EISENHOWER’S FOREIGN POLICY AND HIS LEGACY How was the United States responding to an unstable postwar world when JFK became president in 1961?

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1 EISENHOWER’S FOREIGN POLICY AND HIS LEGACY How was the United States responding to an unstable postwar world when JFK became president in 1961?

2 KOREAN WAR 54,000 Americans dead Billions of $$$ spent Korea remained divided at the 38 th parallel with Communism in the North and Western ideologies in the South. The United States has to be satisfied that they “contained” communism

3 A NEW FOREIGN POLICY “POLICY OF BOLDNESS” Secretary of State: John Foster Dulles said the United States should “liberate captive peoples” Build up airfleet of superbombers called the Strategic Air Command (SAC) USAF Cold War command and control of land-based strategic bombers and intercontinental ballistic missiles

4 How is Truman’s containment policy different than Eisenhower’s boldness policy? (How is containing communism different than liberating people from communism?) What are the implications (effects on) for foreign policy? TURN & TALK

5 Read the source aloud with your table partner. – Lens: What is the U.S. foreign policy in the 1950’s and why? What are the threats to national security in 1958? – Threats to national security in 1958 are… Why is science and technology important in the cold war age? – Science and technology are important in the cold war age because… SPECIAL MESSAGE TO CONGRESS FROM EISENHOWER

6 The government policies (laws, foreign policy)and monetary relationships which exist between legislators, national armed forces, and the military industrial base (companies that make/supply the military) that supports them. These relationships include political contributions, political approval for military spending, lobbying, government contracts, etc… Mutually beneficial to be in conflict… MILITARY INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX

7 What does Eisenhower warn against in his Farewell Address? BE SPECIFIC AND EXPLAIN IN YOUR OWN WORDS http://youtu.be/CWiIYW_fBfY EISENHOWER’S FAREWELL ADDRESS

8 How was the United States responding to an unstable postwar world when JFK became president in 1961? EXIT SLIP

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