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Communication In Our Lives, Fifth Edition by Julia T. Woods Chapter 2 Perception and Communication.

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1 Communication In Our Lives, Fifth Edition by Julia T. Woods Chapter 2 Perception and Communication

2  Perception is an active process of selecting, organizing, and interpreting people, objects, events, situations and activities Defining Perception

3 Selection  Selection is influenced by  external qualities that draw attention  the acuity of our senses  change or variation  our motives, needs, and expectations

4 Self-fulfilling Prophecy  A person acts in ways consistent with how they have learned to perceive themselves

5 Organization  Prototypes  Personal Constructs  Stereotypes  Scripts

6 Prototypes  Knowledge structures that define the best or most representative example of some category  Who would you identify as the person who is the ideal friend? teacher? romantic partner?

7 Personal Constructs  Mental yardsticks that allow us to position people and situations along bipolar dimensions of judgment  For example: intelligent or not, responsible or not, kind or not

8 Stereotypes  Predictive generalizations about people and situations

9 What stereotypes do you have of the men in this photograph? Can you identify the basis of your stereotype of them? What would change your stereotypes of these men?

10 Scripts  Guides to action based on what we’ve experienced and observed  For example: You have a script for greeting casual acquaintances (“Hey, how ya doing?” “Fine, See ya around.”)

11 Interpretation  The subjective process of explaining perceptions to assign meaning to them

12 Attributions  Explanations of why things happen and why people act as they do

13 The Self-Serving Bias  The tendency to construct attributions that serve our personal interests

14 Influences on Perception  Physiology  People differ in sensory abilities and physiologies  Culture  A system of beliefs, values, understandings, practices, and ways of interpreting experience  standpoint theory

15 Influences on Perception (cont’d)  Social Roles  Some messages tell us we are expected to fulfill particular roles  doctor, student, teacher, parent  Cognitive Abilities  How elaborately we think about situations and people  Cognitive complexity  Person-centered perception

16 Ladder of Abstraction

17 Enhancing Competence  Recognize that all perceptions are subjective  Avoid mind reading  Check perceptions with others

18 Enhancing Competence (cont’d)  Distinguish between facts and inferences  Monitor the self-serving bias

19 Websites  PBS Global Connections: The Middle East PBS Global Connections: The Middle East PBS Global Connections: The Middle East  Typical misperceptions and stereotypes Westerners hold about Islam and the Middle East, and vice versa  U.S. Census Bureau homepage U.S. Census Bureau homepage U.S. Census Bureau homepage  Types of Love Types of Love Types of Love  Discusses the prototypes we use to make sense of the category we call love

20 Video College Success: Two Perspectives

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