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Leisure and Food in Colonial Times! 4.11 and 4.12.

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2 Leisure and Food in Colonial Times! 4.11 and 4.12

3 4.11 Leisure

4 Barn Raising!

5 Pig Chasing!


7 4.11 Leisure






13 Click Here!

14 Quiz 1.What are three games adults like to play? 2.What are four things fairs included? 3.What happened at the end of barn and house raising? 4.What was fun for kids but their parents thought it was dangerous? 5.What kind of toys did kids have? 6.Apple pies were baked all year round in which colonies? 7.What was in almost every meal? 8.How did they disguise bad meat’s taste? 9.What did they do to meat to keep it from going bad? 10.What was considered unhealthy, especially if eaten raw?

15 Answers 1.tick-tack, trock, and bowling 2.(varied) skill contests, art contests, dance contests, foot races, wrestling matches, scrambles to catch greased pig or climb greased poles 3.Dances 4.Coasting or sledding 5.Simple toys, dolls, marbles, and tops 6.New England and Middle Colonies 7.Corn 8.By covering it in spices and pepper 9.Pickled, salted, or smoked it 10.Eating vegetables

16 This PowerPoint was brought to you by Austin Mansavage Michael Poeschel Sarah Mitch Maureen Reilly

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