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Masters Degree. The Ultimate Qualification 3 What is it? Two-part programme leading to Masters degree First part leads to NCC Education Postgraduate.

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Presentation on theme: "Masters Degree. The Ultimate Qualification 3 What is it? Two-part programme leading to Masters degree First part leads to NCC Education Postgraduate."— Presentation transcript:

1 Masters Degree

2 The Ultimate Qualification

3 3 What is it? Two-part programme leading to Masters degree First part leads to NCC Education Postgraduate Diploma in Strategic Business IT (PDSB) Second part leads to MSc in Strategic Business IT from University of Portsmouth (UK)

4 4 What is it? Prepares students for senior business roles Provides students with relevant management skills Teaches students the strategic issues associated with businesses operating in an IT environment Merges the real world of IT with valuable business training and examples of best working practice

5 5 Who Will You Attract Recent graduates who want to develop the skills and knowledge to successfully undertake business management responsibilities IT professionals who wish to reinforce their skills and experience Graduate and non-graduate professionals who wish to obtain senior business roles

6 6 Entry Requirements Programme suitable for a wide-range of potential students, as those with experience in the IT sector but no first degree can be accepted onto the course BSc degree in IT or equivalent or

7 7 Entry Requirements Non-IT degree and minimum three years work experience in IT environment and some management or supervisory experience or Five years work experience in IT environment and some management or supervisory experience If the student’s first language is not English they will also need a TOEFL score of 550 (or local equivalent)

8 8 Exemptions There will be an offer of an exemption from Module 4 if the student holds one of the following certifications in full MCSE CISCO NOVELL

9 9 How the course will be taught Lectures Practical Sessions Group Sessions Individual Study

10 10 Learning to Succeed - PDSB Subjects IT - The Next Five Years/Principles of Enquiry Explores broader contexts in which IS operate and their wider implications Identifies external events which cause uncertainty within the IS design process Assesses and reconciles ethical issues

11 11 Learning to Succeed - PDSB Subjects Task Management Provides knowledge and skills to handle the uncertainty of task management for IS projects Assess and evaluates the impact of human behaviour and communication and teaches approaches to task management

12 12 Learning to Succeed - PDSB Subjects Strategic Business Analysis Explores the issues surrounding the application of IT in defining and implementing strategic objectives Reflects upon the purpose of strategic analysis and strategic planning. Identifies the application of tools and techniques

13 13 Learning to Succeed - PDSB Subjects Professional Systems Engineering Equips you with the knowledge and skills to manage the development of IS using workgroup products

14 14 Learning to Succeed - MSc Subjects Research Methodology Dissertation

15 15 Your Workload Four modules for PDSB = 810 hours total Two modules for MSc = 400 hours total

16 16 Assessment PDSB Assignment/Coursework – 100% No Examination Required MSc Research - 25% Dissertation - 75%

17 17 Quality Learning Environment Teaching quality - experienced in IT Industry Annual Inspections Regional Moderator

18 18 Benefits to Students Build on their existing IT skills & experience Enhance their career opportunities Obtain employment with international organisations Look forward to A Successful Future Anywhere in the World

19 19 Globally Respected Quality International high status Only NCC Education Accredited Partners can deliver NCC Education courses Up-to-date course content High quality course materials

20 20 Student Support Education centre NCC Education Head Office NCC Education website NCC Education online newsletter

21 21 The Experience to help you Succeed Worlds leading independent IT qualification awarding body Pioneering history - over 35 years Over 300 Accredited Partners Courses available in over 40 countries Over 200,000 people assessed annually

22 22 Certificate

23 23 Certificate

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