A3a Identify, analyze, and evaluate the defining characteristics of specific literary and nonliterary forms (e.g. satire, allegory, parody, editorial,

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Presentation on theme: "A3a Identify, analyze, and evaluate the defining characteristics of specific literary and nonliterary forms (e.g. satire, allegory, parody, editorial,"— Presentation transcript:

1 A3a Identify, analyze, and evaluate the defining characteristics of specific literary and nonliterary forms (e.g. satire, allegory, parody, editorial, essay, memorandum) and describe how form affects the meaning and function of the text. B2d Craft first and final drafts of responses to literature that organize an insightful interpretation around several clear ideas, premises, or images and support judgments with specific references to original text and to other texts.

2  Evaluate the effectiveness of the use of satire in visual and written texts in communicating the roles of women in today’s society.  Guiding question: Why does society’s expectations for women cause mixed messages for both men and women?

3 Connect the visual text with the audio text using 1-2 of your current vocabulary words.





8  Evaluate the effectiveness of the use of satire in communicating the roles of women in today’s society.  Guiding question: Why does society’s expectations for women cause mixed messages for both men and women?

9  1. What needs does Brady say must be met? 1. What needs does Brady say must be met?  2. How will these needs be met? 2. How will these needs be met?  3. Why does Brady use satire to highlight an 3. Why does Brady use satire to highlight an  impossible role? impossible role?  Prompt: Prompt:  How effective is How effective is  satire in explaining satire in explaining  the changing roles of the changing roles of  women in the 21 st women in the 21 st  century? century?  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DjQOpWH3shg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DjQOpWH3shg

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