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SWOT Jet Propulsion Laboratory California Institute of Technology SWOT Ground System IGARSS – August 2011 Helene Vadon (CNES, Toulouse) Phil Callahan (Jet.

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Presentation on theme: "SWOT Jet Propulsion Laboratory California Institute of Technology SWOT Ground System IGARSS – August 2011 Helene Vadon (CNES, Toulouse) Phil Callahan (Jet."— Presentation transcript:

1 SWOT Jet Propulsion Laboratory California Institute of Technology SWOT Ground System IGARSS – August 2011 Helene Vadon (CNES, Toulouse) Phil Callahan (Jet Propulsion Lab, California Institute of Technology)

2 SWOT Jet Propulsion Laboratory California Institute of Technology SWOT Ground System Outline Introduction – SWOT mission – Mission phases – Ground segment overview KaRIN Data Acquisition and Products – Acquisition characteristics – KaRIN processing – Data Products – Sizing estimates Joint Ground System Development – Commonality levels and approach for the processing development 2011/07/25 s3 psc 2 IGARSS11 - SWOT Ground System

3 SWOT Jet Propulsion Laboratory California Institute of Technology SWOT Mission Mission – Extraction of water surface heights over ocean and continental water bodies – The principal instrument is KaRIN, a Ka-band interferometric SAR system – Other instruments are a nadir altimeter, radiometer, and precision tracking systems (classical Jason Altimeter suite) Main scientific requirements – Oceanography: Global coverage (< 78°) of oceans, sea surface height precision < 2 cm at approximately 1 km resolution  LR mode – Hydrology: Global inventory of rivers > 100 m (50 m) and lakes > (250 m) 2, water surface height precision of the order of 10 cm (averaged over 1 km 2 ), slope precision 1 cm/km (averaged over 10 km); average posting 50 m  HR mode 2011/07/25 s3 psc IGARSS11 - SWOT Ground System 3

4 SWOT Jet Propulsion Laboratory California Institute of Technology Mission Phases Launch and Early Orbit Operations (~ 3 days) – Launch planned for late 2019 Checkout / Commissioning (~ 30 - 45 days) Fast repeat orbit at 3 (or 1) days for ~90 (or 30) days – For ocean sub-mesoscale Calibration / Validation (Cal/Val) (3 – 6 months, covering Fast Repeat and Science Operations) Transition to Science Orbit, Operations (~ 15 days) – Non-sun-synchronous, 22 day exact repeat, 970 km altitude, 78 deg inclination Science Observations (Requirement = 3 years; starts ~4.5 months after launch) Disposal and Ground System Closeout (= 3 months) 2011/07/25 s3 psc IGARSS11 - SWOT Ground System 4

5 SWOT Jet Propulsion Laboratory California Institute of Technology SWOT Ground System Challenges High precision for both ocean (1-2 cm) and hydrology (~10 cm) – Complete, accurate algorithms – Use of instrument and spacecraft calibration data – External corrections; Ancillary information Large Data Volume – both telemetry and data products – Raw data downlink for land data. Requires >~ 600 Mbps X-band downlink – Data products posted at fine resolution: LR = 500 m, HR = 50 m (~100 giga-samples per cycle for LR+HR) Likely Near Real Time requirements – Ocean from Jason suite similar to Jason series – Hydrology (floods, reservoirs) from KaRIN 2011/07/25 s3 psc IGARSS11 - SWOT Ground System 5

6 SWOT Jet Propulsion Laboratory California Institute of Technology Architecture Diagram 2011/07/25 s3 psc IGARSS11 - SWOT Ground System 6 CNES CNES X-band Network (also has S-band Uplink) Science Processing Archive & Distribution CNES Elements NASA Elements Joint Elements S/C Control Center (SCC) (Contractor) CNES S-band Network KaRIN Science Data Data exchange JPL Science Data Processing Science Data Center To CNES: Ack. successful downlink Payload commands Karin Radiometer Nadir Altimeter Payload module X band TM S/C Bus UPLINK: S/C & P/L Cmd. DOWNLINK: Jason Suite Sci Data (Nadir Alt, Rad, GPS) and All Eng Telem TBD Additional X-band Sta JPL Science Data Archiving & Distribution X-band Network Center Payload Operations Center JPL Payload Operations Center To JPL: X-band data, S-band Sci, s/c Telemetry, TBD[KaRIN Eng] To JPL: Jason Suite L2. Cal/val. To CNES: KaRIN TBD[L1b]. POD. Cal/val. Ancillary Data: Tropo model(s), Iono info, Tide model(s), DEM, SSH To JPL: X-band data, TBD[KaRIN Eng]

7 SWOT Jet Propulsion Laboratory California Institute of Technology Ground System Elements (1 of 2) Tracking Stations – CNES S-band stations: Downlink for Nadir Alt, Radiometer, DORIS, GPS (“Jason Altimeter Suite”, JAS); Engineering. Uplink commanding – X-band network (620 Mbps (nominal, min)): Downlink for high rate science (KaRIN), and associated Engineering data Front End Networks – Network from X-band Data Center(s) to JPL and CNES operation centers. Minimum data rate to return all downlink within approximately 20 mins is >~ 300 Mbps (similar to downlink) – Network from CNES to JPL for S-band science and engineering data Spacecraft Control Center (SCC, CNES/Contractor) – Real time monitoring of s/c and p/l via S-band housekeeping telemetry 2011/07/25 s3 psc IGARSS11 - SWOT Ground System 7

8 SWOT Jet Propulsion Laboratory California Institute of Technology Ground System Elements (2 of 2) Payload Operations Centers (POC) – JPL: Near Real Time health monitoring of KaRIN, GPS, Radiometer. Determine X-band data quality, need for replay. – CNES: Near Real Time health monitoring of Jason Altimeter Suite Science Processing Centers – JPL: Processing of KaRIN, POD – CNES: Jason Suite, POD Data Archiving and Distribution Centers – JPL: PODAAC – CNES: AVISO Project Data Distribution Networks – JPL-CNES link – Science Processing Centers to Archiving/Distribution Centers 2011/07/25 s3 psc IGARSS11 - SWOT Ground System 8

9 SWOT Jet Propulsion Laboratory California Institute of Technology SWOT Ground System Outline Introduction – SWOT mission – Mission phases – Ground segment overview KaRIN Data Acquisition and Products – Acquisition characteristics – KaRIN processing – Data Products – Sizing estimates Joint Ground System Development – Commonality levels and approach for the processing development 2011/07/25 s3 psc 9 IGARSS11 - SWOT Ground System

10 SWOT Jet Propulsion Laboratory California Institute of Technology KaRIN Data Acquisition 2011/07/25 s3 psc IGARSS11 - SWOT Ground System 10 Vsat KaRIN altimetry  Resolution << Swath : (2.5m x 10m to 70m) << ~100km  Almost full coverage 2.5 m 70m max 20 km 120 km 50km 6 -10 km Vsat Classical Nadir Altimetry  Resolution = Swath ( ~ 10km)  Inter-track at equator ~ 100km A few km

11 SWOT Jet Propulsion Laboratory California Institute of Technology KaRIN Processing Steps SAR processing (range and azimuth compression) Interferometric processing (co-registration, computation of interferometric phase and coherence) Application of acquisition geometry: geolocation, precise orbit determination, correction of roll, baseline variations Propagation corrections: tropospheric, ionospheric delay Interferogram flattening/correction, land phase unwrapping Estimation of geophysical parameters: water surface detection (HR only), computation of water surface heights, slopes etc. Establish/refine floodplain DEM (annually (goal) or mission) High-level and multi-temporal processing is a Science Team activity 2011/07/25 s3 psc IGARSS11 - SWOT Ground System 11

12 SWOT Jet Propulsion Laboratory California Institute of Technology Data Products (1 of 4) Level 0 ( ~ 1 TB/day) – Ocean KaRIN: partial interferograms (Raw to partial interferograms processing onboard) – Hydro KaRIN: raw data – Nadir altimeter and Radiometer data: instrument raw data – GPSP and DORIS data: POD raw data Level 1: Nadir Alt, Radiometer, KaRIN ( ~ 10-12 TB/day) – L1a: Engineering unit conversion, calibration data separated for additional processing – L1b: Final instrument level data with calibrations appended Ocean: 9-11 onboard interferograms (1km x 1 km), correlations, amplitudes with instrument calibrations and phase variations corrected combined Hydro (HR): KaRIN phase flattened Interferograms Altimeter, radiometer compliant with Jason-2 Science Data record processing (SGDR) 2011/07/25 s3 psc IGARSS11 - SWOT Ground System 12

13 SWOT Jet Propulsion Laboratory California Institute of Technology High Level Data Products (2 of 4) L2A – Ocean KaRIN : As L1B + Geophysical corrections. Nadir data merged for cross calibration. – Ocean Crossover Attitude Correction: Estimate attitude errors from ocean crossovers for correcting both ocean and land data. – Intermediate Hydro: L1B + water mask detection; rain, snow, ice/frozen detections L2B (standard distributed products) Remark: Every field will be associated with an uncertainty estimate – Ocean (LR, fixed swath grid, 500 m; ~ 3 G-samples/day): Sea surface (SS) heights in latitude/longitude grid SS slope at each point of the grid Sigma 0 Wind speed Ocean Sea Wave Height on same grid (goal) 2011/07/25 s3 psc IGARSS11 - SWOT Ground System 13

14 SWOT Jet Propulsion Laboratory California Institute of Technology High Level Data Products (3 of 4) L2B (standard distributed products) (continued) – Hydrology (HR, regions, network, 50 m; TBD[80] GB/day): Geo-localized water mask (lakes > (250 m)^2, rivers >100 (50) m) Estimated water elevations (same sampling as mask) -> Triangular interpolated network (+ uncertainties) Topographic map of the flood plain surrounding the water surface and channel cross sections (requirement to be produced by the end of the mission; goal - annually) – Ocean Nadir: Similar to current Jason-2 SGDR NRT (goal) – Ocean: as Level 2 products but with lower accuracy (quick-look orbit and calibration using past cross-overs) – Hydro: Level 1 products (SLC + interferogram), no calibration data, use of ancillary DEM for phase flattening – Nadir products: OGDR/ IGDR products (see Jason-2 OSS) 2011/07/25 s3 psc IGARSS11 - SWOT Ground System 14

15 SWOT Jet Propulsion Laboratory California Institute of Technology High Level Data Products (4 of 4) POD – determined from GPS and DORIS Ancillary Data – updated daily – Atmospheric models: Dry Tropo (surface pressure), Wet Tropo (water vapor) – Input to ionospheric model Geophysical Models – updated infrequently – Mean Sea Surface, Geoid – DEM, Water mask (a priori, then self derived) – Elastic Ocean Tides, Earth Tides, “Pole Tide” 2011/07/25 s3 psc IGARSS11 - SWOT Ground System 15

16 SWOT Jet Propulsion Laboratory California Institute of Technology Sizing Considerations Global coverage, continuous acquisition Acquisition hypothesis – Sea 70%, Land 30% => In the average orbit, KaRIN will acquire 67 GB of data to be transmitted to ground=> ~1 TB /day (~ 99% HR data) Archive Plan – Nominal mission duration: 3 years – Long term archive of (main contributors in terms of volume) Raw HR, SLC (L1A), Interferograms + masks (L2A), Geo-localized hydro products (L2B) => ~10 000TBytes Comparison to other missions – CNES: more than 5 times Pleiades satellite archive (dual civilian/defense optical imagery, to be launched soon) – NASA: similar to proposed DESDynI (Earth deformation and sea ice from L-band Radar repeat pass interferometer) 2011/07/25 s3 psc IGARSS11 - SWOT Ground System 16

17 SWOT Jet Propulsion Laboratory California Institute of Technology SWOT Ground System Outline Introduction – SWOT mission – Mission phases – Ground segment overview KaRIN Data Acquisition and Products – Acquisition characteristics – KaRIN processing – Data Products – Sizing estimates Joint Ground System Development – Commonality levels and approach for the processing development 2011/07/25 s3 psc 17 IGARSS11 - SWOT Ground System

18 SWOT Jet Propulsion Laboratory California Institute of Technology General Levels of Commonality Commonality between two processing systems may be achieved at different levels – Commonality of the full production system (clone, e.g. Jason) Prevents existing systems reuse. Not necessary for SWOT development – Commonality of the algorithms, software, and products Products are guaranteed 100% similar. May be the right level. – Commonality of specification and reference data Independent developments. Risky because reference data does not cover all cases so products will not be 100% similar. 2011/07/25 s3 psc IGARSS11 - SWOT Ground System 18

19 SWOT Jet Propulsion Laboratory California Institute of Technology General Algorithm Development Approach Science processing algorithms will be developed primarily by supplier of each instrument Algorithm flow will be iterated within entire development team Data product definitions will be iterated with Science Team Algorithm testbed will be set up and prototype processing developed – Testbed will read and write specified products – Test data will be (or emulate) specified products After initial development cycle, algorithm specifications will be written for review by System Engineering team and selected subset of Science Team 2011/07/25 s3 psc IGARSS11 - SWOT Ground System 19

20 SWOT Jet Propulsion Laboratory California Institute of Technology CNES Usual Development Approach Algorithms prototyping activities and operational chain development are relatively independent  The scope of prototype development may be larger than scope of operational system development  But not true the other way: prototypes are needed to build the reference data for the validation of the operational chain 2011/07/25 s3 psc IGARSS11 - SWOT Ground System 20 Algorithmic prototyping Operational chain development GS Infrastructure development

21 SWOT Jet Propulsion Laboratory California Institute of Technology JPL Usual Development Approach Testbed prototype will incorporate as much of the processing framework as possible Notes: NRT processing will be based on standard algorithms but may not use the processing framework Existing POD processing will be implemented in project environment 2011/07/25 s3 psc IGARSS11 - SWOT Ground System 21 Algorithmic prototyping Operational chain development GS Infrastructure development Processing framework from previous projects will be leveraged Algorithm and framework developers will agree on interfaces and control mechanisms

22 SWOT Jet Propulsion Laboratory California Institute of Technology Commonality Approach for SWOT Complementary prototyping activities will be conducted by JPL and CNES The order and nature of the processing steps of the operational LR and HR processing chains will be discussed and agreed on by JPL/NASA and CNES The detailed work share is not yet defined, but the operational algorithms and related binary code will be common 2011/07/25 s3 psc IGARSS11 - SWOT Ground System 22

23 SWOT Jet Propulsion Laboratory California Institute of Technology BACKUP 2011/07/25 s3 psc IGARSS11 - SWOT Ground System 23

24 SWOT Jet Propulsion Laboratory California Institute of Technology SWOT 40 month Mission Timeline 2011/07/25 s3 psc IGARSS11 - SWOT Ground System 24 Mission Phase Launch (02 Dec 2019) 2020 20212022 2019 EOM (Mar 2023) Checkout / Commissioning (up to L + ~65 days) LEOP ~3 days: nominal s/c state Calibration/ Validation Period Orbit Injection Science Disposal Calendar Years 22-day repeat, 78 deg, 970 km (non-sun-sync) 2023 Decommissioning ( ~ 30 days) Cal/Val Eclipse Season (illustration only) Fast Repeat Science Observation (36 months) TBD[3, 1 day; near 22 day] Science Processing Closeout Fast sampling orbit acq 4 weeks  In-Flight Assessment Meeting Operational Phase Initial Phase  First Verification Workshop ~ 2-4 weeks Nominal Orbit Acquisition  Final Verification workshop  (Sci Team meeting at L + 12 months Backup or here ?

25 SWOT Jet Propulsion Laboratory California Institute of Technology Science Operations (1 of 1) Science data collection phase starts ~ 4.5 months after launch. Collect data for 3 full years in observational orbit Full validation period: 6 months of data in science orbit + 2 months processing, internal review – Science Team meeting to assess initial data products ~ 12 months after launch – Processing update based on Science Team assessment implemented ~ 2 months after meeting Ready to reprocess all data with updated system ~ 16 months after launch. Science Requirements on Reprocessing (assume “caught up” at 24 months) puts requirements on total Processing Center throughput (Suggest project aggregate > 5x). Budget/scenario: – Cal/val data (~3 months) – as science phase starts – Initial science phase data (~12 months +3 months cal/val) – within TBD [< 3] months. Result: at ~20 months after launch version 2 of all usable data available. Support Science Team meeting at ~24 months to validate data – End of nominal mission: Reprocess all data a second time with SDS update done from ~ 30 – 36 months after launch; takes 6 – 8 months (runs until 3 months after end of mission [assumes no extended mission]) 2011/07/25 s3 psc IGARSS11 - SWOT Ground System 25

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