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China Wetlands Cohort First University Phase: Week 2 (11/8/10 – 11/12/10)

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Presentation on theme: "China Wetlands Cohort First University Phase: Week 2 (11/8/10 – 11/12/10)"— Presentation transcript:

1 China Wetlands Cohort First University Phase: Week 2 (11/8/10 – 11/12/10)

2 Training objectives Goals of the 1 st University Phase Instill in Campaign Managers… o A strong understanding of the Pride methodology o Knowledge of the foundations of social marketing o Understanding of community co-management principles o The ability and confidence to coordinate a complex project Goals of Week 2 Provide Campaign Managers with… o Detailed understanding of the principles behind Rare’s theory of change o An overview of Rare’s “3C” model o Social marketing basics o A refresher on key biodiversity and wetlands issues o Knowledge of project management fundamentals o Improved understanding of quantitative methods o Increased competency in using RarePlanet

3 Literature review & Site assessment Stakeholder identification Threat identification & concept modeling Threat ranking & prioritization Sources of stress Identify barriers to threat mitigation Identify barrier removal strategies BRAVO (verify strategy assumptions & options ) Identify barrier removal partners Preliminary target audience identification Draft results chain Preliminary objectives Target audience research (surveys) Audience segmentation Identify sources and key influencers BROP (refine barrier removal strategy) SMART objectives & indicators Monitoring plan Finalized theory of change Align barrier removal & outreach strategies Creative brief development Creative concept development Message development Determination of marketing media mix Work plan Materials design Message and materials pre-testing Message and materials refinement Identify & engage production vendors Materials production Material distribution & activity strategy Coordinated campaign rollout Monitor campaign rollout on RarePlanet Post-campaign survey & data analysis Write & distribute final report Refine strategy using lessons learned Develop plan for sustained impact & funding Implement follow-up campaign OrientationPlanningImplementationAnalysis Progress in the Pride model

4 Fundamentals of Pride methodology Principles of marketing and communication Campaign Managers learned the fundamentals of social marketing, reviewing examples from various disciplines and industries of successful behavior change efforts. Activities helped demonstrate the importance of consistent communication and messaging. Theory of change and the 3 C’s The PPMs taught the cohort the psychological, economic, and ecological reasoning behind Rare’s theory of change. They also presented Rare’s strategy map to the Campaign Managers, introducing the concepts of capacity, constituency, and conservation. The team stressed the importance of Campaign Managers’ involving their organizations in Pride campaigns to the greatest extent possible, so as to insure lasting capacity.

5 Scientific foundations of the theory of change Guest lecture: biodiversity Professor Zhou Wei of Southwest Forestry University presented an overview of biodiversity: its importance, its greatest threats, and modern models used to combat these threats. Dr. Zhou is a class favorite, combining broad knowledge of biology with dry humor to keep everyone attentive and engaged. Guest lecture: wetland health Dr. Tian Kun, a wetland expert from Southwest Forestry University, discussed the ecological topics most relevant to the cohort. He refreshed the Campaign Managers on the ecosystem services that wetlands provide, and discussed current threats facing China’s wetlands, including overfishing, destructive gear, agricultural runoff, and eutrophication.

6 Managing projects, in theory and on RarePlanet Guest lecture: project management Southwest Forestry University’s Li Xiaolong, professor of ecotourism, presented concepts, tools and techniques of project management that will guide the Campaign Managers through the two-year process. In a separate lecture this week, he discussed quantitative methods to start preparing the cohort for the intensive survey process. Introduction to RarePlanet After two weeks of trial and error, Campaign Managers were treated to a RarePlanet overview by Tingting. She taught the whole session from the perspective of a CM, showing them how to blog, upload milestones, add resources, and follow each other’s campaigns. Campaign Managers brought their laptops to follow along, so the team could troubleshoot on the spot.

7 Photo highlights: guest lectures

8 Photo highlights: activities and energizers

9 Campaign Managers’ anonymous feedback “Professor Tian Kun’s session on wetland conservation was vivid and well prepared. I benefited a lot from the session.” “The curriculum design was very good. Rare involved lot of external experts this week to maintain our interest and passion, which was great!” “Learning social marketing theory was very important for running the Pride campaign.” “It’s stressful having to learn so much information so quickly.” How the 7 Campaign Managers felt on Friday

10 Meet a Campaign Manager! “Wetland Pioneers for Watershed Restoration” Zhang Hong

11 This week’s pioneer: Zhang Hong CM Overview Given name: Hong Family name: Zhang Organization: Anqing Riparian Wetlands Waterbird Reserve Agency Zhang Hong is an experienced wildlife conservation practitioner, with both management and field experience. He has helped measure and monitor the populations of endangered waterfowl along the Yangtze river for both WWF and GEF. Campaign Overview Campaign Site: Anqing Riparian Wetlands Waterbird ReserveAnqing Riparian Wetlands Waterbird Reserve Province: Anhui Key Threats: Unsustainable crab farming, eutrophication, electric shock fishing, fixed nets set in lakebed. Flagship Species: Hooded Crane (Grus monacha)

12 Moment of Zen

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