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Bev Shadwell Corky Borders Ralph Marcello John Meighan Al Russ Lex Allen TBA Burt VanWagner Max Booke Jonathan Dougherty John Bates Butch Shadwell Erica.

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Presentation on theme: "Bev Shadwell Corky Borders Ralph Marcello John Meighan Al Russ Lex Allen TBA Burt VanWagner Max Booke Jonathan Dougherty John Bates Butch Shadwell Erica."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bev Shadwell Corky Borders Ralph Marcello John Meighan Al Russ Lex Allen TBA Burt VanWagner Max Booke Jonathan Dougherty John Bates Butch Shadwell Erica Godamunne Ed Robinson John Meighan Al Russ Max Booke Jim Dunford DIVISION 5 CLUBS Monday Jacksonville - Downtown - Hilton Hotel-1201 Riverplace Blvd., 12:30 Fernandina Beach - Municipal Golf Clubhouse, 6:30 PM (Meets first, second & third Monday of each month) Tuesday St. Augustine - Gypsy Cab Restaurant, 828 Anastasia Blvd., Noon (824-8244 ) Wednesday Arlington - Jax. University - Bartlett Kinne University Center, 11:30 (Meets the first and third Wednesday of the month) Deerwood - Steak & Ale, Baymeadows Rd., Noon Thursday Historic St. Augustine - Conch House - 57 Comares Ave., 7:00 AM Jacksonville Beaches - Selva Marina - Atlantic Beach,12:15 Westside - Holiday Inn - I-295 & Commonwealth, 12:30 Thursdays 12:15 PM May 26June 2June 9June 16 Greeters Ralph Marcello Brenda Howard Carl Krouch Jane Alvarez Carol Wallace Bob Cook Leigh Roberts Ed Robinson Prayer Butch Shadwell Beryl DrydenAl RussCorky Borders Guest Intro John Meighan Joe OverbyEd AshErica Godamunne Speaker Intro Jonathan Daugherty Don Lafond Program Zolt Takas Story of Escape from Hungary Sam Long Past Presidents Day Mark Woods Editor of Editorial FL Times Union TBA Featured Kiwanian/ Spiritual Moment Bill Thompson Meade Coplan Carl KrouchJohn Meighan Upcoming Events Memorial Day May 30 Past Presidents Day June 2 Flag Day June 14 Father’s Day June 19th Committee Chairmen Club Bulletin Community Service Fund Raising House Human & Spiritual Values Interclub Membership/Education/Retention New Projects Program Coordinator Public Relations Young Children Priority One Youth Services Special Events Auction Golf Tournament Military Recognition Teacher Recognition Day Rose Day Sale Scholarships MEMBERS OF OUR CLUB Put your ad in this space. Scores of qualified buyers! $10 per inch. 2004-2005 Officers President Carl Krouch 1st Vice President Don Lafond 2nd Vice President Erica Godamunne Treasurer Ralph Marcello Secretary Leigh Roberts Past President John Bates Board of Directors Butch Shadwell Burt Van Wagner Ed Robinson Neil Powell Jonathan Dougherty James Lee International President Case Van Kleef District Club Bulletin Chair Ross Edwards District Governor Bill Rushing Lt. Governor Division 5 Bill Montgomery Lex Allen246-4180 Jane Alvarez396-3373 Edward Ash242-9000 Herman Bass246-7537 John Bates280-8358 Sevena Baum 249-5115 Charles Bender 223-0890 Guy Bond 247-1770 Max Booke 223-2231 Ed Borders 241-5491 Doug Bradshaw 945-9807 Howard Brown 249-5877 Brownie Brown249-0414 Ed Buickerood 223-2206 Bill Bull 241-0432 Mark Cantrell247-9778 Barry Chandler 241-5634 Bob Cook 246-3763 Bob Cooper 241-0131 Gary Crumley247-8508 Jonathan Daugherty 249-9033 Beryl Dryden241-0888 Jim Dunford 249-3593 Bill Fogg 249-5129 Erica Godamunne821-9842 George Hamilton246-0407 Molly Holbert 249-5341 Brenda Howard 262-9808 Bill Hutchinson 246-2853 Fred King 246-4168 Jenn King 230-3806 Carl Krouch 249-8842 Don Lafond 382-1023 James Lane 285-7273 Jim Lee 247-3187 Dianne Ludwig 249-2374 Fred Lyons 246-3860 Ralph Marcello 992-7221 Walter Mather 246-6745 Deborah Mayhew 685-2156 John Meadows 285-5082 John Meighan247-9268 Bill Montgomery221-5527 Paul Myers 992-1816 Joe Overby249-3513 Neil Powell343-3571 Jerry Richey 223-1376 Leigh Roberts247-8929 Ed Robinson223-1591 Al Russ645-0688 Butch Shadwell223-4465 Don Stanton992-2123 Bill Thompson246-1442 Burt Van Wagner246-7264 Carol Wallace992-8037 Bill Wilson249-8562 Ed Zazzarino249-4232 Florida District Exec.. Director George Langguth “ Silent gratitude isn’t very much use to anyone.” --G.B. Stern KIWANIS CLUB OF JACKSONVILLE BEACHES FLORIDA DISTRICT – DIVISION 5 Chartered: August 1, 1946 May 26, 2005 Our 59 th Year of Service Selva Marina, 1600 Selva Marina, Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Web page: Editor- Beverly Shadwell Ph. 223-4465 God Bless America

2 Did you know…? A zebra is white with black stripes. All the planets in our solar system rotate counter clockwise, except Venus. It is the only planet that rotates clockwise. Hummingbirds are the only animal that can also fly backwards. Insects do not make noises with their voices. The noise of bees, mosquitoes and other buzzing insects is caused by rapidly moving their wings. The cockroach is the fastest animal on 6 legs covering a meter a second. The word "listen" contains the same letters as the word "silent". The only 2 animals that can see behind itself without turning it's head are the rabbit and the parrot. A 'jiffy' is an actual unit of time for 1/100th of a second. The whip makes a cracking sound because its tip moves faster than the speed of sound. A hippopotamus can run faster than a man. 'Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia' is the fear of long words. It is impossible to lick your elbow. A snail can sleep for 3 years (but I believe Jonathan Daugherty might challenge that record). The names of the continents all end with the same letter with which they start "Almost" is the longest word in the English language with all the letters in alphabetical order. Twenty-Four-Karat Gold is not pure gold since there is a small amount of copper in it. Absolutely pure gold is so soft that it can be molded with the hands. 1. To give primacy to the human and ____________ rather than to the material values of life. 2. To encourage the daily living of the ____________ _______ in all human relationships. 3. To promote the adoption and the application of higher social, __________, and professional standards. 4. To develop, by precept and example, a more intelligent, aggressive, and serviceable ____________. 5. To provide, through Kiwanis clubs, a practical means to form enduring friendships, to render altruistic service, and to build better ______________. 6. To cooperate in creating and maintaining that sound public opinion and high idealism which make possible the increase of righteousness, justice, _____________, and goodwill. Happy Birthday! None Date Joined: Bill Bull 6/1977 Herman Bass 6/01/1977 What’s Going On? Past Presidents Day is coming to our club on June 2 nd. If you know a past president who might not know about this annual event, please invite him. Last Week Projects/Upcoming Events Hello, I’m your club bulletin editor. Looking forward to hearing from you for “Kiwanews”. Call me at 223-4465 or write to Bev Shadwell Thanks for print services from Don Lafond Watson Realty Corp. Guests Speaker Thanks to the Penman Road cleanup crew, Carl Krouch, Bill Montgomery, and Butch Shadwell for working this Saturday May 21 st. Penman Road Cleanup Chairpersons need to email reports to the newsletter editor every week. MENTOR READING PROGRAM THE MENTOR READING PROGRAM HAD ANOTHER SUCCESSFUL YEAR. AS ANOTHER SCHOOL YEAR COMES TO AN END SO DOES OUR MENTOR READING PROGRAM AT JACKSONVILLE BEACH ELEMENTARY SCHOOL. MY WARMEST THANKS GO OUT TO ALL THOSE WHO PARTICIPATED IN THIS VERY WORTHWILE AND REWARDING COMMUNITY SERVICE PROJECT. THANK YOU BILL HUTCHINSON, BILL MONTGOMERY, BERYLE DRYDEN, BUTCH SHADWELL, DIANNE LUDWIG AND ED ZAZZARINO FOR YOUR MANY, MANY HOURS OF MENTOR READING. --Fred King JBE MENTOR READING PROGRAM Our guest, Al Johnson, is seated to the right of these two statues of popular Kiwanis members. Amazingly lifelike, aren’t they! Objects of Kiwanis (Fill in the Blanks) 1. Spiritual 2. Golden Rule 3. business 4. citizenship 5. communities 6. patriotism The name “Kiwanis” was adapted from the expression “Nunc Kee-wanis” in the Otchipew (Native American) language meaning which of the following: A.We have a good time B.We make a noise C.We trade or advertise D.My pants are too tight Wanted in 2 states Sam Long aka The Preacher May appear less blurry in person. Approach with caution. Expected in Atlantic Beach vicinity June 2 nd. WANTED ! After Walter Mather’s thought provoking spiritual moment about the USMA cadet prayer, Sam Kouvaris took the stage. He presented himself very well, as an intelligent and articulate man. Most of you know Sam as the Channel 4 Sports Director. His list of accomplishments and honors is impressive. Most of his talk was about the television business and how Channel 4 has come to be the independent station it is today. He also had some interesting insight about how the internet and other competing news outlets have impacted his job. Mr. Kouvaris was also very gracious when one of our members took ill during his talk. I sincerely hope that, like my family, you all depend on WJXT for your local news… not to mention Oprah and Dr. Phil. By the way, Bob Cook wanted you to know that he stumped Sam with the first names of Dizzy and Daffy Dean. I think we should call the Guinness people. ---Butch Shadwell Sam Kouvaris

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