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Pin Curls and Finger Waves

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1 Pin Curls and Finger Waves

2 Finger Waving- the process of shaping and directing the hair into an “S” pattern through the use of fingers, combs, and waving lotion Waving Lotion- a type of hair gel that makes the hair pliable enough to keep it in place during the finger waving procedure

3 Parts of a curl Parts of a curl:
Base- foundation of the curl (area closest to the scalp) Stem- section between the base of the curl and the first arc of the circle (gives curl direction and movement) Circle- part of the curl that forms a complete circle (determines the width and wave of the curl)

4 Mobility of a curl: No-stem curl- placed directly on the base of the curl (tight, firm, long-lasting curl) Half-stem curl- placed half off the base (medium movement) Full stem- placed completely off the base (allows for greatest mobility)

5 Open-center curl- produces smooth, uniform waves
Closed-center curl- produces waves that get smaller in size toward the ends of the hair

6 Curl and Stem direction:
Pin curl bases: Rectangular- side front hairline Triangular- front/ facial hairline

7 Arc- hairline or nape for direction
Square- all areas (produces not much lift)

8 Cascade or stand-up pin curls- stand off the base and create height
Barrel Curls- stand off of a rectangular base and have wide center openings (similar to a roller set)


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