Winter 2005-2006 Wild Alaska Canned/Shelf-Stable Salmon Promotion Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute.

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Presentation on theme: "Winter 2005-2006 Wild Alaska Canned/Shelf-Stable Salmon Promotion Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute."— Presentation transcript:

1 Winter 2005-2006 Wild Alaska Canned/Shelf-Stable Salmon Promotion Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute

2 Purpose  This power point is designed to help you and your retail partners design an Alaska Canned & Shelf- Stable promotion.  Please feel free to use this as a base presentation. Insert your branded products, price lists, and contact information.

3 Why Alaska Canned & Shelf- Stable Salmon?  Convenient and easy to use –No pre-planning required  Heart-healthy meals in minutes  Year-round availability

4 Canned & Shelf-Stable Salmon Campaign Overview  Timing: Winter 2005-2006  Two Distinct Target Audiences: –Traditional Consumer –Latino Consumer  Tactics: –Full page magazine advertisements in National Publications –Latino Radio Spots in 8 Markets –In-store POS –Websites

5 Target Audience  Traditional Consumer: –Target Traditional users for incremental purchase – 55 yrs old+, low to medium income  Latino Consumer: –Target high Hispanic/high Traditional CDI markets using crossover retailers (retail chains with high Hispanic population and high traditional canned salmon customer base). Ex. Fiesta Mart, HEB –Women 18-49 who already use canned protein

6 Traditional Market Print Advertising Overview  New Canned Salmon Advertisement, with three perforated recipe cards will appear in two highly recognized national consumer publications as a thick, two-sided insert

7 Traditional Audience Consumer Advertising Overview December ’05 Cooking Light Magazine Jan/Feb ‘06 Cooking Light Magazine 1,650,000 Circulation 1,604,000 Circulation January ‘06 Southern Living Magazine South Atlantic, Mid-Atlantic, Midwest, & Other selected states (Tennessee, Alabama, Arkansas, Missouri) Total Circ: 1,829,000

8 Hispanic Radio Overview  Re-running existing Hispanic Radio spot  Use radio in markets with heavy Hispanic populations (20% +): –Target Markets: Chicago, Dallas/Ft. Worth, Houston, Miami, Phoenix, San Antonio, San Francisco, San Jose  On-air Jan 1 - 21, 2006

9 CITY # of STATIONS TOTAL SPOTS TO RUN Chicago5431 Dallas/Ft. Worth 5393 Houston5315 Miami-Ft. Lauderdale 4223 Phoenix6466 San Antonio 7697 San Francisco 6486 San Jose 6486 TOTALS:443497 January 2006 Hispanic Radio Overview January 2006 Hispanic Radio Overview

10 Canned & Shelf-Stable POS Materials  Canned Salmon Leaflet Item: 8-016  Canned Salmon & Chipotle Dip Recipe Card Bilingual Item: 17-059 Item: 17-059  Pop-up recipe holder Clips into price/channel strip Item: 8-020

11 Canned & Shelf-Stable POS Materials  English & Spanish floor graphics  24” x 24” Square  Item Numbers: English: 17-056 Spanish: 17-057

12 Canned & Shelf-Stable POS Materials  Can-Do Cookbook Over 40 great recipes! Item: 127-020  Consumer Ad-Reprint 3 perforated recipe cards 8.5” x 11” 8.5” x 11” Item: 8-041  Both items work great for in- store demonstrations!

13 Website Tools  Give your customers the tools they need to learn more about canned salmon in both English and Spanish formats    Provides recipes, health information and specifics about Alaska

14 Key Web Addresses & How to Order POS Materials  Visit  For Large Quantity Orders Please Call: 800- 806-2497  Email: Karl Johan Uri at:

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