Unit 4 Study (II) Step 1: Opening Remarks Step 2: Explain listening skills in Unit 4 在朗读或者谈话中,一个句子或短语当中,前面的 单词词尾是辅音,可以和后一个词首的元音连起来读。

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 4 Study (II) Step 1: Opening Remarks Step 2: Explain listening skills in Unit 4 在朗读或者谈话中,一个句子或短语当中,前面的 单词词尾是辅音,可以和后一个词首的元音连起来读。"— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 4 Study (II) Step 1: Opening Remarks Step 2: Explain listening skills in Unit 4 在朗读或者谈话中,一个句子或短语当中,前面的 单词词尾是辅音,可以和后一个词首的元音连起来读。

2 Step 2: Explain listening skills in Unit 4 第一种:如果前一个词是以辅音结尾,后一个词是以元 音开头, 这就要将辅音与元音拼起来连读。请看例句: Let me have a look at it . 第二种:如果前一个词是以 r 或者 re 结尾,后一个词是 以元音开头,此时 r 或 re 就要读出它的音/ r /来,并与后 面的元音拼起来连读。例如: There is a football under it .

3 Step 2: Explain listening skills in Unit 4 但是,如果 r 出现在词尾音节的元音前,那么词尾的那 个 r 不与下一个词首元音连读。比如: The black clouds are coming nearer and nearer . (nearer 与 and 不可连读 ) 第三种:以辅音结尾的单词后有 you 时,也可连读。请 看例句: Thank you .

4 Step 2: Explain listening skills in Unit 4 注意: 1. 当短语或分句之间按意群停顿时,意群与意群之间即 使有两个相邻辅音与元音出现,也不可连读。这是因为 它们不在同一个意群。请看下列例句: 1 ) Is it a hat or a cat ?( hat 与 or 之间不可以连读) 2 ) There is a big plate on the table .( plate 与 on 不可以 连读) 2. 连读是正常语速中自然发生的语言现象,我们不能把 它理解为有意识地去拼读,而应该做到自然而然。

5 Part A : Micro-Listening Exercise 1: 1.All of us are non-English majors in the college. 2.It is very important for us to study English well. 3.Is it difficult to learn a foreign language? 4.Here is your listening textbook.

6 Part A : Micro-Listening Exercise 1: 5. Take it easy when you listen to the recording of a dialogue. 6. Now put on your headphones 7. I have a lot of trouble with spelling. 8. The more you like your work, the better you’ll do it.

7 Part A : Micro-Listening Exercise 2: 1.A book is a friend that never betrays us. 2.All books are divided into two classes: the books of the hour, and the books of all time. 3.That is a good book which is opened with expectation and closed with profit. 4.No entertainment is so cheap as reading nor any pleasure so lasting. 5.A little learning is a dangerous thing, but a lot of ignorance is just as bad.

8 Part B : Marco-Listening  Conversation 1: The New Semester Culture Notes: 1. Semester Referring to a period of study of approximately, in American colleges and universities, 15 to 18 weeks’ duration, usually half an academic year. Some universities, such as the University of Chicago, however, have three or four semesters in a school year.

9 Part B : Marco-Listening Culture Notes: 2. What are you taking this semester? What courses are you going to / planning to take this semester? In education, “course” refers to regularly scheduled class sessions in a subject necessary for graduation or for a degree. A degree program is usually made up of a specified number of required courses and elective courses. The number of courses students are required to take varies from college to college.

10 Part B : Marco-Listening Culture Notes: 3. Intermediate Piano mid-level piano course between basic and advanced 4. Sounds like a full schedule! It seems that you will be fully occupied this semester. When we say someone has a full schedule (or a tight/ a heavy/ a tough schedule), we mean he is fully occupied, that is, he is very busy.

11  Conversation 2: Good Morning, Cindy! Part B : Marco-Listening 1. Let’s see An expression often used when you are thinking carefully about something or trying to remember something. Sometimes, it’s just a filler to give you some time to figure something out. You can also say “Let me see.” Culture Notes:

12 Part B : Marco-Listening 2. I have a faculty meeting. Here “a faculty meeting” is a meeting participated by all the members of the teaching staff in a department of a college. Such meeting are usually held once a week regularly for the teachers to discuss issues concerning teaching and reseach. Culture Notes:

13 Part B : Marco-Listening 3. the day-care center a place where care is provided during the day, especially for young children, which allows the people who usually take care of them to go to work or have a holiday. Culture Notes:

14 Part C Oral Practice Task 1: Communicative function: Talking about study with classmates and teachers Firstly, students are required to remember the useful sentences and structures that are often used in talking about study with classmates and teachers. Secondly, they are required to read a model dialogue.

15 Part C Oral Practice Finally, they are requested to make similar conversations of their own, using the given situation below. Try to use what they’ve learned in this lesson in their conversations. Situation: You have some difficulty with one of the courses you are taking. Your roommates encourage you to get help from your professor. Take your roommate’s advice and go and see the professor..

16 Part D Home Listening Exercise on page 35

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