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The Book – our masterpiece Outcomes from groupwork by Jack, Stash, Ani, Jan, Andre and not forgetting Claus)

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Presentation on theme: "The Book – our masterpiece Outcomes from groupwork by Jack, Stash, Ani, Jan, Andre and not forgetting Claus)"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Book – our masterpiece Outcomes from groupwork by Jack, Stash, Ani, Jan, Andre and not forgetting Claus)

2 The proposal document states: C.A book containing guidelines for teacher education, emphasizing - The value of life-long learning (that is the importance of continuous development) and its role for the promotion of scientific literacy. The potentialities of collaboration between teachers of different European countries will also be stressed and the thematic network idea explained. These guidelines will be illustrated by concrete examples experienced during the implementation of the programme for teacher education;

3 Concept of the book A book aimed at science educators; PhD students, science education researchers to support the EuSTD-Web concept for the professional development of teachers; rather than to practising teachers so as to help them in their teaching. A book with chapters about 10-20 pages, drawing on existing literature, but putting forward the SySTEM/EuSTD-Web idea.

4 A Possible Title Enacting a European Dimension of Science Teacher Professional Development

5 Make-up of the book Introduction followed by 4 sections

6 Sections of the book Section 1 The why, what and how to develop science teacher professionality Ch 1: The need; rationale; purpose Ch 2: The underlying philosophy (scientific literacy) Ch 3: On-line learning within teacher professional development

7 Section 2 Education Intentions within each country; leading to identifying the European dimension for teacher professional development. Ch 1: Curriculum intentions - re- system and school science in 8 European countries. Ch 2: Intentions re- teaching of science subjects (+ professional development of teachers). Ch 3: The European dimension (drawing the intentions together – the commonalities and guidelines).

8 Section 3 The Structure of Eu STD- Web Ch 1: The Gateway (rationale and operation*) Ch 2: Level II (link to gateway, operation) Ch 3: Level III (link to level II, operation) Ch 4: The European dimension (cross national at level III; the award of a certificate) * Includes role of tutor/instructor

9 Section 4 Examples of the EuSTD-Web idea Some Examples of modules including conclusions from outcomes of the piloting. (This is not a description of the modules, but illustrating how the module fits the earlier ideas given in sections 1,2,3). How many examples ??? (to be decided)

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