Design Project Justin Jones, Diego Saavedra, Drew Holt, Samantha Daniell.

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Presentation on theme: "Design Project Justin Jones, Diego Saavedra, Drew Holt, Samantha Daniell."— Presentation transcript:

1 Design Project Justin Jones, Diego Saavedra, Drew Holt, Samantha Daniell

2 Objective  Create an eco-friendly packaging system that will protect an egg from breaking after falling two stories  10cm x 10cm box  Constructed out of chosen material  Insulated with chosen biodegradable material(s)  Packaging performance to be determined by the condition of the dropped egg

3 Methods and Design  Box  ¼ in sheets of plywood cut into 10 cm squares  Wood glue used to adhere the sides

4 Methods and Design – Box CAD Drawing

5 Methods and Design  First option:  Egg surrounded by tightly packed pine straw to stabilize during the fall  Second option:  Egg wrapped in 100% cotton for extra shock absorption  Wrapped egg stabilized with pine straw

6 Testing  Option 1: pine straw alone  Unsuccessful  Not enough shock absorption  Option 2: pine straw + 100% cotton  Successful  Cotton provided the shock absorption lacking in Option 1

7 Life Cycle Analysis  Egg companies typically use polystyrene foam to ship eggs  Wind up in landfills  Pine straw is organic material (biodegradable)  Can be reused multiple times for shipping  Can be repurposed for landscaping  Cotton is organic material (biodegradable)  Can get 100% cotton from textile factories that have waste (repurposing!)  Can be reused multiple times for shipping  Can be repurposed by textile waste companies like Leigh

8 Cost Analysis  We had the materials on hand, no cost to us  A shipping company would not be so fortunate  Textile waste can be donated to a shipping company  Pine straw costs ~$60 per 100 square feet  Each egg allowed 10 cm x 10 cm space  $60 of pine straw would ship ~930 eggs  Polystyrene foam can costs $2.75 per 25 eggs  To ship 930 eggs would cost $100 ($40 more than our pine straw/textile alternative)

9 Sources     

10 The End

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