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Some Random Nervous System Trivia Two Parts of the Nervous System Central Nervous System CNS (blue) – Brain and spinal cord – Control center Peripheral.

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Presentation on theme: "Some Random Nervous System Trivia Two Parts of the Nervous System Central Nervous System CNS (blue) – Brain and spinal cord – Control center Peripheral."— Presentation transcript:



3 Some Random Nervous System Trivia Two Parts of the Nervous System Central Nervous System CNS (blue) – Brain and spinal cord – Control center Peripheral Nervous System PNS (pink) – Made of nerves that transmit information in the form of electrical impulses from the CNS to the rest of the body Brain is protected by skull Avg. size of adult human brain: 3 pounds

4 Brain is divided into 3 MAJOR Parts Cerebrum – Orange, wrinkly walnut looking part Cerebellum – Blue cauliflower looking thing Brain Stem – Brown stem looking thing



7 Cerebrum Largest part of brain Divided into 2 “cerebral Hemispheres” Each hemisphere is divided into 4 LOBES (FPO-t) – Frontal – Temporal – Parietal – Occipital

8 Match the picture with the lobe! (might match more than one!) A. Frontal reasoning, planning, parts of speech, movement, emotions, and problem solving B. Temporal associated with perception and recognition of auditory stimuli, memory, and speech C. Parietal associated with movement, orientation, recognition, perception of stimuli D. Occipital associated with visual processing 1. 6. 5. 4.3. 2. 7. 8.

9 Cerebellum Second largest part of brain “little brain” JOB: – Coordinate Movements – Posture – Maintain balance – Damage or injury to the part of this brain will make your movements jerky and uncoordinated


11 Brain Stem Three MAJOR Parts (M-P-M): – Midbrain – Pons – Medulla Oblongata Controls MOST important functions that keep us alive Automatically controls: – Breathing – Heartbeat – Blood pressure – Circulation Imagine if this wasn’t controlled automatically??? What if you forgot to breathe?? Def NOT good!

12 Midbrain – Voluntary motor function – Vision – Hearing – Eye movement – Body movement Pons – Motor control – Sensory analysis Medulla Oblongata – Maintains VITAL body functions Breathing Heart rate Brain Stem



15 Cerebrum Everything You Need To Know




19 Know the Different Views

20 Right Brained vs. left Brained Right side of the brain is connected to the left side of the body Left side of the brain is connected to the right side of your body Reason: – the nerves connecting the brain and the spinal cord cross to the opposite side. Right handed people depend on left side of brain – Good at solving problems, math, language, analytical Left handed People depend on right side of brain – good in music, art, creativity, story telling




24 Practice naming the structures! 1.Temporal lobe 2.Parietal lobe 3.Frontal lobe 4.Occipital lobe 5.Cerebrum 6.Cerebellum 7.Brainstem 8.Midbrain 9.Pons 10.Medulla A D C B

25 1.Temporal lobe 2.Parietal lobe 3.Frontal lobe 4.Occipital lobe 5.Cerebrum 6.Cerebellum 7.Brainstem 8.Midbrain 9.Pons 10.Medulla G E D C B F A

26 1.Temporal lobe 2.Parietal lobe 3.Frontal lobe 4.Occipital lobe 5.Cerebrum 6.Cerebellum 7.Brainstem 8.Midbrain 9.Pons 10.Medulla G E D C B F A H


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