body Systems

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1 Introduction to Human Body Systems

2 Circulatory system Role: Transports substances throughout the body
Circulates oxygen, CO2 heat, water, nutrients, wastes Major organs: Heart, Arteries, Veins

3 Excretory System Role: Filters wastes from blood; maintains bodies internal nutrient balances Also rids body of wastes via urethra Major organs: Kidneys, Urethra, Bladder

4 Digestive System Role: Breaks down macromolecules and absorbs necessary nutrients Major organs: Stomach, L.I., S.I. Liver serves multiple functions for multiple systems (but is considered part of DS)

5 Reproductive System Role: Producing offspring; regulating sexual characteristics Major organs: Testes, Uterus, Ovaries

6 Skeletal System Provides body structure and support
Bone marrow creates new blood cells for circulation;also stores lipids Major organs: bones, cartilage

7 Muscular System Role: allows for movement
Major organs: skeletal muscle

8 Nervous System Control system of body
Major organs: Brain, Spinal cord, nerves Stimulates heart rate and controls blood oxygen levels

9 Integumentary System Role: Protects body; transfer of heat; sensory reception Major organs: skin, nails Releases sweat, and heat from blood, to help control body temperature

10 Endocrine System Role: Circulates hormones around the body to control body functions; maintains homeostasis Major organs: Pituitary, Thyroid, Adrenals, Pancreas,hypothalmus

11 Lymphatic System Role: Works to help maintain ciculatory system as well as housing cells responsible for immunity Major organs: Lymph nodes

12 Respiratory System Ventilation system for body
Major organs: lungs, diaphragm, trachea Takes in oxygen and releases carbon dioxide from blood

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