CFA1-Q1 Review 6.6- Identify and explain the importance of the characteristics of civilizations 6.7- Recognize time designations and abbreviations.

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Presentation on theme: "CFA1-Q1 Review 6.6- Identify and explain the importance of the characteristics of civilizations 6.7- Recognize time designations and abbreviations."— Presentation transcript:

1 CFA1-Q1 Review 6.6- Identify and explain the importance of the characteristics of civilizations 6.7- Recognize time designations and abbreviations

2 How many centuries passed from Hammurabi issuing written laws and the Shang Dynasty being established? How many centuries passed between the Harappan civilization rising and the Shang Dynasty being established in China? 8 centuries How many milleniums passed between agriculture being developed to the Phoenicians trading in the Mediterranean Sea? 6 milleniums

3 What event occurred in history that separates the timeline from BC to AD? Jesus Christ was born. About how many decades are between Queen Boudicca leading the revolt and soldiers building Hadrian's wall? About 6 decades. What is the year before A.D. 1? 1 B.C. (There is no year 0 –zero!)

4 These long periods of time can be called Ages or ? Eras What does this era Prehistory mean? The time before what was invented? Writing What does B.C. mean? Before Christ What does A.D. mean? Anno Domini- "in the year of the Lord"

5 What does BCE mean? Before the Common Era What does CE mean? Common Era Why would someone use BCE and CE instead of BC and AD? BCE and CE are for all people and all religions- not just Christianity.

6 Diaries, newspapers, and video's are considered what kind of source? Primary sources All early civilizations arose around what geographic landform? River valleys A textbook or movie made after an event in history is considered what kind of source? Secondary source

7 It was drawn during prehistory, before writing was invented  Why doesn't this cave painting have any writing with it?  The most advanced civilizations include what?  Social classes (king, slaves)

8 Geography, Economics  According to the G.R.A.P.E.S.- what is missing from the list in the picture?  Why did civilizations arise in Mesopotamia and the Indus Valley?  Fertile soil and water (rivers)

9 How many years are in a decade?  10 years  How many years in a century?  100 years  How many years in a millenium?  1,000 years

10 When a surplus of food occurred not everyone needed to farm, what did this cause?  Division of labor  Identify 2 jobs early people might have had- other than farming.  Possible answers: pottery maker, making clothes, watching children, scribe, blacksmith (weapons), building houses from mud bricks, etc.


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