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Early Battles of Revolutionary War and 2 nd Continental Congress.

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Presentation on theme: "Early Battles of Revolutionary War and 2 nd Continental Congress."— Presentation transcript:

1 Early Battles of Revolutionary War and 2 nd Continental Congress

2 Early Battless Battle of Lexington: April 19, 1775 Battle of Concord: April 19, 1775

3 2nd Continental Congress When? Where? Why? Problem?.

4 Is anything decided here? 1.One Continental Army 2.Commander-in-Chief of the army 3.Supplies/Medicine 4.Authorized printing of Colonial Dollars 5.Authorized a committee to conduct foreign relations

5 * Delegates set up the Continental Army, naming George Washington as commander.

6 Battle of Bunker Hill When? Who? Mistakes made? Result?

7 Battle of Bunker Hill Battle of Bunker Hill – video 3:53 Occurred on Breeds Hill on June 17, 1775.

8 The Patriots were short on gunpowder and were warned by Colonel William Prescott, “Don’t fire till you see the whites of their eyes!”

9 Battle in Quebec When? Why Quebec? Result? Significance?

10 Back to 2 nd Continental Congress……… What’s going on? Reconciliation Olive Branch Petition

11 When? What? Result?

12 American signatures upon the Olive Branch Petition

13 What happened in next few months to convince colonists to independence necessary? 1.John Locke’s ideas: Natural Rights Obey government as long as… If government violates this social contract, ……..overthrow! 2.Support of Religion 3.Thomas Paine’s Common Sense

14 Common Sense When? What? Message? Effect?

15 Back to the 2 nd Continental Congress…..What next? March 1776 – Congress receives interesting news Who wants independence? Will there be a formal document? Who’s on the committee?

16 Declaration of Independence Some of the highlights of the document itself: 1.TJ drew on Locke and Paine, how? 2.In what ways had England had taken away our unalienable rights 3.“All men created equal” – Really… ALL men? Making it official

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