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Directions 1.Type in an explanation of your lesson on the left side of page 2. 2.Take a screenshot of your lesson (either CPS or Workspace). To do this,

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Presentation on theme: "Directions 1.Type in an explanation of your lesson on the left side of page 2. 2.Take a screenshot of your lesson (either CPS or Workspace). To do this,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Directions 1.Type in an explanation of your lesson on the left side of page 2. 2.Take a screenshot of your lesson (either CPS or Workspace). To do this, open the lesson & press command/shift/4. Your cursor is now a target. Click & drag the target over the screen you wish to capture. Release the cursor. The image is now on your desktop. 3.Click & drag the image from your desktop into slide 2 of the PowerPoint. 4.Click on slide 1 and delete. 5.Save the PowerPoint as a pdf. 6.Upload the file onto the wiki 7.Embed the file onto the page you are inserting so you get the image.

2 Amy Holly Hammond High School Intro to Geo/Functions Mobi What was your objective? Guided Practice How was the tool used? Screen shot of program that generates math problems can now be written on so show work and highlight parts of the problem. How the device enhanced the lesson? The students have an opportunity to try the problem on their own, then see the answer, then we can screen shot it by clicking the pen icon on the Mobi so we can write on the problem and discuss it (by the teacher or a student). At the end they asked if it could be put online so I saved it as a PDF and posted it on my website.

3 How to take a screen shot of screen on your computer. Open Interactive workspace. X out of the workspace so you only have the toolbar on the side. **It won’t close of out it. ***You have to X out not minimize. Work on whatever – Kuta, ppt, etc. When you want a screen shot click the pen button at the top of your tablet (5 th from the left at the top) It will screen shot it into Interactive workspace as a new page. Then X out of it and go back to your Kuta, ppt, etc.

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