Consulting | Outsourcing | Research | Technology | Training Single equalities: an action research approach The LSC South East Region Support Programme.

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Presentation on theme: "Consulting | Outsourcing | Research | Technology | Training Single equalities: an action research approach The LSC South East Region Support Programme."— Presentation transcript:

1 Consulting | Outsourcing | Research | Technology | Training Single equalities: an action research approach The LSC South East Region Support Programme for the Single Equality Scheme

2 Consulting | Outsourcing | Research | Technology | Training The Support Programme Ten practitioner-led action research projects (Jan - Dec 2009) Regional dissemination event Virtual learning environment Three project meetings Mentoring for project site leaders Research training Published reports

3 Consulting | Outsourcing | Research | Technology | Training Practitioner-led action research projects Brighton and Hove Learning Partnership Dorton College Hampshire Learning Isle of Wight College Isle of Wight Industrial Group Training Services Kent Adult Education Milton Keynes College Oxfordshire County Council Adult Learning Sussex Downs College Treloar College

4 Consulting | Outsourcing | Research | Technology | Training Development themes Involving diverse people Implementing effective impact assessment Whole organisational approaches Engaging the whole workforce Collecting and using data effectively

5 Consulting | Outsourcing | Research | Technology | Training Topics 1 What are the barriers preventing ESOL learners from progressing onto wider adult learning programmes? Developing an equalities toolkit Assessing impact of single equality scheme Developing role of equality champions Is our workforce representative of our diverse community?

6 Consulting | Outsourcing | Research | Technology | Training Topics 2 Ensuring the engagement of learners with learning difficulties and/ or disabilities in our Investors in Diversity bid How well do we meet the needs of our learners with regard to equality and diversity? Raising awareness of equality and diversity through community cohesion Workforce equality monitoring and disability disclosure LGBT and Religion/ belief equality

7 Consulting | Outsourcing | Research | Technology | Training Research process Proposals Action planning Implementation Visits, mentoring and support Research Training Interim report First draft reports Final reports submitted and published on VLE

8 Consulting | Outsourcing | Research | Technology | Training Research methods Desk research Questionnaire Structured interviews Semi-structured interviews Focus groups Observation

9 Consulting | Outsourcing | Research | Technology | Training Research issues Time - never seems to be enough Resources - materials, rooms, Equipment - making sure it works People - things happen

10 Consulting | Outsourcing | Research | Technology | Training So, what do you do? Role of senior managers Action plans Research training Pilot, pilot, pilot Avoid drift Leave plenty of time for writing up

11 Consulting | Outsourcing | Research | Technology | Training Task 1 1. Your organisation's action research project is going very well. There is an action plan and the project leader has begun to put together a programme of focus groups and interviews. Suddenly the project leader is taken seriously ill and will be away from work for two months. a. What happens next ? b. How could this situation have been avoided?

12 Consulting | Outsourcing | Research | Technology | Training Task 2 2.Your college is aiming for Investors in Diversity status. As part of that process, the IoD team require all staff and learners to complete an online 20 page questionnaire. You have a considerable number of learners who have learning difficulties and/ or disabilities. What do you do?

13 Consulting | Outsourcing | Research | Technology | Training For further information on the South East Single Equality Support Programme and projects:

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