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Mr Owen ICCS Middle School 7th grade American History.

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2 Mr Owen ICCS Middle School 7th grade American History

3 Sound #1 Sound #2 Sound #3 Close your eyes and listen to these sounds. Write down a few words to describe them.

4  Columbus sailed the ocean blue; but everyone knows that. What was the world like before 1500 though? The answer is “very different from today” and “very different from each other.”  There were 3 very different areas of the world at this time that were all about to ‘discover’ each other. They were ◦ Societies in the Americas ◦ Societies in Africa ◦ Societies in Europe

5  Vocabulary: ◦ Societies  Sedentary – groups of people that live in one place  Non-sedentary – groups that move around; nomads  Semi-sedentary – groups that stay in one place but move every few years ◦ Cultures  Maya – civilization in Mesoamerica (200-900 AD)  Inca – civilization in Peru (ended around 1500 AD)  Aztec - civilization in Mexico (ended around 1500 AD)  Pueblo – builders of great mud-brick cities ◦ Places  Mesoamerica – a region that stretches from Mexico to Nicaragua; also called Central America

6  Who: not known for sure but probably people from Asia  What: the first people to come to the Americas  When: between 15,000 and 35,000 years ago  Where: a land bridge between Russia and Alaska  Why: probably looking for or following food and shelter  How: crossed over a land bridge and is not there anymore


8  Who: Maya  What: a great, complex society  When: 200-900 AD; before Europeans arrived  Where: Mesoamerica  Why & How: No one is sure what happened to the Mayas but they were gone before Columbus arrived; some people blame lack of food, disease, warfare or political revolt. They left behind cities with giant temples, vast market places and many other buildings

9 dd

10 gg

11  Societies devolved in other places after the Mayas. ◦ Inca and Aztecs in South and Central America  Many different groups across North America such as:  Inuit - Alaska  Pueblo – southwest US (Arizona, New Mexico)  Iroquois & Algonquin – Northeast (from Michigan to New York)  These societies had spread out all over the Americas; just waiting to be ‘discovered’ since the ‘first people.  These societies interacted and traded with each other but they HAD NO CONTACT with Europe, Africa or Asia before 1500




15 FF




19  Content Review: page 9 ◦ Only answer questions 3, 5 & 7.  You will have to think about #7 on your own  Vocabulary for Ch 1 sec 2 on page 12 on note cards  Finally, I would like to the start keeping a log of the food you eat during the week ◦ WRITE EVERYTHING DOWN!

20  Vocabulary: ◦ Places  Sahara - a large desert in northern Africa  Ghana - a west African kingdom  Mali – a west African kingdom  Kongo – a central African kingdom  Savanna – flat grasslands with few trees and many animals ◦ Religion  Islam – a religion founded by a prophet Muhammad that believes in one god, Allah  Muslim – someone who practices Islam

21  Africa has 3 large geographic zones ◦ The Sahara desert ◦ Congo rain forest ◦ The Savanna  Each of these zones affects how people live  The northern coast also trades with Europe a lot

22  Who: kingdoms of Ghana & Mali and later Kongo & Ndongo  What: large complex societies  When: before 1200 AD to 1400  Where: west Africa  How: Though separated geographically, many African societies engaged in travel and trade with Europe and Asia. Islam was also introduced this way  Why: African kingdoms had things like gold and salt that Europeans wanted leading to trade




26  Many of these African Kingdoms were only a few 100 people and not very large  They competed for land and resources, often going to war  Defeated enemies would sometimes be captured as slaves ◦ When the Europeans arrived in the late 1400s they would begin to buy these captured enemy slaves


28  Section assessment questions on page 15, # 4,5, & 6  Chapter 1 Section 3 vocab on page 16 on note cards or in notes  Keep writing in your food log

29  Vocabulary ◦ Events  Great Famine - a shortage of food that killed Europeans  Black Death – deadly disease that killed Europeans in 1400s  Renaissance – time of increased interest in learning and the arts ◦ Religion  Reformation – religious movement that divided the Christian church  Catholics – members of the Christian church of Rome  Protestants – Christians that broke away from Roman church ◦ Technology  Printing press - ~1440 a device that printed pages mechanically

30  The 1400s were a bad time in Europe.  Catastrophes such as the Black Death, Great Famine and 100 Years War killed millions of Europeans  Many people left the countryside and move to cities for safety and food  This made cities and trade much more important


32  What: a split in the Christian Church  Who: Martin Luther; Catholics vs. Protestants  When: 1500s; 1517 Luther’s 95 Theses  Where: Europe  How: Luther was a religious thinker who disagreed with some church teachings. The printing press helps spread new ideas  Why: Many people began to question the role of the church and thought that some of it’s leaders were corrupt


34  Because trade had become more important Europeans needed to expand ◦ Sailors and explorers began to look for new routes to places like Africa, India and China


36  One ID form from this chapter: ◦ First people in the Americas ◦ African Kingdoms ◦ Reformation Chapter 2 section 1 vocab on page 26 on note cards or in notes Keep doing food log

37  Who: Inca and Aztec civilizations  What: large complex societies in Central and South America  When: both were large before the 1500s (Columbus’ arrival)  Where: Inca in Peru; Aztec in Mexico  Why & How: these 2 societies built large cities much like Europe would have looked a 1000 years before with large buildings, roads, and simple technology

38  Who: Inuit, Pueblo, Iroquois & Algonquin  What: Native American tribes  When: at the time of Columbus’ arrival (1500)  Where: present day US  Inuit - Alaska  Pueblo – southwest US (Arizona, New Mexico)  Iroquois & Algonquin – Northeast (from Michigan to New York)  Why: from the time of the first people, societies had spread out all over the Americas; just waiting to be ‘discovered’  How they lived: all these societies interacted and traded with each other but they HAD NO CONTACT with Europe, Africa or Asia before 1500

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