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The INTERREG IVB NWE Programme: an overview. The Lisbon Agenda (Strategy-2020) EU’s blueprint for competiveness and sustainable growth Lisbon StrategyCohesion.

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Presentation on theme: "The INTERREG IVB NWE Programme: an overview. The Lisbon Agenda (Strategy-2020) EU’s blueprint for competiveness and sustainable growth Lisbon StrategyCohesion."— Presentation transcript:

1 The INTERREG IVB NWE Programme: an overview

2 The Lisbon Agenda (Strategy-2020) EU’s blueprint for competiveness and sustainable growth Lisbon StrategyCohesion Policy Financial Resources (Structural Funds)

3 Objectives, Structural Funds and instruments 2007-2013 ERDF ESF Cohesion Fund Convergence Regional Competitiveness and Employment European territorial Cooperation ERDF ESF ObjectivesStructural Funds and instruments

4 NWE Eligible Area Ireland UK Belgium Luxembourg Switzerland* Parts of France Germany Netherlands

5 Cooperation Area Characteristics  845,000 km²  21% of the EU territory  180m inhabitants  39.5% of EU population  307 inhabitants per km²  75% of the population lives in densely populated urban areas

6 Programme goal  AIM: to improve employment opportunities, enhance the environmental qualities, improve transport solutions and finally ensure that our cities and rural areas are sustainable.  HOW: through concrete cooperation projects by using the existing territorial assets, thus delivering the maximum result with the highest leverage.  FUNDS: in total 355M ERDF (European Regional Development Fund). Approved projects receive up to 50% ERDF of their total cost.

7 4 Programme Priorities 1.Developing the NWE knowledge-based economy by capitalising on our capacity for INNOVATION 2.Sustainable management of NATURAL RESOURCES and of natural and technological risks 3.Improving CONNECTIVITY in NWE by promoting intelligent and sustainable transport and ICT solutions 4.Promoting strong and prosperous COMMUNITIES at transnational level

8 Available Funds Total ERDF budget (2007-2013): 334,116,695 €

9 Available Funds under Priority 4 ERDF budget (2007-2013): 68 480 191€

10 ERDF approved per Objective

11 The key concept: Transnational Cooperation is essential at all stages of a project! Transnationality Or how to bake the same cake... Are you each bringing a cake to the party? Or bringing unique ingredients to bake a shared cake?

12 The key principles What kind of projects we fund?  Innovation: positive & sustainable change, include new ideas and cooperation approaches, demonstrate clear added value compared to previous initiatives  Tangibility and transferability of results: S.M.A.R.T. outputs, activities “near the market”, test sites or investments, results applicable to other regions, solutions with long lasting impact  Consistent partnership: representation of key actors and stakeholders, different political and administrative levels  Good Value for money: tangible and measurable outputs that correspond to the EU financial input.

13 A successful story under Priority 4 on promoting Prosperous Communities PROJECTWHY PORTICO Towards future-proof historic cities The 4 cities face similar challenges: how to protect their cultural heritage & deal with the Malta Treaty. Propose tailor-made & innovative solutions on archeologically friendly building techniques. Pilot investments create leverage as they are part of overarching development strategies. Capitalise on Planarch & Crossing the Lines (IIIB NWE)

14 Any questions

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