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3º Ano E.M.- ATENAS Gerund X Infinitive. Gerund Use an -ing form after certain verbs or a preposition, in verb tenses, as the subject of a sentence or.

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Presentation on theme: "3º Ano E.M.- ATENAS Gerund X Infinitive. Gerund Use an -ing form after certain verbs or a preposition, in verb tenses, as the subject of a sentence or."— Presentation transcript:

1 3º Ano E.M.- ATENAS Gerund X Infinitive

2 Gerund Use an -ing form after certain verbs or a preposition, in verb tenses, as the subject of a sentence or as a noun modifier.

3 Use the gerund after verbs such as: avoid, consider, deny, enjoy, imagine, involve, keep, mention, mind, miss, practice, risk, stand, love, hate. John Birdsall MR / John Birdsall Social Issues Photo Library / Press Association Images / Universal Images Group We don’t mind cooking dinner, but we hate doing the dishes.

4 How about eating out tonight? Food and Drink Photos / Universal Images Group Use the gerund after a preposition.

5 They have been studying together for three years. Will & Deni McIntyre / Photo Researchers / Universal Images Group Use the gerund in verb tenses.

6 Use the gerund as the subject of a sentence. David R. Frazier / Photo Researchers / Universal Images Group Reading is my favorite free time activity.

7 Grandma needs a walking cane, don’t you think? Ken Gillespie / All Canada Photo / Universal Images Group Use the gerund as a modifier.

8 Verbs + Infinitive Some verbs are followed by the infinitive form: agree, appear, claim, decide, demand, deserve, fail, happen, intend, learn, offer, pretend, seem, wait.

9 Sally and Bill intend to enter university next year. Doug Martin / Photo Researchers / Universal Images Group

10 The authorities agreed to talk. PPO / Getty Images News / Getty Images / Universal Images Group

11 -ING & Infinitive Some verbs can be followed by -ing or infinitive forms.  Without difference in meaning: love, hate, like, prefer  With difference in meaning: forget, regret, remember, stop, try

12 Anne loves eating chocolate. Anne loves to eat chocolate. Visage / Stockbyte / Getty Images / Universal Images Group Without a difference in meaning...

13 With a difference in meaning... John stopped to drink some coffee. John stopped drinking coffee. Hill Street Studios / Blend / Learning Pictures / Universal Images Group

14 CRÉDITOS Slides 1 e 3: W.jpg Slide 4: Slide 5: Slide 6: Slide 7: Slide 9: Slide 10: Slide 12: Slide 13:

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