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Yes, You Can Do It and More! Session 1 Madina Akhmetshina.

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Presentation on theme: "Yes, You Can Do It and More! Session 1 Madina Akhmetshina."— Presentation transcript:

1 Yes, You Can Do It and More! Session 1 Madina Akhmetshina

2 My Long-Term Goal Persuade you that stress is optional Achieve your goals faster and higher Conduct experiments (especially with those who are skeptical) in groups

3 Contents About myself What is achievement for you Let's measure results The concept of responsibility Where do fears come from? How to cope with fears?

4 About Myself Self-curing myself from the conviction that I am barely capable of a job anymore then a waitress in a simple restaurant Why I am interested – if it worked for me, it can work for anyone Why I chose you – more often then not, students do lack consistent encouragement to pursue their highest potential. Why this seminar – my source of passion and research Major resources/literature: Joe Vitale, Brian Tracy, Jack Canfield, Bruce Lipton, Byron Katie, Hale Dwoskin, Bill Harris, Napoleon Hill, Pat Carrington, etc. Major method – thoughts reprogramming

5 Achievement What would you dare to have if you knew you couldn't fail? – Ask yourself over and over – One of the differences between high achievers and low achievers is that the former DREAM bigger first of all. – First they think of what? and then how? This is extremely important. Most of the times, the “How?” comes with taking actions! and not sitting and hypothesizing the means.

6 Let's Measure In order for us to evaluate the use of this workshop, we should know where are we today and measure it in 4 weeks period. So, please record your current parameters in a measurable way: – Health/weight – Educational scores – Career – on a 10-point scale how advanced are you in your sphere – Relationships – single/in relationship; Finance – what is your current salary/ scholarship amount/assistance from other sources amount – Friendship - happy/lonely, satisfied/frustrated, expectations met/not met(10-point scale)

7 Responsibility Are you responsible for everything going on in your life? Are you guilty or responsible for what you have right now? What is the difference? Why to take responsibility? If you refuse to take it, who if not you then? When, if not now?

8 Where Do Fears Come From Inhibitive negative habit pattern – “I can't” => fear of failure (the most destructive in personal achievement) Compulsive negative habit pattern - “I have to” => fear of rejection (constant pre-occupation over what others may judge about you) Whatever programming you received in childhood, it is YOUR responsibility to reprogram yourself in order to achieve success beyond what you currently see as possible. The following exercises are compulsory, at least one of them. Otherwise, there is no meaning of you attending this workshop. Get used to the idea of working on the paper. This is proven to be therapeutical and to have long-lasting effects for thousands of people.

9 Cope Method #1 (Napoleon Hill) Estimated time 30-60 min several days in a row “Every adversity carries in itself equal or greater benefit.” Write very clearly the situation that is bringing a lot of worries/anxieties/guilt or any other intense negative feeling in your life. List ANY current or potential advantages that you obtain/might obtain from the situation. – E.g. I did not receive the full scholarship. Benefit: I got a chance to look and find a part-time work in marketing that is very beneficial for my future career, and so on. – The more advantages you find, the faster you will resolve the situation or change your attitude at least.

10 Method #2 by Brian Tracy “Table of worries”. Estimated time – 30-60 min several days in a row What is bothering me/what am I afraid of? What could be the worst outcome of this? What am I going to do, if the worst case scenario happens? What should I do so that it does not happen? What would be the BEST case scenario out of the current situation? E.g. GradesThey get so low, that I am kicked out of school Find a jobRead the booksI graduate with a 4.00 GPA and receive award for the best senior thesis

11 Method #2 - continued Your job is ALWAYS to expect the best, even when there is not any evidence for it, while taking necessary action to prevent the worst case scenario. This is another important characteristics of all successful people. Again, it is your responsibility to expect and think about the best outcome!

12 Conclusion I want your commitment Work in pairs/groups? Email me for questions/concerns Additional/independent material is available

13 Next Session Dealing with other Negative Emotions, “Aroused” by others Defining goals and ways to achieve them Increasing energy level


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