1. 2 FRC 2010 Robot and Dashboard Projects Doug Norman & Stephanie Brierty National Instruments January 8, 2010.

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2 2 FRC 2010 Robot and Dashboard Projects Doug Norman & Stephanie Brierty National Instruments January 8, 2010

3 3 What You Will Learn How to create a Robot Project  The architecture  The important subVIs  How to add your own code  How to send data to the Dashboard How to create a Dashboard Project  How to display data sent from the Robot Want to learn from the master? www.frcmastery.com

4 4 Start from the Getting Started Window View>>Getting Started Window… Project Wizards

5 5 FRC Robot Project Wizard Project name Project folder cRIO IP Address  Team number Click Finish

6 6 Robot Project Project will be saved and open Expand Team Code folder  Notice subVIs to edit Open Robot Main.vi Build Specifications  Where you build your exe to run on the robot

7 7 Robot Main.vi Begin.vi Autonomous Iterative.vi Teleop.vi Build Dashboard Data.vi

8 8 Robot Main.vi Vision Processing.vi Periodic Tasks.vi Start Communication.vi Disabled.vi Finish.vi

9 9 Begin.vi This is where you initialize everything Choose Autonomous Independent or Iterative Open VIs followed by RefNum Registry Set VIs

10 10 Autonomous Independent.vi Open from the project or from Begin.vi diagram (double-click) Enable code by changing Boolean constant to T Edit code in the True case

11 11 Autonomous Iterative.vi Does nothing if you chose Independent in Begin.vi Otherwise its code runs iteratively like Teleop.vi Should you use Autonomous Independent or Iterative?  Want a For Loop or While Loop? Use Independent

12 12 Teleop.vi Main code for driving robot Read joysticks, sensors, etc. Drive motors, actuators, etc. This is the VI you are most likely to edit

13 13 Build Dashboard Data.vi Currently sends back analog, digital, relays, PWM, and solenoid data You could add to this data You could remove it all and start from scratch Notice this uses Set Low Priority Dashboard Data.vi

14 14 Editing the Robot Code Suppose we want to add a gyro for direction In Begin.vi we need to add:  Open VI  Set Gain VI  RefNum Registry Set VI In Teleop.vi we need to add:  RefNum Registry Get VI  Get Angle VI

15 15 Sending Robot Data to the Dashboard We could edit Build DashBoard Data VI  Add our new data to the Dashboard Data cluster  Edit Dashboard Main VI (in Dashboard project)  Uses the Set Low Priority Dashboard Data VI Suppose we have important Teleop data  Use the Set High Priority Dashboard Data VI  Send gyro data directly from Teleop VI

16 16 FRC Dashboard Project Wizard Project name Project folder Click Finish

17 17 Dashboard Project Project will be saved and open Expand Helper VIs  Notice Receive DS Packet VI Open Dashboard Main.vi Build Specifications  Where you build your exe if you want to replace DS Dashboard

18 18 Editing the Dashboard Code If you edited Build DashBoard Data VI on robot  Use the Low Priority User Data string from Receive DS Packet VI on Dashboard Main VI If you used Set High Priority Dashboard Data VI on the robot (our Teleop VI example)  Use the High Priority User Data string from Receive DS Packet VI on Dashboard Main VI Either way use Unflatten From String primitive

19 19 Editing the Dashboard Code Receive DS Packet VI is part of Dashboard project Functions>>Numeric>>Data Manipulation  Flatten To String  Unflatten From String High Priority User Data

20 20 Conclusion Easily create and edit a Robot Project for robot code Quickly customize a Dashboard Project Pass live data from Robot to Dashboard More resources:  frcmastery.com  ni.com/first Questions?

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