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Open Archives Forum a place for you to meet Leona Carpenter UKOLN, University of Bath UKOLN is funded by Resource:

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Presentation on theme: "Open Archives Forum a place for you to meet Leona Carpenter UKOLN, University of Bath UKOLN is funded by Resource:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Open Archives Forum a place for you to meet Leona Carpenter UKOLN, University of Bath UKOLN is funded by Resource: The Council for Museums, Archives and Libraries, the Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC) of the Higher and Further Education Funding Councils, as well as by project funding from the JISC and the European Union. UKOLN also receives support from the University of Bath where it is based.

2 Introduction to OA-Forum -- 1st Workshop -- Pisa -- May 2002 -- Leona Carpenter Open Archives (or OA-) Forum European Union IST accompanying measure to support EU projects and national initiatives funding for two years then self-sustaining? Partners Humboldt University, Berlin IEI-CNR, Pisa UKOLN, University of Bath Most important: your participation

3 Introduction to OA-Forum -- 1st Workshop -- Pisa -- May 2002 -- Leona Carpenter Why is the EU funding us? Potential for EU of OAI aim to provide a low barrier interoperability specification hidden web of European resources – Eprints, the research literature – Products of digitisation projects – Other kinds of data Share experience among IST projects, and also other initiatives Support European input into OAI

4 Introduction to OA-Forum -- 1st Workshop -- Pisa -- May 2002 -- Leona Carpenter OA-Forum objectives Disseminate information on the open archives approach Encourage collaborative software development Support European liaison with OAI Exchange information on implementation Evaluate open archive approach – organisational issues – technical issues … building a community of interest

5 Introduction to OA-Forum -- 1st Workshop -- Pisa -- May 2002 -- Leona Carpenter OA-Forum needs you…

6 Introduction to OA-Forum -- 1st Workshop -- Pisa -- May 2002 -- Leona Carpenter Participation opportunities Open archives Information Source – tailored for Europe – inventory of software tools – interoperability issues register – current implementations database Resources via our web site – Glossary – Links to external information

7 Introduction to OA-Forum -- 1st Workshop -- Pisa -- May 2002 -- Leona Carpenter Participation opportunities Workshops – This first workshop, setting the agenda – Expert reviews for following workshops Mailing list – if you want it Liaison with OAI continues – will be reported on OA-Forum web site

8 Introduction to OA-Forum -- 1st Workshop -- Pisa -- May 2002 -- Leona Carpenter URLs for OAI & OA-Forum –Open Archives Initiative –Open Archives Forum –Information on OAI from HUB –Information on OAI from IEI-CNR http://??? –Information on OAI from UKOLN http://www.ukoln.distributed-systems/oai/ http://www.ukoln.distributed-systems/oai/

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