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The Resource Discovery Network and OAI Andy Powell UKOLN, University of Bath UKOLN is funded by Resource: The Council.

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Presentation on theme: "The Resource Discovery Network and OAI Andy Powell UKOLN, University of Bath UKOLN is funded by Resource: The Council."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Resource Discovery Network and OAI Andy Powell UKOLN, University of Bath UKOLN is funded by Resource: The Council for Museums, Archives and Libraries, the Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC) of the Higher and Further Education Funding Councils, as well as by project funding from the JISC and the European Union. UKOLN also receives support from the University of Bath where it is based.

2 2 About the RDN Resource Discovery Network (RDN) co-operative network of subject gateways BIOME (health, medicine and life sciences) EEVL (engineering, maths and computing) HUMBUL (humanities) PSIgate (physical sciences) SOSIG (social science, business and law) databases of descriptions of high quality Internet resources… and other services 30,000+ records in total funded by JISC for UK HE and FE

3 3 About the RDN subject-focused communities cataloguers (subject specialists) end-users (community-oriented collaborative services) individual Web interfaces but shared policy framework collection development cataloguing guidelines technical standards and interoperability IPR DC metadata (with some extensions)

4 4 Searching… using Z39.50 central cross-searching service based on Z39.50 but... performance issues difficult to build flexible browse interface so... looking for a record sharing solution RDN ResourceFinder EEVL BIOME HUMBUL PSIgate SOSIG

5 5 Sharing… using OAI share records using OAI build central database of all RDN records basis for central search, browse interface and other services (e.g. Web index) RDN ResourceFinder EEVL BIOME HUMBUL PSIgate SOSIG

6 6 Implementation implementation not tied to particular subject gateway software two Perl scripts... first provides record conversion from gateway format to OAI XML format second supports the OAI protocol very simple repository records stored in UNIX filestore as XML files sub-directories for each OAI ‘set’ Perl scripts will be made freely available

7 7 Issues - record richness default unqualified DC record format in OAI is broadly in line with RDN records but... does not support full richness of RDN records, e.g. can not indicate the subject classification scheme in use need to investigate whether specific RDN record format is required

8 8 Issues - branding need to indicate ownership of records need to brand records appropriately in central search/browse results intend to use the OAI section as follows: dc:creator - the name of the cataloguer (author of the record) dc:publisher - the name of the gateway that originally made the record available dc:rights - a simple rights statement about the record

9 9 Issues - how open? RDN records not freely available to anyone open protocol/standard but ‘closed’ service can use standard HTTP authentication methods to restrict access IP address checking HTTP basic authentication (username and password) SSL

10 10 Conclusions OAI protocol met a requirement already identified by the RDN to move from searching to sharing now need to: finalise repository code and deploy with all gateways develop (or find) OAI ‘service provider’ code (gatherer) transition cross-searching service to use central database

11 11 URLs RDN Web site paper about use of OAI by subject gateways these slides

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