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Published byAdela Wheeler Modified over 9 years ago
1 FL Assessments for Instruction in Reading Just Read, Florida! & Florida Center for Reading Research
2 Regional Meetings Nov. 17: Washington-PAEC-8:30-Noon (CST) Nov. 18: Seminole-Tuskawilla Middle School 12:30-4:00 Nov. 19: Bradenton/Manatee Professional Support Center 12:30-4:00 Nov. 20: Broward-Broward College-Downtown 12:30-4:00 Nov. 21: Duval-The Schultz Center 12:30-4:00 Dec. 1: Tallahassee-Turlington Building 12:30-4:00
3 Agenda Overview of Florida Assessments for Instruction in Reading (K-12) –K-2 Assessments –3-12 Assessments Connecting Assessment to Instruction –PMRN Reports –Resources Current Steps in 2008-2009 –Implementation Study –Experimental Study Looking Ahead to 2009-2010
4 New Florida Assessments for Instruction in Reading Instructionally useful Computer administered in grades 3-12 Automatic reporting to the Progress Monitoring and Reporting Network (PMRN) in grades 3-12 K-2 will be able to be administered via an internet-based application that will be linked to the PMRN Implementation study in 08-09 in Manatee, Broward, Leon, and Alachua counties Available free of charge to all schools in Fall 2009 Only mandatory in Reading First and Kindergarten Screening
5 New Florida Assessments for Instruction in Reading PreK: print knowledge, phonological awareness, vocabulary, math K-2: phonemic awareness, letter knowledge, decoding, encoding, fluency, vocabulary, listening or reading comp. 3-12: adaptive complex & low level reading comp., fluency, word analysis, skill assessment K-12: Informal reading inventories Lexile scores in grades 3-12 allow matching students to text and access to online libraries Linked to current measure for K screening Identifies risk of reading difficulties
6 The Florida Assessments for Instruction in Reading Probability of Success Students who take the TDI are recommended to take: Ongoing Progress Monitoring tasks (K-12) & Diagnostic Toolkit tasks (3-12)
7 WHO will take the Florida Assessments for Instruction in Reading? Assessment Period 1 OPM Assessment Period 2 OPM Assessment Period 3 ScreenAllAllAll BDIAll* TDISome * Available to All, but may not required
8 WHEN are the Florida Assessments for Instruction in Reading Taken? Assessment Period 1 (Sept Instructional Days 20 - 29) OPM Assessment Period 2 (Jan (Instructional Days 95 - 114) OPM Assessment Period 3 (Apr – Instruct. Days 156 - 174) Screen 3-5 min per student 3-5 min per student 3-5 min per student BDI 10-15 min per task TDI Time varies by student Time varies by student Time varies by student Same assessment windows as in previous years
9 HOW does using the Florida Assessments for Instruction in Reading Support Students & Teachers? Comprehensive assessment system 1.Phonemic Awareness 2.Phonics 3.Fluency 4.Vocabulary 5.Text Comprehension 6.Orthographic Skills (Spelling) K-23-12 * * embedded in text comprehension
10 The Various Components of the Florida Assessments for Instruction in Reading Broad Screen/Progress Monitoring Tool (K-12) Broad Diagnostic Inventory (K-2) Targeted Diagnotic Inventory (K-12) Ongoing Progress Monitoring (K-12) Informal Diagnostic Toolkit (3-12)
11 Broad Screen/Progress Monitoring Tool (K-12) K-2: 3-5 minute set of tasks designed to indicate the probability of success on the SESAT (K) or SAT-10 (1, 2) 3-12: –Computer-based, adaptive reading comprehension assessment designed to indicate the probability of success on the FCAT. –This will meet the requirement for reporting progress monitoring scores for students scoring at Level 1 and 2 on FCAT Reading at grades 4-12 and students with reading deficiencies at grade 3.
12 Success Zones - Probability Scores 85% or better probability of grade- level or above performance on the SESAT/SAT-10/FCAT 16-84% probability of grade-level or above performance on the SESAT/SAT-10/FCAT 15% or less probability of grade- level or above performance on the SESAT/SAT-10/FCAT GREEN YELLOW RED
13 Broad Diagnostic Inventory (K-2) Set of tasks designed to indicate other key areas of instructional need related to reading success Listening Comprehension Reading Comprehension Vocabulary Spelling (Grade 2 only)
14 Targeted Diagnostic Inventory (K-12) Set of tasks designed to more precisely indicate the areas of instructional need based upon performance on the Broad Screen
15 Ongoing Progress Monitoring (K-12) Set of tasks designed to monitor student progress in acquiring critical reading- related skills between benchmark tests
16 Instructional Level RC Passages Phonics and Sight Word Inventory Instructional Implications of Word Analysis Task Passage-specific Teacher Q & R Templates Informal Diagnostic Toolkit (3-12)
17 Task Administration All but one K-2 tasks (G2 spelling) are individually administered and scored via a web-based application or on paper. Most 3-12 tasks are individually administered on the computer. The Informal Diagnostic Toolkit and G3-G5 fluency probes will be paper and pencil administration only.
18 Why New Reading Assessments? Improved to include assessment of: 1.PreK 2.Vocabulary 3.Comprehension Assesses standards in K-12; monitors progress Results predict end of year performance on standardized test (K-2) & FCAT Diagnostic inventories are linked to Florida standards and provide information for guiding instruction Reading comprehension & oral reading fluency passages are equated for difficulty to allow for accurate progress monitoring and comparison of student performance from one passage to another Comprehension assessed in instructional level passages
19 The Role of DIBELS in 2009-10 Schools can choose which assessments they want to use if they are not in Reading First. DIBELS will not be supported by the PMRN. DIBELS will not be a part of the FLKRS.
20 HOW is Using the Florida Assessments for Instruction in Reading Beneficial? Precise ability placement for Reading Comprehension tasks K-2: Word List placement into RC passages 3-12: Adaptive placement into RC passages Internet-based options K-2: Internet-based application may be used for task administration 3-12: Screen and Targeted Diagnostic Inventory tasks on computer
21 HOW is Using the Florida Assessments for Instruction in Reading Beneficial? Access to the PMRN system for recording student scores K-2: Scores can be entered by hand or via internet-based scoring tool 3-12: Scores are automatically sent to the PMRN via the computerized task administration Teacher website for guiding instruction will be available Ideas for grouping students by instructional need will be available; including program-specific PD Links to appropriate instructional routines, based upon student score results, will be available
22 HOW is Using the Florida Assessments for Instruction in Reading Beneficial? Screen tasks are directly related to Florida Sunshine State Standards and predict end of year performance on the Stanford Achievement Test (K-2) or FCAT (3-12) Strong psychometric test properties form the basis of all of the assessments All reading comprehension and oral reading fluency tasks use equating methods to put passages on the same scale so that fluency scores are meaningful.
23 Professional Development on the New Florida Reading Assessments Three main components of PD: –How to Administer Assessments –What do the Results mean for Instruction? –The new PMRN reports December and January: –FCRR trains RFPD coordinators and FLaRE trainers Winter, 2009: –RFPD and FLaRE Coordinators train reading coaches and developers in all districts choosing to use new assessments Spring, 2009: –FCRR conducts regional trainings to develop district Master Trainers Summer Academies and Leadership Conference: –All attendees trained (teachers, leadership)
24 Professional Development Opportunities TrainingAudienceWhenLocation Elementary/Secondary Train the Trainer: How to Administer Assessment Linking to Instruction PMRN Elementary and Secondary District Trainers Spring/Summer (Provided by FCRR) Regional Elementary Train the Trainer: How to Administer Assessment Linking to Instruction PMRN Elementary (K-5) Reading Coaches and District Trainers RFPD QuarterliesDistrict Secondary Train the Trainer: How to Administer Assessment Linking to Instruction PMRN Secondary (6-12) Reading Coaches and District Trainers FLaRE QuarterliesDistrict Elementary/Secondary How to Administer Assessment Linking to Instruction PMRN Grades K-12 TeachersSummer Professional Development (provided by Just Read, Florida!, FLaRE, RFPD, FCRR) Regional Elementary/Secondary Assessment Overview Elementary and Secondary Reading Leadership Team members Reading Leadership Team Institutes (Provided by FLaRE and RFPD) Regional Elementary/Secondary How to Administer Assessment Linking to Instruction PMRN Elementary and Secondary teachers, coaches, and principals Just Read, Florida! Leadership Conference (audience-specific session tracks) (provided by Just Read, Florida!, FLaRE, RFPD, FCRR) Orlando
25 K-2 Assessments
26 The K-2 “Big Picture” Map Broad Screen/Progress Monitoring Tool (BS/PMT) “All” children Letter Naming & Sounds Phonemic Awareness Word Reading Broad Diagnostic Inventory (BDI) “Most” children Listening Comprehension Reading Comprehension Vocabulary Spelling (2 nd grade only) Targeted Diagnostic Inventory (TDI) “Some” children K = 9 tasks 1 st = 8 tasks 2 nd = 2 tasks In your handout packet, there is a document that links the SSS and the grade level assessment tasks.
27 Broad Screen Task Examples
28 Letter Naming and Sounds Kindergarten Teacher Directions: I’m going to show you some letters of the alphabet. Tell me the name of the letter and the sound it makes. Ready?
29 Phonemic Awareness Kindergarten Teacher Directions : 1. What would the word be if I say: /l/ /ake/ (lake) /l/ /ock/ (lock) /sh/ /ip/ (ship) /s/ /o/ (so) /h/ /all/ (hall) /c/ /oa/ /t (coat) For the first assessment, the majority of the items are onset and rime.
30 Word Reading Kindergarten Grade K Word Reading Task Card Student reads word lists Ten items
31 First Grade Probability of Success Chart
32 Broad Diagnostic Task Examples
33 K-2 Assessment Sample Paper Administration Clear, easy to use student score form Scores can be entered into the PMRN Immediate display of raw score performance
34 Vocabulary Teacher Directions: What is this?
35 Vocabulary Teacher Directions: What do you call this outdoor activity?
36 Targeted Diagnostic Inventory (K-2) Kindergarten Print Awareness (optional) Letter name knowledge Phoneme Blending Phoneme Deletion Word Parts/Initial Letter Sound Connection Initial; LS Connection Final Word Building –Initial Consonants; Final Consonants Word Building –Medial Vowels First Grade Letter Sound Knowledge Phoneme Blending Phoneme Deletion Initial; Phoneme Deletion Final Word Building –Consonants Word Building –Vowels Word Building –CVC /CVCe Word Building –Blends Second Grade Word Building –Blends & Vowels Multisyllabic Word Reading
37 The Targeted Diagnostic Inventory A set of tasks that cover the range of developmental reading skills at each grade Students in the yellow and red zones of Success work through these tasks. A criterion of 80% accuracy is required to move on to the next task.
39 Targeted Diagnostic Task Example Phoneme Blending Administer items using the key phrase “What would the word be if I say /n/ /ew/ ?”
40 Targeted Diagnostic Task Example Word Building Tasks are given at each grade level. Grade 1 Vowels. Student moves letters to make new words like dig, dug, pug, pig, and pit. Practice and Task Items u p t a e i dog
42 Ongoing Progress Monitoring (K-2) Letter Name and Sound Knowledge (K) Phonemic Awareness (K & 1) Word Building (K & 1) Oral Reading Fluency (1& 2)
43 K-2 Web-Based Administration Neither Palm nor handheld scoring will be available May be administered on laptops, mini-laptops, or desktop computers Tentative plan to provide mini-laptops for elementary schools in pilot, Reading First, and current Palm users (estimated 1 laptop for every two K-2 teachers)-Based on availability of funding and results of bidding process District-wide implementation required to receive hardware
44 Why Web-Based Versus Palms or Handheld? Confident that assessments can be administered in a reliable, valid, and efficient manner Long range technology solution Teachers more comfortable with laptop format Broader availability and greater functionality (multifunction versus single) Broader access to technical assistance and maintenance No reprogramming required for updates
45 K-2 Assessment Sample Internet-based Administration
46 K-2 Assessment Sample Internet-based Administration Teacher is guided through assessment Easy to use When synced, scores are sent directly to PMRN Immediate display of raw score performance
47 The K-2 Score Map BS/PMT ALL tasks = Probability of Reading Success (PRS) BDILC = Total questions correct (implicit/explicit) RC = Total questions correct (implicit/explicit), Adjusted Fluency, Percent Accuracy VOC = Percentile Rank SPL = Percentile Rank TDIALL tasks = Meets Expectations (ME) or Below Expectations (BE)
48 3-12 Assessments
49 The 3-12 “Big Picture” Map Type of Assessment Name of Assessment Information Given Broad Screen/Progress Monitoring Tool (BS/PMT) – “All” children Reading Comprehension (RC) Identifies which children we need more information on before planning instruction Targeted Diagnostic Inventory (TDI) – “Some” children Maze Word Analysis (WA) Differentiates between what type of intervention is needed – Comprehension and Fluency – Deeper Word Level Skills
50 Purpose of Each 3-12 Assessment RC Screen –Helps us identify students who may not be able to meet the grade level literacy standards at the end of the year as assessed by the FCAT. Mazes –Helps us determine whether a student has more fundamental reading problems in the area of fluency and low level reading comprehension. Word Analysis –Helps us learn more about a student's fundamental literacy skills--particularly those required to decode unfamiliar words and read accurately.
51 Information Given from Results RC Screen –If a student has a relatively low probability of success, it means they will need a substantial amount of extra support for reading growth during the year, and the TDI tests are given as a follow up to get more information about the type of help that may be needed. Maze –If a student does well on this test, but has a low probability of success from the RC screen, this means that they are likely to need particular support in the comprehension strategies, vocabulary, and thinking skills required by the FCAT, but likely do not need intensive work to increase their basic reading abilities. Word Analysis –Students who are low on both mazes and word analysis may be in need of intensive interventions to improve their basic reading skills.
52 Targeted Diagnostic Inventory (3-12) Computer-based Mazes Computer-based Word Analysis (spelling)
53 Ongoing Progress Monitoring (3-12) Oral Reading Fluency (3-5) on paper Computer-based Mazes (3-12)
54 Informal Diagnostic Toolkit (3-12) –Phonics Inventory A late elementary and a middle/high school inventory designed to help you gather information on students’ phonology, orthography, and morphology skills –Sight Word Grade Level Inventory Word lists for grades 3-12 designed to help you monitor the students’ knowledge of grade level vocabulary words. – Scaffolding Reading Passages…Coming Soon Short reading passages with multiple choice questions. Within each set of passages/questions, scaffolds will be embedded to help students determine the correct responses (e.g., think and search, right there, author and you)
55 Accessing the 3-12 Florida Assessments for Instruction in Reading 1.Make sure the computers meet the minimum technology requirements for use: - Internet Explorer 6.0 or later, Safari 2.0 or later, or Firefox 1.5 or later web browser enabled (tasks can be taken on both PC and Mac) -Screen resolution of 1024 x 768 pixels in use -Headphones for administration in use (the task instructions have audio) -Placement in a well-lit, non-distracting, quiet area 2. Assessments can be accessed at the following URL:
56 3-12 Assessment Sample Login Student logs into the computer application using: District Name School Name Grade Student Name Birth Date
57 3-12 Assessment Sample Login Using the drop-down menu options, the student completes the login process. A confirmation page is displayed prior to the start of the task. Florida Assessments for Instruction in Reading
58 The Broad Screen/Progress Monitoring Tool 20-40 minute computer-adaptive task of reading comprehension Predicts student’s “probability of success in reading” on the FCAT
59 FCAT Test Design Cognitive Complexity (Webb’s Depth of Knowledge) Content Categories for Reading - Words & phrases in context - Main idea, plot, & author’s purpose - Comparison; cause/effect - Reference & Research – locate, organize, interpret, synthesize, & evaluate information
60 3-12 Sample RC Screen Task Item The student reads a passage and answers 7-9 questions to assess reading comprehension. Once all questions are completed, the student clicks the “Submit Answers” button. Submit Answers Switch between full-and split- screen views
61 Reading Comprehension Task Demonstration Click here to start Click here to start
62 RC Screen Feedback After the answers are submitted for a passage, the student receives performance feedback. Depending upon his/her score, the student will either be administered an additional (easier or harder) passage or be finished with the task.
63 TDI: The Maze Task Two 3-minute passages Combines the assessment of reading accuracy and speed, or fluency, and gist – level comprehension; results indicate whether probability of success in reading is hampered by difficulties with fluency Administered to all implementation study students in 2008-2009
64 Maze Task Demonstration Click here to start Click here to start
65 Maze Feedback After the answers are submitted for a passage, the student receives performance feedback. Students are administered 2 passages and then proceed to Word Analysis.
66 TDI: The Word Analysis Task A 5-15 minute computer-adaptive spelling task that assesses a student’s understanding of letter/sound correspondence Results indicate whether probability of success in reading is hampered by difficulties with word- level skills. Administered to all implementation study students in 2008-2009
67 Word Analysis Task Demonstration Click here to start Click here to start
68 The TDI Logic Moderate or Low Success Probability on FCAT= Administer TDI Word Analysis TDI Intervention with word recognition skills? Intervention with reasoning skills, prior knowledge, and/or vocabulary? Maze TDI Intervention with fluency/ comprehension skills?
69 The 3-12 “Score” Map BS/PMT FCAT Success Probability (FSP)* – Color- coded Percentile Standard Score Lexile Ability Score Maze - TDI Percent Correct* Percentile (look up table) Standard Score Monitoring Level Word Analysis - TDI Percentile* Standard Score Ability Score (WAAS) * = The scores you will have on your reports from AP 1
70 Connecting Assessment to Instruction PMRN Reports Instructional Resources
71 PMRN Reports FCRR reports (e.g., school or student change State & Region reports (state status; success zone; historical) School report (status; success zone; historical; student 3+ progress) Teacher reports (status; grade; historical; year-end outcome; success zone; progress) Class reports (also TDI report and error analysis) Student report (OPM; cumulative; historical; score detail; parent letter)
72 K – 2 PMRN Reports Reviewed Class Status Report Student Score Detail Box Class Targeted Diagnostic Inventory Report Class Detail Targeted Diagnostic Inventory Report Class Summary Error Analysis Report Class Detail Error Analysis Report
73 3 – 12 Reports Reviewed Class Status Report Student Score Detail Box Class Summary Error Analysis Report Student Ongoing Progress Monitoring Report Class Year-End Outcome Test Report
79 Search Tool for FCRR resources For Student Center Activities (SCAs) for K-5 and for Empowering Teachers (ET) Routines K-3 –Searchable by grade level and then 5 components and then subskills SSS and then enter standard number DIBELS subtest (This will soon replaced with Florida Assessment for Instruction in Reading which will be labeled as FAIR on the tab) –The subskills on your class status worksheet match up with the subskills on the search tools under each component of reading instruction!
86 Grade 4/5 Student Center Activity for sorting syllables by type
87 Matching Reader to Text Use Lexile score to select text appropriate to reader ability and interest. Scaffold discussion. Verify that comprehension is at least at 75% correct.
88 Other resources available online: Florida Department of Education – Just Read! Florida – LEaRN (Literacy Essentials and Reading Network) – Partnership for Reading (National Institute for Literacy) – Reading Rockets – Colorin’ Colorado –
89 The Florida Assessments for Instruction in Reading: Current Steps
90 Implementation Study - 0809 20 schools in 4 counties (Broward, Manatee, Leon, & Alachua) administer new tests during 3 windows Teachers individually administer the K-2 assessments (except G2 spelling) Reading teachers in G3-G10 take students to computer lab or Internet-connected computers Teachers give feedback on tests, links to instruction, and toolkit
91 Psychometric Work - 0809 Testers administer (in Manatee, Leon, & Alachua): Additional PA & WR items for Broad Screen: K-1 Additional vocab items in fall; validation in spring Additional passage tryouts at all grades, with links to word placement list. Equating study for OPM Maze & G3-G5 fluency Lexile equating study (with MetaMetrics) Comparison: DIBELS with Broad Screen in K; FORF with Maze; WA with reading.
92 Looking Ahead: 2009-2010 The Florida Assessments for Instruction in Reading will be available to all public schools free of charge Scores from these assessments can be used to meet Reading First reporting requirements Professional development will be provided in regional academies during the spring-summer, 2009 and the JRF! Leadership conference.
93 What Can Be Gained From the Florida Assessments for Instruction in Reading? Use of an efficient Screen to predict K-12 student success in reading Access to free assessment tools designed to guide instruction Linking of expanded curricular supports to assessment results Successful Readers!
94 Thank you!
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