GCSE in Applied ICT (Double Award). Applied ICT All Applied GCSEs introduced for first teaching in September 2002 Vocational GCSE will be available to.

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1 GCSE in Applied ICT (Double Award)

2 Applied ICT All Applied GCSEs introduced for first teaching in September 2002 Vocational GCSE will be available to students pre- and post-16. Applied GCSEs are based largely on the existing Part One GNVQs and GCSEs

3 Applied ICT Applied GCSEs form part of an emerging framework for vocational learning. They aim to motivate young people and help prepare them for further general or vocational study or training. They introduce students to the knowledge, skills and understanding relevant to a broad vocational area. Students are encouraged to undertake independent research and study, to work in groups, to deliver presentations and to produce reports. This style of learning will motivate young people and equip them with the skills necessary for further study, training and for adult and working life.

4 Applied ICT Three Unit Qualification First award 2004 No prescribed time allocation There are no tiers of entry No D32/D33 graded on the same A* to G scale as current GCSEs Assessment through: Portfolio Externally Set and Marked Task

5 Comparisons OCR – Timed test across all modules Edexcel – 2hrs 30 practical exam (Unit 1) AQA – Externally marked portfolio (Unit 3)

6 Applied ICT Unit 1 ICT Tools and Applications Software and Hardware – mostly taught in KS3 (or earlier)

7 Applied ICT Unit 2 ICT in Organisations Looking at systems and designing their own Similar to existing ICT GCSE projects

8 Applied ICT Unit 3 ICT and Society How ICT affects everyday life Extending good GCSE practice

9 Applied ICT OCR - 1hr 30min Exam A company decides to use a database of existing customers so that they can write to them individually when new products are released. List five items of information that the company would want to include on the database. (a)[1] (b)[1] (c)[1] (d)[1] (e)[1]

10 Applied ICT Edexcel – Case study and 2hr 30min Exam Task INT1 Using the Internet to find information about BurgersAway! Find the BurgersAway! registration page at http://www.edexcel.org.uk/edexcel/html.nsf/pages/Online+prerelease_login Complete and submit the online registration form. Bookmark the BurgersAway! home page. Find out more about the company by browsing through the site. Make a note of where to find company and product information. You will need some of this information to complete later tasks.

11 Applied ICT AQA – Externally set and marked Portfolio Three tasks set by AQA Available January and June

12 Applied ICT Portfolio Projects Unit 2 - The Video Hire Shop – must be from a real context or user This activity should take approximately 20 hours, you should spend further time fine tuning your system: designing data entry screens, writing the user guide, annotating printouts, etc. Your task is to design and test an ICT system, that could be used to record the hiring of the video tapes. Bear in mind that the stock may increase, or decrease and if successful, the shop may start to hire DVDs.

13 Applied ICT All Awarding Bodies require approximately 2/3 portfolio assessment Greater marking load than existing GCSEs Two or more projects to make a portfolio Cross unit work assessed separately

14 Timetabling Double Award – double curriculum time Could be extended over more than 2 years, or accelerated in 1 year Real problems approached and solved Individual and group work

15 Support Awarding Bodies – moderation, support materials, personal contact Publishers – various books and other materials Internet - http://groups.msn.com/GCSEinAppliedICT LSDA – Industry packs, support materials, consultancy Sector Skills – Local industrialists LSC – Funding, contacts

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