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How to write an essay. Need to know how to: Decide on a main topic and idea that you want to express in your writing Choose details and proof from the.

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Presentation on theme: "How to write an essay. Need to know how to: Decide on a main topic and idea that you want to express in your writing Choose details and proof from the."— Presentation transcript:

1 How to write an essay

2 Need to know how to: Decide on a main topic and idea that you want to express in your writing Choose details and proof from the play to prove your main point (supporting details) Organize ideas and information in a way that makes sense Write sentences that flow from one to the next Use complete, clear sentences Use proper punctuation to help the reader understand what you mean

3 Plan out your essay: Choose a position on your topic Draft a topic sentence stating your main idea/position List point or reasons that support your idea. Why do you think your idea is relevant? Provide an explanation and/or an example (quotes) for each point Organize your points. Place your strongest points first and last

4 Writing your essay: Write an introduction. Write a lead (opening sentence) to grab the reader’s attention. Include a sentence that states your main idea Write the body paragraphs (3 paragraphs). State each point, providing explanation and examples from the play for each Write a conclusion: Restate your position in different words

5 How many paragraphs should I write? You must write at least five paragraphs. Write one introduction paragraph, three body paragraphs and one conclusion paragraph.

6 Introduction: 1. A hook sentence that identifies your topic 2. Sentence that informs the readers what and how you are going to prove your topic. Thesis and Blueprint Thesis: Main idea/point of your essay expressed as a statement. Blueprint: Proof from the play that connects to the main idea

7 Body Paragraphs: 1. Topic Sentence – identifies the topic of the paragraph 2. First point, Proof, Explain – a reason and specific example from the play/graphic text 3. Conclusion sentences – connection to the topic/thesis

8 Conclusion: 1. Restate the names of those who can be blamed. 2. End with a sentence that connects the play to the characters that you blame. Be creative! Do not introduce new ideas!

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