Unijos uses its height advantage to gain access to the Internet 1 InterWeb at the University of Jos By Stephen A. Akintunde, PhD Deputy University Librarian.

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2 Unijos uses its height advantage to gain access to the Internet 1 InterWeb at the University of Jos By Stephen A. Akintunde, PhD Deputy University Librarian (Systems) University of Jos

3 Unijos uses its height advantage to gain access to the Internet 2 Where we are Internet Access and web browsing now a reality at the University of Jos (since May 2001) Web site hosting and maintenance next Status versus: –Computer literacy rate on campus –Access to ICT by staff and students –Support from University Administration

4 Unijos uses its height advantage to gain access to the Internet 3 Progress Campus Wide Area Network –One of three campuses networked –Distance a major problem for total network: Wireless, or Satellite

5 Unijos uses its height advantage to gain access to the Internet 4 ICT Leaders It’s a Team work –Computer Centre –MIS –NUNet –University Libraries

6 Unijos uses its height advantage to gain access to the Internet 5 The Computer Centre A great start: Director with neither a PC nor office! Today: Computer Centre is too small for the many facilities! So, what next?

7 Unijos uses its height advantage to gain access to the Internet 6 Management Information Systems Unit First thoughts: Administrative unit or mainstream Computer Centre? Get going- –Databases Payroll System Personnel records Student records –Demographic –Academic –On-line registration –Identity cards production

8 Unijos uses its height advantage to gain access to the Internet 7 Nigerian Universities Network (NUNet) Timely birth Customised structure helpful No limit to possibilities

9 Unijos uses its height advantage to gain access to the Internet 8 The University Libraries Grandmother of them all –First thoughts Digitization efforts –Library catalogue –Other library records Services to clients –Computer-Aided Literature Search –Serials List –Web browsing –Printing –Electronic mail –Portals Power back up - Solar –What next? NVLP

10 Unijos uses its height advantage to gain access to the Internet 9 ICT Administrative Structure in the University of Jos In the beginning –The Old structure –What Benefits –Why it was dumped

11 Unijos uses its height advantage to gain access to the Internet 10 The New ICT Structure –What hope for the future? ICT Board Deans and Directors' ICT MIS Committee Comput er Centre NUNet Committe e ICT Committees Of various units ICT Coordinato rs appointed MISComput er Centre NUNet Oversight Committees ICT Coordinators

12 Unijos uses its height advantage to gain access to the Internet 11 Change Agents Internal Change agents –Effectiveness curtailed by bureaucracy Outside Change agents –Freedom exploited

13 Unijos uses its height advantage to gain access to the Internet 12 Internet Access Connect! –The trial period –Access fee structure The first steps –Who bears the cost? –How about the infrastructure? –Can’t wait any longer! –Operational Imperatives

14 Unijos uses its height advantage to gain access to the Internet 13 Web Page Design The Way Out –Internship Programme Students are Creative & Fast learners –Intlinet class Teachers are also taught! –Web Masters Club Way to improve on designs

15 Unijos uses its height advantage to gain access to the Internet 14 Updating Web Pages “Webmaster” needed Interns still important

16 Unijos uses its height advantage to gain access to the Internet 15 Goals for the Future Versatile Internet Service Provider –Academic communication fully on-line –Synchronized personal number for both staff and students –Virtual library

17 Unijos uses its height advantage to gain access to the Internet 16 Credits Mr. E. G. Eseyin Mr. S. E. Adewumi Mr. Daniel Yakmut Coach Cliff Missen, and Noble Interns and Apprentices

18 Unijos uses its height advantage to gain access to the Internet 17 Thank you all … and … Welcome to virtual Reality

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