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WHOSE LANGUAGE IS IT, ANYWAY? Anette Schroeder-Rossell.

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Presentation on theme: "WHOSE LANGUAGE IS IT, ANYWAY? Anette Schroeder-Rossell."— Presentation transcript:

1 WHOSE LANGUAGE IS IT, ANYWAY? Anette Schroeder-Rossell


3 Different categories: Words shared by several languages Foreign words borrowed by a language Words lent to another language Word creations that sound like a word from another language but are in fact not used there or not used in the same way.

4 Standard German Old High German Neder- landske AfrikaansOld SaxonOld EnglishEnglishGermanic Vaterfatervader fadarfæderfather*fađer Muttermuotermoeder modarmodormother*mōđer Bruderbruoderbroederbroerbrođarbrođorbrother*brōþer Schwesterswesterzustersusterswestarsweostorsister*swester Tochtertohterdochterdogterdohtar daughter*duχter Sohnsunuzoonseunsunu son*sunuz ONE URSPRACHE?

5 Finnishkuningasrengas Germanic*kuningaz*hrengaz GermanKönigRing LEHNWÖRTER


7 A PURE LANGUAGE? Hans Jakob Christoffel Von Grimmelshausen (1622 -1676)


9 Abbreviiren Activ Aparat Barometer Beatification Bedlamit abkürzen thätig eine Sammlung von Werkzeugen Wetterglas Seeligsprechung Tollhäusler (Bedlam)

10 Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (1646 -1716) Jacob Grimm (1785-1863) Wilhelm Grimm (1786-1859)


12 Bad Bank Exzellenzcluster Flatrateparty Nacktscanner No-go-Area It-Girl twittern bloggern

13 GERMAN GRAMMAR? Das Handy (n), die Handys (pl.) Googeln: Ich habe gegoogelt! Ich surfe wir surfen Du surfst ihr surft Er/sie/es surft sie surfen

14 Do you mind the use of Anglicisms in the German Language?

15 BratwurstBratwurst (sometimes abbrev. brat), type of sausagebrat KipfelKipfel, also kipferl, a horn-shaped type of pastry KirschwasserKirschwasser, spirit drink made from cherries PretzelPretzel (Standard German spelling: Brezel), flour and yeast based pastry SchnapsSchnaps, distilled beverage RucksackRucksack (more commonly called a backpack in U.S. English)backpackU.S. English DachshundDachshund, literally badger dog; a dog breed (usually referred to as Dackel in German usage) DoppelgängerDoppelgänger, literally double-goer, also spelled in English as doppelganger; a double or look-alike. However, in English the connotation is that of a ghostly apparition of a duplicate living person. DreckDreck, literally dirt or smut, but now meaning trashy, awful (through Yiddish, OED s.v.)YiddishOED KaffeeklatschKaffeeklatsch, literally coffee gossip; afternoon meeting where people (usually referring to women) chitchat while drinking coffee or tea kaputkaput (German spelling: kaputt), out-of-order, broken KindergartenKindergarten, literally children's garden; day-care centre, playschool, preschool KitschKitsch, cheap, sentimental, gaudy items of popular culture car; brand of automobile WanderlustWanderlust, the yearning to travel Bratwurst (sometimes abbrev. brat), type of sausage Kirshwasser, spirit drink made from cherries Pretzel (Standard German spelling: Brezel), flour and yeast based pastry Rucksack (more commonly called a backpack in U.S. English) Dachshund, literally badger dog; a dog breed (usually referred to as Dackel in German usage) Doppelgänger, literally double-goer, also spelled in English as doppelganger; a double or look-alike. However, in English the connotation is that of a ghostly apparition of a duplicate living person. Schadenfreude, joy from pain (literally harm joy); delight at the misfortune of others Wanderlust, the yearning to travel

16 Grammy Awards: Funny how the comedy category has changed Deborah Vankin 11:52 a.m. CST, February 9, 2012 The comedy category at the Grammys is a funny thing … In a flash-and-pop show that's all about music, the comedy category has always been something of a square peg. But in the 1960s and 1970s, a heyday for comedy albums, the category was particularly reflective of the zeitgeist.



19 GERMAN LANGUAGE POLICY Opinions differ widely about how the German language should be regulated. Some ideas: Germany needs a language promotion policy The German language as a cultural asset should be included in the German constitution Recent opposition to Denglisch in the German media A quota for German language music on the radio

20 Gesellschaft für deutsche Sprache Verein Deutsche Sprache e. V. Stiftung Deutsche Sprache

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