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Presentation on theme: "Summaries."— Presentation transcript:

1 Summaries

2 What is a summary?

3 A summary covers the main points of a work (writing, movie, speech, article, etc.)

4 You will be writing summaries using the IVF format.
Why write a summary? Find main (key) ideas Leave out extra & unimportant information Demonstrate that you understand what you read Increase comprehension You will be writing summaries using the IVF format.

5 What does IVF mean? I = Identify V = Verb F = Finish the thought

6 How to set up your paper for an IVF summary

7 Step 1: Fold your paper burrito style (3 columns)
Name Period Date

8 Step 2: Label the columns
Name Period Date Identify Verb Finish the thought

9 Step 3: Prepare the information
Name Period Date Identify Verb (choose 1) Finish the thought · Author describes · Genre (type explains or kind) tells · Title Identify as many of these as possible!!

10 Example IVF summary Identify Gary Soto’s short story “Seventh Grade”
Verb (choose one) explains tells describes Finish the thought a seventh grade boy’s first day of school and how he tries to impress a girl.

11 Now what do I do? Identify Gary Soto’s short story “Seventh Grade”
Verb (choose one) explains tells describes Finish the thought a seventh grade boy’s first day of school and how he tries to impress a girl. Write your summary sentence: Gary Soto’s short story “Seventh Grade” describes a seventh grade boy’s first day of school and how he tries to impress a girl.

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