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Art History and Art Criticism Week 8 Ch. 5 Reading Art Ch. 1 何謂現代主義 ? 始於何時 ?

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Presentation on theme: "Art History and Art Criticism Week 8 Ch. 5 Reading Art Ch. 1 何謂現代主義 ? 始於何時 ?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Art History and Art Criticism Week 8 Ch. 5 Reading Art Ch. 1 何謂現代主義 ? 始於何時 ?

2 Outline What is the meaning of this picture? `read’ as the interplay between the verbal and the visual (p. 90) The representational function of art (p. 91) the representational conventions (p. 91) Think of Artworks-- based on textual sources (p. 92)

3 Key Points Iconography—the study of subjects in art, and their deeper meaning (p. 93) The juxtaposition of three very different icons— 1. a Byzantine image of the Virgin and Child 2. Andy Warhol’s portrait of the actress Marilyn Monroe 3. Mario from The Super Mario Brothers game (p. 94) Icon (from the Greek `eikon’) means image (p. 94)

4 Iconography and Iconology Both of them are important parts of art history. (p. 95) Iconography covers the study and interpretation of figural representations, either individual or symbolic, religious or secular; the art of representation by pictures or images (p. 95) Through closer inspection and ordering of the visual archive

5 Different iconographic traditions Representational images from different periods and cultures had iconographic traditions of their own (p. 98) E.g. the iconography of Egyptian deities, the iconography of Roman imperial portraits, Christian iconography, Buddhist or Hindu iconography

6 Conclusion Different methods of representation by Warhol and Lichtenstein Relationship between art, artist, and viewer 何謂現代主義 ? 始於何時 ? 前衛藝術 商品

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