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America’s History Seventh Edition

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1 America’s History Seventh Edition
James A. Henretta Rebecca Edwards Robert O. Self America’s History Seventh Edition CHAPTER 17 The Busy Hive: Industrial America at Work, Copyright © 2011 by Bedford/St. Martin’s

2 I. Business Gets Bigger Rise of the Corporation
1. Vertical Integration corporation controls everything needed to take raw materials and create a packaged product (ex: Swift in Chicago) “predatory pricing”: large firms undercut smaller businesses’ prices until the smaller businesses fail. 2. Standard Oil and the Rise of the Trusts John D. Rockefeller (oil) created leading refiner, Standard Oil used vertical integration to control production and sales; alliances with railroad executives “horizontal integration”: invited rivals to merge (they had no alternative financially) “trust”: business owners charge a small group of trustees to hold stock from several firms and manage them as one. Business Gets Bigger Rise of the Corporation Vertical Integration – corporation controls everything needed to take raw materials and create a packaged product (ex: Swift in Chicago); “predatory pricing”: large firms undercut smaller businesses’ prices until the smaller businesses fail. Standard Oil and the Rise of the Trusts – John D. Rockefeller (oil) created leading refiner, Standard Oil; used vertical integration to control production and sales; alliances with railroad executives; “horizontal integration”: invited rivals to merge (they had no alternative financially); “trust”: business owners charge a small group of trustees to hold stock from several firms and manage them as one.


4 1. What made Chicago an ideal city for meatpacking?
(Answer: location in the middle of the country, with proximity to agriculture and livestock in the Midwest, trains to eastern and western states.) 2. Consider the work the men in this image are undertaking in What aspects of the meatpacking process depicted here might have drawn fire from progressives in the early twentieth century? (Answer: evidence of unsanitary conditions, blood all over the floor) 3. What other industries were critical to the success of a meatpacking company in this era? (Answer: students could consider the transport process [railroads, refrigerator cars for trains], the need for materials/tools used in the packing plant [chains, buckets, iron hangers], livestock industry.)

5 2. Consider the work the men in this image are undertaking in 1882
2. Consider the work the men in this image are undertaking in What aspects of the meatpacking process depicted here might have drawn fire from progressives in the early twentieth century? 1. What made Chicago an ideal city for meatpacking? (Answer: location in the middle of the country, with proximity to agriculture and livestock in the Midwest, trains to eastern and western states.) 2. Consider the work the men in this image are undertaking in What aspects of the meatpacking process depicted here might have drawn fire from progressives in the early twentieth century? (Answer: evidence of unsanitary conditions, blood all over the floor) 3. What other industries were critical to the success of a meatpacking company in this era? (Answer: students could consider the transport process [railroads, refrigerator cars for trains], the need for materials/tools used in the packing plant [chains, buckets, iron hangers], livestock industry.)

6 3. What other industries were critical to the success of a meatpacking company in this era?
1. What made Chicago an ideal city for meatpacking? (Answer: location in the middle of the country, with proximity to agriculture and livestock in the Midwest, trains to eastern and western states.) 2. Consider the work the men in this image are undertaking in What aspects of the meatpacking process depicted here might have drawn fire from progressives in the early twentieth century? (Answer: evidence of unsanitary conditions, blood all over the floor) 3. What other industries were critical to the success of a meatpacking company in this era? (Answer: students could consider the transport process [railroads, refrigerator cars for trains], the need for materials/tools used in the packing plant [chains, buckets, iron hangers], livestock industry.)

7 I. Business Gets Bigger Consumer Culture 1. The Department Store
The Department Store – sold many different products in “departments” begun by John Wanamaker in Philadelphia (1875) window displays, Christmas decorations, advertisements all became part of urban culture at fairs and expositions stores sought to connect with rural customers used catalogs to market goods to those outside proximity to stores by 1900 there were 1,200 mail-order companies. 2. Modern Advertising by 1900 magazine ads used artwork to attract consumers’ interest; at turn of the century companies were spending more than $90m/year on ads in newspapers and magazines; 1903 Ladies’ Home Journal had more than one million subscribers; prices were declining making goods more accessible to consumers. Business Gets Bigger Consumer Culture The Department Store – sold many different products in “departments”; begun by John Wanamaker in Philadelphia (1875); window displays, Christmas decorations, advertisements all became part of urban culture; at fairs and expositions stores sought to connect with rural customers; used catalogs to market goods to those outside proximity to stores; by 1900 there were 1,200 mail-order companies. Modern Advertising – by 1900 magazine ads used artwork to attract consumers’ interest; at turn of the century companies were spending more than $90m/year on ads in newspapers and magazines; 1903 Ladies’ Home Journal had more than one million subscribers; prices were declining making goods more accessible to consumers. 7

8 I. Business Gets Bigger Consumer Culture 2. Modern Advertising
by 1900 magazine ads used artwork to attract consumers’ interest at turn of the century companies were spending more than $90m/year on ads in newspapers and magazines 1903 Ladies’ Home Journal had more than one million subscribers prices were declining making goods more accessible to consumers. Business Gets Bigger Consumer Culture The Department Store – sold many different products in “departments”; begun by John Wanamaker in Philadelphia (1875); window displays, Christmas decorations, advertisements all became part of urban culture; at fairs and expositions stores sought to connect with rural customers; used catalogs to market goods to those outside proximity to stores; by 1900 there were 1,200 mail-order companies. Modern Advertising – by 1900 magazine ads used artwork to attract consumers’ interest; at turn of the century companies were spending more than $90m/year on ads in newspapers and magazines; 1903 Ladies’ Home Journal had more than one million subscribers; prices were declining making goods more accessible to consumers. 8

9 I. Business Gets Bigger The Corporate Workplace
1. The Managerial Revolution “white collar” professionals 1850s-1880s emergence of managers on railway lines, each with different functions and a line of communication between them “middle managers” supervised departments such as accounting, purchasing, auditing. 2. Women in the Corporate Workplace 3. Company Salesmen Business Gets Bigger The Corporate Workplace The Managerial Revolution – “white collar” professionals; 1850s-1880s emergence of managers on railway lines, each with different functions and a line of communication between them; “middle managers” supervised departments such as accounting, purchasing, auditing. Women in the Corporate Workplace – female office workers were beneath managers; by turn of the century 77% of stenographers and typists were women; saleswomen worked with customers in department stores; prior to availability of daycare, women worked at home doing “piecework” (sewing projects paid by item), taking in laundry, or caring for boarders; in million women were working for wages: one-third in domestic service, one-third in industry, the rest in office work, teaching, nursing. Company Salesmen – 1870s “the drummer” or traveling salesmen emerged; created opportunity for nationwide distribution of products; managers began to set quotas, reward salesmen for their productivity.

10 I. Business Gets Bigger The Corporate Workplace
2. Women in the Corporate Workplace female office workers were beneath managers by turn of the century 77% of stenographers and typists were women saleswomen worked with customers in department stores prior to availability of daycare, women worked at home doing “piecework” (sewing projects paid by item), taking in laundry, or caring for boarders in million women were working for wages: one-third in domestic service, one-third in industry, the rest in office work, teaching, nursing. 3. Company Salesmen Business Gets Bigger The Corporate Workplace The Managerial Revolution – “white collar” professionals; 1850s-1880s emergence of managers on railway lines, each with different functions and a line of communication between them; “middle managers” supervised departments such as accounting, purchasing, auditing. Women in the Corporate Workplace – female office workers were beneath managers; by turn of the century 77% of stenographers and typists were women; saleswomen worked with customers in department stores; prior to availability of daycare, women worked at home doing “piecework” (sewing projects paid by item), taking in laundry, or caring for boarders; in million women were working for wages: one-third in domestic service, one-third in industry, the rest in office work, teaching, nursing. Company Salesmen – 1870s “the drummer” or traveling salesmen emerged; created opportunity for nationwide distribution of products; managers began to set quotas, reward salesmen for their productivity.

11 I. Business Gets Bigger The Corporate Workplace 3. Company Salesmen
1870s “the drummer” or traveling salesmen emerged created opportunity for nationwide distribution of products managers began to set quotas, reward salesmen for their productivity. Business Gets Bigger The Corporate Workplace The Managerial Revolution – “white collar” professionals; 1850s-1880s emergence of managers on railway lines, each with different functions and a line of communication between them; “middle managers” supervised departments such as accounting, purchasing, auditing. Women in the Corporate Workplace – female office workers were beneath managers; by turn of the century 77% of stenographers and typists were women; saleswomen worked with customers in department stores; prior to availability of daycare, women worked at home doing “piecework” (sewing projects paid by item), taking in laundry, or caring for boarders; in million women were working for wages: one-third in domestic service, one-third in industry, the rest in office work, teaching, nursing. Company Salesmen – 1870s “the drummer” or traveling salesmen emerged; created opportunity for nationwide distribution of products; managers began to set quotas, reward salesmen for their productivity.


13 1. Describe this man. What is his occupation?
2. Who is the audience for this advertisement? 3. What is this advertisement asking its audience to do? Why? 1. Describe this man. What is his occupation? (Answer: white; professionally-dressed in a suit, jacket, tie and hat; a traveling salesman.) 2. Who is the audience for this advertisement? (Answer: men in sales; “ Commercial Travelers, City Salesmen or Merchandise Brokers.”) 3. What is this advertisement asking its audience to do? Why? (Answer: inviting men in sales to join a “secret order” for “mutual interest and protection”; enables men to contribute to a Widows’ and Orphans’ Fund; enables men to participate in social events when they are away from home; organizing men for the benefit of themselves and their families; not collectively arguing for benefits from employers, but seeking to create safety nets for their families and social organizations for these men who generally worked independently.)

14 I. Business Gets Bigger On the Shop Floor 3. Scientific Management
1. Skilled Workers male skilled craft workers still provided their own tools, worked at their own pace in many industries (ex: coal mining) the “stint”: self-imposed limit on how much they would produce daily. 2. Mass Production increases in technology led to a loss of independence among workers as less skilled was required to complete tasks (“de-skilling of labor”) Ford called mechanized manufacturing “mass production” machines operated the tools once operated by human hands allowed corporations to cut labor costs and required fewer skilled workers. 3. Scientific Management Business Gets Bigger On the Shop Floor Skilled Workers – male skilled craft workers still provided their own tools, worked at their own pace in many industries (ex: coal mining); the “stint”: self-imposed limit on how much they would produce daily. Mass Production – increases in technology led to a loss of independence among workers as less skilled was required to complete tasks (“de-skilling of labor”); Ford called mechanized manufacturing “mass production”; machines operated the tools once operated by human hands; allowed corporations to cut labor costs and required fewer skilled workers. Scientific Management – Frederick W. Taylor argued for maximum output by 1) eliminating the need for brain power in manual labor and 2) remove workers’ authority, decisions made by managers alone; implementation was expensive as workers resisted; increasingly women and children were part of the unskilled labor force; by 1900 one in five children under age 16 worked outside of the home; African American workers at the bottom of the pay scale. 14

15 I. Business Gets Bigger On the Shop Floor 3. Scientific Management
Frederick W. Taylor argued for maximum output by 1) eliminating the need for brain power in manual labor and 2) remove workers’ authority, decisions made by managers alone implementation was expensive as workers resisted; increasingly women and children were part of the unskilled labor force by 1900 one in five children under age 16 worked outside of the home African American workers at the bottom of the pay scale. Business Gets Bigger On the Shop Floor Skilled Workers – male skilled craft workers still provided their own tools, worked at their own pace in many industries (ex: coal mining); the “stint”: self-imposed limit on how much they would produce daily. Mass Production – increases in technology led to a loss of independence among workers as less skilled was required to complete tasks (“de-skilling of labor”); Ford called mechanized manufacturing “mass production”; machines operated the tools once operated by human hands; allowed corporations to cut labor costs and required fewer skilled workers. Scientific Management – Frederick W. Taylor argued for maximum output by 1) eliminating the need for brain power in manual labor and 2) remove workers’ authority, decisions made by managers alone; implementation was expensive as workers resisted; increasingly women and children were part of the unskilled labor force; by 1900 one in five children under age 16 worked outside of the home; African American workers at the bottom of the pay scale. 15

16 1. Describe these workers photographed by Lewis Hine.
(Answer: at front: two boys, likely under 15 years old dressed in tattered shirts, pants and hats, dirty faces and hands; behind them at least three other boys work. 2. Based on this image, what kind of conditions are present in this glass factory? (Answer: dark, crowded, cluttered, dirty.) 3. Who is Hine’s audience for this photograph? (Answer: wanted to show Americans what child labor looked like through images of working children; directed especially at those who could do something to alleviate the poor conditions in which these children worked.) 4. In your opinion, does this image support or contradict a political cause from the late nineteenth/early twentieth centuries? (Answer: supports progressivism; supports the arguments in favor of reform of child labor practices.)

17 2. Based on this image, what kind of conditions are present in this glass factory?
1. Describe these workers photographed by Lewis Hine. (Answer: at front: two boys, likely under 15 years old dressed in tattered shirts, pants and hats, dirty faces and hands; behind them at least three other boys work. 2. Based on this image, what kind of conditions are present in this glass factory? (Answer: dark, crowded, cluttered, dirty.) 3. Who is Hine’s audience for this photograph? (Answer: wanted to show Americans what child labor looked like through images of working children; directed especially at those who could do something to alleviate the poor conditions in which these children worked.) 4. In your opinion, does this image support or contradict a political cause from the late nineteenth/early twentieth centuries? (Answer: supports progressivism; supports the arguments in favor of reform of child labor practices.)

18 3. Who is Hine’s audience for this photograph?
1. Describe these workers photographed by Lewis Hine. (Answer: at front: two boys, likely under 15 years old dressed in tattered shirts, pants and hats, dirty faces and hands; behind them at least three other boys work. 2. Based on this image, what kind of conditions are present in this glass factory? (Answer: dark, crowded, cluttered, dirty.) 3. Who is Hine’s audience for this photograph? (Answer: wanted to show Americans what child labor looked like through images of working children; directed especially at those who could do something to alleviate the poor conditions in which these children worked.) 4. In your opinion, does this image support or contradict a political cause from the late nineteenth/early twentieth centuries? (Answer: supports progressivism; supports the arguments in favor of reform of child labor practices.)

19 4. In your opinion, does this image support or contradict a political cause from the late nineteenth/early twentieth centuries? . 1. Describe these workers photographed by Lewis Hine. (Answer: at front: two boys, likely under 15 years old dressed in tattered shirts, pants and hats, dirty faces and hands; behind them at least three other boys work. 2. Based on this image, what kind of conditions are present in this glass factory? (Answer: dark, crowded, cluttered, dirty.) 3. Who is Hine’s audience for this photograph? (Answer: wanted to show Americans what child labor looked like through images of working children; directed especially at those who could do something to alleviate the poor conditions in which these children worked.) 4. In your opinion, does this image support or contradict a political cause from the late nineteenth/early twentieth centuries? (Answer: supports progressivism; supports the arguments in favor of reform of child labor practices.)


21 II. Immigrants, East and West
Newcomers from Europe 1. West mass migration from Europe began in 1840s during famine in Ireland voyage to U.S. lasted days with people jammed below ship decks in steerage 1892 onward European immigrants arrived through Ellis Island (NY) some workers had skills, many more did not “sojourners” planned to work, save, and return to Europe approximately one in three immigrants to the U.S. in late 19th/early 20th centuries returned to their homeland. East – Eastern European Jews mostly of German descent; more than 3 million Jews came from Russia, Ukraine, Poland, and elsewhere in Eastern Europe for work and to escape religious persecution. 2. East Immigrants, East and West Newcomers from Europe West – mass migration from Europe began in 1840s during famine in Ireland; voyage to U.S. lasted days with people jammed below ship decks in steerage; 1892 onward European immigrants arrived through Ellis Island (NY); some workers had skills, many more did not; “sojourners” planned to work, save, and return to Europe; approximately one in three immigrants to the U.S. in late 19th/early 20th centuries returned to their homeland. East – Eastern European Jews mostly of German descent; more than 3 million Jews came from Russia, Ukraine, Poland, and elsewhere in Eastern Europe for work and to escape religious persecution.

22 II. Immigrants, East and West
Newcomers from Europe 2. East Eastern European Jews mostly of German descent more than 3 million Jews came from Russia, Ukraine, Poland, and elsewhere in Eastern Europe for work and to escape religious persecution. Immigrants, East and West Newcomers from Europe West – mass migration from Europe began in 1840s during famine in Ireland; voyage to U.S. lasted days with people jammed below ship decks in steerage; 1892 onward European immigrants arrived through Ellis Island (NY); some workers had skills, many more did not; “sojourners” planned to work, save, and return to Europe; approximately one in three immigrants to the U.S. in late 19th/early 20th centuries returned to their homeland. East – Eastern European Jews mostly of German descent; more than 3 million Jews came from Russia, Ukraine, Poland, and elsewhere in Eastern Europe for work and to escape religious persecution.


24 II. Immigrants, East and West
Asian Americans and Exclusion 1. Immigrants first Chinese came to U.S. in 1840s to participate in Gold Rush initially worked in restaurants and laundries discrimination against “Asiatics” intensified during economic depression of 1870s calls for deportation. Chinese Excluded – Chinese Exclusion Act (1882) barred workers from entering country; not repealed until 1943; Korean and Japanese immigrants began arriving at turn of the century; 1906 ruling stated that these new immigrants were not eligible for citizenship; Chinese were nation’s first “illegal immigrants.” 2. Chinese Excluded Immigrants, East and West Asian Americans and Exclusion Immigrants – first Chinese came to U.S. in 1840s to participate in Gold Rush; initially worked in restaurants and laundries; discrimination against “Asiatics” intensified during economic depression of 1870s; calls for deportation. Chinese Excluded – Chinese Exclusion Act (1882) barred workers from entering country; not repealed until 1943; Korean and Japanese immigrants began arriving at turn of the century; 1906 ruling stated that these new immigrants were not eligible for citizenship; Chinese were nation’s first “illegal immigrants.” 24

25 II. Immigrants, East and West
Asian Americans and Exclusion 2. Chinese Excluded Chinese Exclusion Act (1882) barred workers from entering country not repealed until 1943 Korean and Japanese immigrants began arriving at turn of the century 1906 ruling stated that these new immigrants were not eligible for citizenship Chinese were nation’s first “illegal immigrants.” Immigrants, East and West Asian Americans and Exclusion Immigrants – first Chinese came to U.S. in 1840s to participate in Gold Rush; initially worked in restaurants and laundries; discrimination against “Asiatics” intensified during economic depression of 1870s; calls for deportation. Chinese Excluded – Chinese Exclusion Act (1882) barred workers from entering country; not repealed until 1943; Korean and Japanese immigrants began arriving at turn of the century; 1906 ruling stated that these new immigrants were not eligible for citizenship; Chinese were nation’s first “illegal immigrants.” 25

26 1. Describe this cartoon. 1. Describe this cartoon.
(Answer: two men hammering a Republican Plank and Democratic Plank together, squeezing a non-white man in the middle; visible plank reads “Anti-Chinese.”) 2. Who are these two men? (Answer: Students might speculate that these two men are representative of their political parties; Republican James Garfield and Democrat Winfield Scott Hancock.) 3. What does this illustration tell us about 19th-century America? (Answer: both political parties supported excluding Chinese from the country; important in 19th century as immigration was on the rise.)

27 2. Who are these two men? 1. Describe this cartoon.
(Answer: two men hammering a Republican Plank and Democratic Plank together, squeezing a non-white man in the middle; visible plank reads “Anti-Chinese.”) 2. Who are these two men? (Answer: Students might speculate that these two men are representative of their political parties; Republican James Garfield and Democrat Winfield Scott Hancock.) 3. What does this illustration tell us about 19th-century America? (Answer: both political parties supported excluding Chinese from the country; important in 19th century as immigration was on the rise.)

28 3. What does this illustration tell us about 19th-century America?
1. Describe this cartoon. (Answer: two men hammering a Republican Plank and Democratic Plank together, squeezing a non-white man in the middle; visible plank reads “Anti-Chinese.”) 2. Who are these two men? (Answer: Students might speculate that these two men are representative of their political parties; Republican James Garfield and Democrat Winfield Scott Hancock.) 3. What does this illustration tell us about 19th-century America? (Answer: both political parties supported excluding Chinese from the country; important in 19th century as immigration was on the rise.)

29 III. Labor Gets Organized
The Emergence of a Labor Movement 1. Trade Unions workers organizations that sought to negotiate directly with employers for the benefit of the workers an alternative to seeking assistance from politicians in worker-labor disputes striking workers faced being “blacklisted” (not hired) because of action against employers. 2. Agrarians farmers’ advocates; argued against high tariffs because of their negative impact on rural families farmers criticized the railroads, large corporations, and eastern banks National Grange of the Patrons of Husbandry (1867) focused on cooperation and mutual aid among farmers (anti-corporate). 3. Greenback-Labor Party The Knights of Labor 1. A Cooperative Commonwealth 2. Haymarket Square Labor Gets Organized The Emergence of a Labor Movement Trade Unions – workers organizations that sought to negotiate directly with employers for the benefit of the workers; an alternative to seeking assistance from politicians in worker-labor disputes; striking workers faced being “blacklisted” (not hired) because of action against employers. Agrarians – farmers’ advocates; argued against high tariffs because of their negative impact on rural families; farmers criticized the railroads, large corporations, and eastern banks; National Grange of the Patrons of Husbandry (1867) focused on cooperation and mutual aid among farmers (anti-corporate). Greenback-Labor Party – 1870s political organization of Grangers, labor advocates, and workingmen’s parties; protested convict labor and the end of Reconstruction, advocated the protection of the individual man’s vote; wanted an eight-hour workday and an increase of the amount of money in circulation to stimulate the economy; advocates of “producerism”: critical of middle management and advanced the cause of those who labored with their hands; radicalized thousands of farmers. The Knights of Labor A Cooperative Commonwealth – founded in 1869 as a secret society in Philadelphia; led by Terrence Powderly; participated in Greenback Party movement; wanted factories run by employees; open membership; temperance; included skilled craftsmen, domestic workers, textile workers; Leonora Barry, full-time organizer of working women. Haymarket Square – Knights were successful with grassroots, spontaneous strikes; 1886 protest at McCormick reaper in Chicago led to violence; “anarchism”: revolutionary advocacy of a stateless society; May 4, 1886, strike at Haymarket Square became violent and damaged the public image of the labor movement; “yellow-dog contracts”: pledge by workers not to join a union.

30 III. Labor Gets Organized
The Emergence of a Labor Movement 3. Greenback-Labor Party 1870s political organization of Grangers, labor advocates, and workingmen’s parties protested convict labor and the end of Reconstruction, advocated the protection of the individual man’s vote wanted an eight-hour workday and an increase of the amount of money in circulation to stimulate the economy advocates of “producerism”: critical of middle management and advanced the cause of those who labored with their hands radicalized thousands of farmers. The Knights of Labor 1. A Cooperative Commonwealth 2. Haymarket Square Labor Gets Organized The Emergence of a Labor Movement Trade Unions – workers organizations that sought to negotiate directly with employers for the benefit of the workers; an alternative to seeking assistance from politicians in worker-labor disputes; striking workers faced being “blacklisted” (not hired) because of action against employers. Agrarians – farmers’ advocates; argued against high tariffs because of their negative impact on rural families; farmers criticized the railroads, large corporations, and eastern banks; National Grange of the Patrons of Husbandry (1867) focused on cooperation and mutual aid among farmers (anti-corporate). Greenback-Labor Party – 1870s political organization of Grangers, labor advocates, and workingmen’s parties; protested convict labor and the end of Reconstruction, advocated the protection of the individual man’s vote; wanted an eight-hour workday and an increase of the amount of money in circulation to stimulate the economy; advocates of “producerism”: critical of middle management and advanced the cause of those who labored with their hands; radicalized thousands of farmers. The Knights of Labor A Cooperative Commonwealth – founded in 1869 as a secret society in Philadelphia; led by Terrence Powderly; participated in Greenback Party movement; wanted factories run by employees; open membership; temperance; included skilled craftsmen, domestic workers, textile workers; Leonora Barry, full-time organizer of working women. Haymarket Square – Knights were successful with grassroots, spontaneous strikes; 1886 protest at McCormick reaper in Chicago led to violence; “anarchism”: revolutionary advocacy of a stateless society; May 4, 1886, strike at Haymarket Square became violent and damaged the public image of the labor movement; “yellow-dog contracts”: pledge by workers not to join a union.

31 III. Labor Gets Organized
The Knights of Labor 1. A Cooperative Commonwealth founded in 1869 as a secret society in Philadelphia; led by Terrence Powderly participated in Greenback Party movement; wanted factories run by employees open membership Temperance included skilled craftsmen, domestic workers, textile workers Leonora Barry, full-time organizer of working women. Haymarket SquareHaymarket Square – Knights were successful with grassroots, spontaneous strikes; 1886 protest at McCormick reaper in Chicago led to violence; “anarchism”: revolutionary advocacy of a stateless society; May 4, 1886, strike at Haymarket Square became violent and damaged the public image of the labor movement; “yellow-dog contracts”: pledge by workers not to join a union. Labor Gets Organized The Emergence of a Labor Movement Trade Unions – workers organizations that sought to negotiate directly with employers for the benefit of the workers; an alternative to seeking assistance from politicians in worker-labor disputes; striking workers faced being “blacklisted” (not hired) because of action against employers. Agrarians – farmers’ advocates; argued against high tariffs because of their negative impact on rural families; farmers criticized the railroads, large corporations, and eastern banks; National Grange of the Patrons of Husbandry (1867) focused on cooperation and mutual aid among farmers (anti-corporate). Greenback-Labor Party – 1870s political organization of Grangers, labor advocates, and workingmen’s parties; protested convict labor and the end of Reconstruction, advocated the protection of the individual man’s vote; wanted an eight-hour workday and an increase of the amount of money in circulation to stimulate the economy; advocates of “producerism”: critical of middle management and advanced the cause of those who labored with their hands; radicalized thousands of farmers. The Knights of Labor A Cooperative Commonwealth – founded in 1869 as a secret society in Philadelphia; led by Terrence Powderly; participated in Greenback Party movement; wanted factories run by employees; open membership; temperance; included skilled craftsmen, domestic workers, textile workers; Leonora Barry, full-time organizer of working women. Haymarket Square – Knights were successful with grassroots, spontaneous strikes; 1886 protest at McCormick reaper in Chicago led to violence; “anarchism”: revolutionary advocacy of a stateless society; May 4, 1886, strike at Haymarket Square became violent and damaged the public image of the labor movement; “yellow-dog contracts”: pledge by workers not to join a union.

32 III. Labor Gets Organized
The Knights of Labor Haymarket Square Knights were successful with grassroots, spontaneous strikes 1886 protest at McCormick reaper in Chicago led to violence “anarchism”: revolutionary advocacy of a stateless society May 4, 1886, strike at Haymarket Square became violent and damaged the public image of the labor movement “yellow-dog contracts”: pledge by workers not to join a union. Labor Gets Organized The Emergence of a Labor Movement Trade Unions – workers organizations that sought to negotiate directly with employers for the benefit of the workers; an alternative to seeking assistance from politicians in worker-labor disputes; striking workers faced being “blacklisted” (not hired) because of action against employers. Agrarians – farmers’ advocates; argued against high tariffs because of their negative impact on rural families; farmers criticized the railroads, large corporations, and eastern banks; National Grange of the Patrons of Husbandry (1867) focused on cooperation and mutual aid among farmers (anti-corporate). Greenback-Labor Party – 1870s political organization of Grangers, labor advocates, and workingmen’s parties; protested convict labor and the end of Reconstruction, advocated the protection of the individual man’s vote; wanted an eight-hour workday and an increase of the amount of money in circulation to stimulate the economy; advocates of “producerism”: critical of middle management and advanced the cause of those who labored with their hands; radicalized thousands of farmers. The Knights of Labor A Cooperative Commonwealth – founded in 1869 as a secret society in Philadelphia; led by Terrence Powderly; participated in Greenback Party movement; wanted factories run by employees; open membership; temperance; included skilled craftsmen, domestic workers, textile workers; Leonora Barry, full-time organizer of working women. Haymarket Square – Knights were successful with grassroots, spontaneous strikes; 1886 protest at McCormick reaper in Chicago led to violence; “anarchism”: revolutionary advocacy of a stateless society; May 4, 1886, strike at Haymarket Square became violent and damaged the public image of the labor movement; “yellow-dog contracts”: pledge by workers not to join a union.

33 III. Labor Gets Organized
Farmers and Workers: The Cooperative Alliance 1. Farmers’ Alliance rural movement founded in Texas in 1870s largest farm-based political movement in U.S. history; advocated cooperative stores and exchanges to remove middlemen from sales “subtreasury system”: federal government would hold crops in public warehouse, issue loans on their value until they could be sold cooperated with the Knights of Labor. 2. Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC) investigated interstate shipping, forced railroads to make their rates public, could sue over unreasonable rates compromise between farmer-labor advocates and those sympathetic to big business ICC’s power was eroded over time by Supreme Court rulings Labor Gets Organized Farmers and Workers: The Cooperative Alliance Farmers’ Alliance – rural movement founded in Texas in 1870s; largest farm-based political movement in U.S. history; advocated cooperative stores and exchanges to remove middlemen from sales; “subtreasury system”: federal government would hold crops in public warehouse, issue loans on their value until they could be sold; cooperated with the Knights of Labor. Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC) – investigated interstate shipping, forced railroads to make their rates public, could sue over unreasonable rates; compromise between farmer-labor advocates and those sympathetic to big business; ICC’s power was eroded over time by Supreme Court rulings.

34 1. In Viktor, Colorado, angry miners exploded the shaft house and boiler at the Strong Mine during a labor dispute in How might Americans living in industrial and agricultural communities have responded to this image in their newspapers? 1. In Viktor, Colorado, angry miners exploded the shaft house and boiler at the Strong Mine during a labor dispute in How might Americans living in industrial and agricultural communities have responded to this image in their newspapers? (Answer: middle and upper-class Americans generally disliked the social unrest and violence that resulted from labor disputes because they were the owners and managers of the factories, the land, and the mines; extended disputes could result in price increases and service interruptions.) 2. In the late 19th century workers found themselves embroiled in conflicts with employers that often resulted in strikes. As in this case in Colorado, why did workers sometimes resort to violence? (Answer: workers’ frustrations led to destruction of property, a symbol of corporate wealth, a way to hurt the owners/managers directly.)

35 2. In the late 19th century workers found themselves embroiled in conflicts with employers that often resulted in strikes. As in this case in Colorado, why did workers sometimes resort to violence? 1. In Viktor, Colorado, angry miners exploded the shaft house and boiler at the Strong Mine during a labor dispute in How might Americans living in industrial and agricultural communities have responded to this image in their newspapers? (Answer: middle and upper-class Americans generally disliked the social unrest and violence that resulted from labor disputes because they were the owners and managers of the factories, the land, and the mines; extended disputes could result in price increases and service interruptions.) 2. In the late 19th century workers found themselves embroiled in conflicts with employers that often resulted in strikes. As in this case in Colorado, why did workers sometimes resort to violence? (Answer: workers’ frustrations led to destruction of property, a symbol of corporate wealth, a way to hurt the owners/managers directly.)

36 III. Labor Gets Organized
Another Path: The American Federation of Labor 1. Samuel Gompers after Haymarket some K of L workers joined together to form American Federation of Labor (AFL) Gompers (Dutch-Jewish cigar maker) led until 1924 demanded that workers earn greater share of corporate profit. 2. “Pure and Simple Unionism” Gompers’s doctrine: membership strictly limited to workers, organized by craft and occupation, no reliance on outside advisers only those goals that immediately benefited workers: better wages, work hours, conditions advocated collective bargaining membership grew to more than 2 million by 1904 not inclusive of women or blacks. Labor Gets Organized Another Path: The American Federation of Labor Samuel Gompers – after Haymarket some K of L workers joined together to form American Federation of Labor (AFL); Gompers (Dutch-Jewish cigar maker) led until 1924; demanded that workers earn greater share of corporate profit. “Pure and Simple Unionism” – Gompers’s doctrine: membership strictly limited to workers, organized by craft and occupation, no reliance on outside advisers; only those goals that immediately benefited workers: better wages, work hours, conditions; advocated collective bargaining; membership grew to more than 2 million by 1904; not inclusive of women or blacks. 36

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