Guide to Credits and Course Selections Ms. Amanda McCauley LOCATED IN Z4 (808) 305-7361 WEBPAGE  WWW.KAHUKU.ORGWWW.KAHUKU.ORG “COUNSELING”  “9 TH GRADE.

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Presentation on theme: "Guide to Credits and Course Selections Ms. Amanda McCauley LOCATED IN Z4 (808) 305-7361 WEBPAGE  WWW.KAHUKU.ORGWWW.KAHUKU.ORG “COUNSELING”  “9 TH GRADE."— Presentation transcript:

1 Guide to Credits and Course Selections Ms. Amanda McCauley LOCATED IN Z4 (808) 305-7361 WEBPAGE  WWW.KAHUKU.ORGWWW.KAHUKU.ORG “COUNSELING”  “9 TH GRADE COUNSELOR”

2 Credits  Students earn “credit” when a class is completed  Annual long courses are worth 1 credit, semester courses are worth.5 credits  Freshman/Sophomore year “advanced” courses are offered to help prepare students for “honors” level courses, which prepare for AP courses  24 Credits to graduate  Option to take 28  Why? Additional math, science, or AP courses  AP Courses are offered beginning in 10 th grade, where a student can earn a “weight” in Grade Point Average A=5 points, opposed to A=4 points if sits for AP end of course exam  College credit may also be offered if student passes with particular score on a 5 point scale  Graduation requirements: Page 21 in your child’s redbook  Additional certificates with graduation? Page 21 in your child’s redbook  Valedictorian  Student earns a 4.0 GPA or higher AND meets requirements for an honor’s certificate

3 Freshman Year (9) Levels General (1 credit/course) Advanced (X) (1 credit) Honors (H) (1 credit) Courses (7) EnglishHistoryScienceMathPE/TransitionElective *English 9 *English 9(X) *English 9(H) *US History *US History(X) *US History(H) *Physical Sci *Physical Sci(X) *Physical Sci(H) Algebra 1 Geometry Algebra 2 *PE (required) *Transition to HS

4 Sophomore Year (10) Levels General (1 credit/course) Advanced (X) (1 credit) Honors (H) (1 credit) 1 option  AP (Advanced Placement) **Weighted on GPA** (1 credit) Courses (7) EnglishHistoryScienceMathPE/TransitionElective *English 10 *English 10(X) *English 10(H) *World History *World History(X) *World History(H) *World History(AP) *Biology *Biology(X) *Biology(H) Geometry Algebra 2 Trig/A.Geo *PE (.5/required) *Health(.5required)

5 Junior Year (11) Levels General (.5) + (.5) credits Honors (H) (1 credit) 4 Options  AP (Advanced Placement) **Weighted on GPA** (1 credit) ****Modern Hawaiian History must be taken, even if student is enrolled in AP US History**** Courses (7) EnglishHistoryScienceMathElective *American Lit(.5)/ Expo. Writing (.5) *American Lit and Expo. Writing(H) *AP Lang. Comp. *Modern Hawaiian History (.5) REQUIRED/ *History choice(.5) *AP US History *Chemistry *Chemistry (H) *Integrated Sci *Human Phys. *Physics *AP Biology (Biology/Chem recommended) Modeling/World Algebra 2 Trig(.5)/A. Geo(.5) Calculus AP Calc.

6 Senior Year (12) Levels General (.5) +(.5) credits Honors (H) (1 credit) 4+ Options  AP (Advanced Placement) **Weighted on GPA** ****Participation in Democracy IS included in AP Government**** Courses (7) EnglishHistorySci. (elective)Math (elective)Elective *British Lit(.5)/ Expo. Writing2(.5) *British Lit and Expo. Writing2(H) *AP Lang (OR) *AP Composition *Participation in Democracy (.5)/History choice (.5) *AP US Hist (OR) *AP Gov’t/Politics *Chemistry *Chem (H) *Human Phys. *Physics *Medical Biotech(.5)/ Forensics(.5) *AP Biology Geometry Algebra 2 Trig/A.Geo Calculus AP Calculus AP Stats.

7 More on Credits  Career Technical Education Pathways (CTE)  Elective courses offered to expose students to college majors/career opportunities  **Students MUST take a CORE pathway course as an introduction into pathway, followed by higher level courses (example: Natural Resource CORE, followed by Plant Systems 1)  Pathways offered at KHIS:  Industrial Engineering Pathway, Public/Human Service Pathway, Health Service Pathway, Art/Communication Pathway, Natural Resource Pathway  Eschool Hawaii   Eschool courses are online, and may be taken in addition to a student’s schedule during the school year free of charge, or for cost during the summer  Credits earned are given a letter grade (A-F), and WILL attribute into student’s grade point average  Registration occurs with Mrs. Ostermiller in Q1 at:  the beginning, end of each semester, or prior to summer once identified course is found by student/parent/counselor  Recovery Credits  It costs $190.00 to recover 1 credit  Student must register for “Grad Point” program which is taken after school  Discuss with counselor for specifics  Student is NOT given a letter grade as GPA WILL NOT change. Credit / No credit is awarded for graduation  Running Start Courses  “Running Start” courses are offered by Hawaii community colleges and award DUAL credit, for both HS and college credit  Students may begin taking Running Start courses as juniors  If interested, please observe the courses currently offered at:

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