Bacteria Our invisible friends. Bacteria are prokaryotes  Pro – before  Karyon – nucleus  The simplest forms of life are prokaryotes without a nucleus.

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Presentation on theme: "Bacteria Our invisible friends. Bacteria are prokaryotes  Pro – before  Karyon – nucleus  The simplest forms of life are prokaryotes without a nucleus."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bacteria Our invisible friends

2 Bacteria are prokaryotes  Pro – before  Karyon – nucleus  The simplest forms of life are prokaryotes without a nucleus.  Earth’s first cells were prokaryotes.

3 Lots of Them!  Prokaryotes are Earth’s most abundant life forms.  They can survive in many environments.  They can get energy from many different sources.

4 Prokaryote Review  Mostly single-celled  No nucleus or organelles  Circular chromosomes  Cell walls  Reproduce mostly asexually  Anaerobic or aerobic  Heterotrophic or autotrophic

5 Archaebacteria  Can survive without oxygen

6 Eubacteria  Parasitic heterotrophs (Streptococcus)  Saprophages Sapro = death Phage = eat  Include the most ancient prokaryotes

7 Bacteria are Named by Shape  Cocci (ball-shaped) Streptococcus mutans  Bacillus (rod-shaped) Clostridium botulinum  Spirilli (spiral-shaped) Treponema palladium


9 Germ Theory of Disease  Joseph Lister – Aseptic Techniques  Robert Koch – Germ Theory A specific microorganism causes a specific disease


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