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Early Exploration Ch. 2, Sec. 2 VocabularySaga line of demarcation StraitcircumnavigateDevotealter.

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Presentation on theme: "Early Exploration Ch. 2, Sec. 2 VocabularySaga line of demarcation StraitcircumnavigateDevotealter."— Presentation transcript:

1 Early Exploration Ch. 2, Sec. 2 VocabularySaga line of demarcation StraitcircumnavigateDevotealter

2 Seeking New Trade Routes ► Early maps did not include America. ► Showed three continents—Europe, ______, and Africa.  They were merged together in a gigantic landmass.  Landmass was bordered by ________.  Some explorers thought Western (Atlantic) and Eastern (Pacific) Oceans ran together to form the ________________.  No one at this time realized a huge landmass was missing. Also, didn’t realize how large oceans were. ► Portuguese were leaders in early exploration.  Hoped to find a new trade routes to China and India.  Also, wanted to find a more direct route to access ______ ______ gold.

3 Seeking New Trade Routes Early Portuguese Voyages ► ______ ______ of Portugal (also called Henry the Navigator) laid the groundwork for the era of exploration. ► 1420, he set up a center for exploration on southwestern tip of Portugal.  “Where endeth the land and where beginneth sea.”  Brought in astronomers, geographers, and mathematicians to share their knowledge w/Portuguese ______ and __________. ► Ships sailed south along the coast of West Africa (also known as the Gold Coast).  Gold Coast was an area where Portuguese traded for gold & ivory and started to buy ______ in the mid-1400’s. ► In the 1480’s, King John II of Portugal urged his sea captains to explore farther south along African coast.

4 Bartholomeu Dias (Portugal) ► 1487—King John II of Portugal sent Bartholomeu Dias to explore southernmost part of ________. ► Upon leaving, encountered a terrible storm that carried him off course and around the southern tip of Africa. ► Called it the “Cape of Storms” ► King John II named it “Cape of ______ ______” hoping the passage would lead to a new route to India.

5 Vasco da Gama (Portugal) ► July, 1497—Vasco da Gama sailed around the Cape of Good Hope. ► He visited cities along the ______ African coast. ► Found an Arab pilot who knew the Indian Ocean to help him get to ______ in 1498.

6 Columbus Crosses the Atlantic Viking Voyages ► Vikings reached ______ ______ and established settlements in Iceland and Greenland in 800’s and 900’s. ► A.D. 1000—According to Norse ______,Leif Eriksson explored land west of Greenland, known as ________. ► Believe Vinland was North America, today known as Newfoundland.

7 Spain Backs Columbus ► 1492—Spain drives out last Muslim kingdom—focus on other goals... ► Seafaring/trading!!! ► Queen Isabella backs Columbus for 2 reasons:  Columbus promised to bring ____________ to any lands he found.  If he found a way to Asia, ______ would become very wealthy. ► Queen promised Columbus a share of any riches he gained from the lands he discovered. King Ferdinand Queen Isabella

8 Christopher Columbus (Spain) ► August 3, ______, he set sail from Spain. ► Based estimates of the earth’s size on the work of ________ (ancient Greek astronomer). ► Believed Asia was about 2,800 miles from Europe—2 month voyage. ► Set sail from Spain w/three ships: 1. ____________ 2. ____________ 3. ____________ ► Ships had good winds, but after 1 month, sailors began to worry. He wrote: --”Having trouble with the crew... I am told that if I persist in going onward, the best course of action will be to throw me into the sea.”

9 “Tierra! Tierra!” — “Land! Land!” ► ________ ____, 1492, a small island was spotted (now a part of the Bahamas). ► Went ashore and claimed land for Spain and named it ____ ________. ► He did not know he reached the __________. ► He was convinced he had reached the islands off the coast of Asia, called the _____ _____. ► Columbus returned to Spain, where Queen and King gave him the title “Admiral of the __________.”

10 Later Voyages ► Made 3 additional voyages in 1493, 1498, & 1502. ► Explored the __________ Islands of Hispaniola, Cuba, and Jamaica. Sailed along the coasts of Central America and northern ______ ________. ► He claimed these lands for Spain.

11 Dividing the World ► Spain and Portugal wanted to protect their claims—turned to Pope Alexander VI for help. ► 1493—Pope drew a ____________________________.  Line of Demarcation--an imaginary line running down the middle of the Atlantic Ocean from the North Pole to the South Pole dividing the Americas between Spain and Portugal. 1.Spain controlled lands to the ____________. 2.Portugal controlled lands to the ____________. ► Portugal said division favored Spain. ► 1494—Treaty of Tordesillas signed. Moved the line farther west to accommodate _________. Draw the line of demarcation.

12 Exploring America ► 1499—Amerigo Vespucci mapped _____ ________ coastline. ► Vespucci concluded South America was a continent by itself & not part of ______. ► European geographers called the continent “________” in honor of him. ► Vasco Nunez de Balboa— was governor of a Spanish town in current day Panama. He heard stories of the “great waters” beyond the mountains. ► He formed an expedition and hiked through the steamy jungles. He climbed a hill and saw a vast body of water. ► Balboa was first European to see the ________ ______ from the Americas. He claimed it & adjoining lands for Spain. Vasco Nunez de Balboa

13 Ferdinand MagellanFerdinand Magellan—(Spain) Ferdinand Magellan ► First person to _______________ (sail around) the world. ► Sailed from Spain in 1519. Found a passage to the Pacific through the Strait of __________. ► Named it Pacific, which means “_________”. ► Expected after rounding South America to reach Spain in a few short weeks. ► Voyage across Pacific lasted ____ months. ► Crew ran out of food. Started to eat rats, sawdust, and leather to stay alive. ► Magellan was killed by a poisoned arrow in the foot and a spear in the heart from a battle in the Philippines. ► One of the five original ships and only 18 of the original 200 men actually made it back to ________.

14 Ferdinand Magellan—Voyage

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