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ORDered ALignment Information Explorer. Alignment editor Conservation computtion “barcode” = schematic alignment Phylogenic tree 3D viewer => sequence.

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Presentation on theme: "ORDered ALignment Information Explorer. Alignment editor Conservation computtion “barcode” = schematic alignment Phylogenic tree 3D viewer => sequence."— Presentation transcript:

1 ORDered ALignment Information Explorer

2 Alignment editor Conservation computtion “barcode” = schematic alignment Phylogenic tree 3D viewer => sequence / structure / function / evolution cross-talks Sequence Clustering Features Editor

3 Alignment Positions Taxa Contexts Exploring Alignment Information up to the residue Level Global level Clusterings level Single Taxa Level Full length Domains Motifs, secondary structures, ….. Residues X x x 3D structure conservation phylogeny

4 Reads ALN, MSF, TFA, RSF, Macsims/XML, ORD file formats What is an alignment ? - description of the alignment (NorMD score, date, etc …) - set of sequences  generic information (length, EC, phylogeny, …)  features (PFAM-A, PROSITE, BLOCK, etc …) - clustering = groups of sequences - conservation scores based on clustering and Alignments :

5 Sequence editingClustering editing Current Alignment Overwrite current Create new MACSIM

6 Ordalie parameters (colors, fonts, thresholds, …) Description of the alignment (name, NorMD score, creation date,...) Original Set of aligned sequences - general information (length, pI, mol. Weight, …) - features (Pfam domain, secondary structures, …) - AA sequence Coordinates of 3D structures corresponding to PDB entries Description of 3D objects (representation type, colors, etc …) M 3 – new clustering Clustering 1 Sequences set 1 -> conservation M 4 – edit sequences Clustering 1 Edit Sequences -> conservation M 5 – clust. + edit Clustering 2 Edit Sequences -> conservation Inside : M 2 – macsims clustering Macsims Clustering Original Sequences set -> original conservation M 1 – original alignment Original Sequences set

7 SQlite Database  accessible through SQL statements  ODBC compatible Platform independant Light weight Contains all Ordalie data  preferences  performances ORD : file format

8 Modes : - features - search - pairwise identity - sequences editor - features editor - clustering - trees - conservation - superposition

9 Zone selection : Whole alignment By Feature User defined Criterions : % identity pI Length Composition (aminoacid, physico-chemical groups) Clustering Methods : Manual clustering by inserting/removing separators Hierarchical classification + Secator Kmeans + DPC Mixture model + AIC Clustering:

10 Threshold Global Identity -> 100% Identity Global Conserved -> >80% identity. Group Identity -> 100 % identity in group Mean Distance as cf ClustalX Vector Norm based on a vectorial (polarity,volume) representation of amino acids Liu2 based on Blosum62 Entropy takes gaps and physico-chemical properties of AA into account  Validity of score clustering ? Conservation Methods :

11 Key Usage Points : Always leave a mode before entering a new one Sequences selection : « à la Windows » - selects a sequence - add current seq. to selection - Zone selection : - All (button) - selecting a feature - manuaally : - for starting point - for ending point - to delete a selected zone

12 TODO List : Short term : - Bugs, if any …. ;-) - group naming - project handling - MacOS X version - documentation and tutorials - publication Long term : - Bugs, if any …. ;-) - on-line web services - on-line Macsims calculation - on-line sequence, information, feature updating - 3D surface mapping of features. - ….

13 Running Ordalie : On surf/lameX : - setordalie - ordalie - ordalie option value option value File formats: MSF, TFA, ALN, RSF, XML/Macsims and ORD Conversion : ordalie toto.msf –convert ALN -  toto.aln

14 1985 Enseignement

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